Masters by Research
A Masters by Research is a 24-month Level 9 degree that consists of a major research project. The research project is completed under the supervision of a supervisory panel.
The learning outcomes of a Masters by Research are:
- A systematic understanding of knowledge, at, or informed by, the forefront of a field of learning.
- A critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights, generally informed by the forefront of a field of learning.
- Demonstrate a range of standard and specialized research or equivalent tools and techniques of enquiry.
- Select from complex and advanced skills across a field of learning; develop new skills to a high level, including novel and emerging techniques.
- Act in a wide and often unpredictable variety of professional levels and ill-defined contexts.
- Take significant responsibility for the work of individuals and groups; lead and initiate activity.
- Learn to self-evaluate and take responsibility for continuing academic/ professional development.
- Scrutinise and reflect on social norms and relationships and act to change them.
- In SETU, it is possible to Transfer from a Masters by Research registration to a PhD with the support of the supervisory panel and department through the PhD Confirmation process.
Structured PhD
A Structured PhD is a 48-month Level 10 degree that consists of a major original research project that contributes to existing knowledge and the completion of 30 ECTS of taught modules.
There is one mandatory module (Research Integrity and Ethics 5 ECTS); the other 25 ECTS of the credit bearing element of the programme are electives identified as part of a research and training plan consisting of Universal and Project-specific Pathway Modules.
The research project is completed under the supervision of a supervisory panel. All PhD students must complete a PhD Confirmation process.
The learning outcomes of a Structured PhD are:
- A systematic acquisition and understanding of a substantial body of knowledge which is at the forefront of a field of learning.
- The creation and interpretation of new knowledge, through original research, or other advanced scholarship, of a quality to satisfy review by peers.
- Demonstrate a significant range of the principal skills, techniques, tools, practices and/or materials which are associated with a field of learning; develop new skills, techniques, tools, practices and/or materials.
- Respond to abstract problems that expand and redefine existing procedural knowledge.
- Exercise personal responsibility and largely autonomous initiative in complex and unpredictable situations, in professional or equivalent contexts.
- Communicate results of research and innovation to peers; engage in critical dialogue; lead and originate complex social processes.
- Learn to critique the broader implications of applying knowledge to particular contexts.
- Scrutinise and reflect on social norms and relationships and lead action to change them.