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Arabella Adekoya is a second-year BA (Hons) in Sport, Business and Coaching student at SETU’s Kilkenny Road Campus in Carlow. 

The Kildare native is a successful hurdler on the national and European stage, having won a host of indoor championships and invitational events over the last number of years. Away from offering countless opportunities to further her sporting potential, Arabella credits SETU’s healthy societies scene for helping her define her interests outside of sport.  

Perfect Match 

Top facilities and a positive atmosphere ensure that SETU is the perfect match for me. The campus always feels secure, familiar, and welcoming. What’s more, the staff are incredibly kind and helpful, which makes you feel right at home.  

Training facilities 

I decided to study at SETU because it offers a diverse range of courses in addition to the campus’ fantastic training facilities. Another reason I why chose to study here was because the campus is close to my home. This meant a handy walking distance to the University’s facilities, making it easier to juggle lectures, studying, and of course, athletics. I saved so much money by not forking out for rent that I was able to pay for driving lessons and obtain a full driving licence.  

"Exploring new hobbies while still competing at a high level has pushed my aspirations even further. This only served to strengthen my dedication to SETU."

Arabella Adekoya SETU Sport Scholarship student


My life as a sports scholarship student at SETU has been a journey of dedication and development. Representing SETU at Loughborough University in England and placing first in my heat was a memorable experience. This trip allowed SETU’s Athletics Club competitors to develop a strong bond, as well as drive to do our college proud. The opportunities and support the scholarship provided have shaped my athletics ambitions. 


Clubs and societies can help you discover your interests and enable opportunities to pursue them further. I joined the African and Caribbean Society in my first year and later became its president. Our largest event this year was Love at First Sight, our spin on the popular TV show Take Me Out. Joining this society has been a milestone moment as it has helped me to discover who I am away from athletics. Exploring new hobbies while still competing at a high level has pushed my aspirations even further. This only served to strengthen my dedication to SETU.