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The Centre for INformation SYstems and TEchno-culture (INSYTE) is an interdisciplinary, cross-school research centre in the field of information systems and organizations. In 2006 INSYTE was one of the largest research groups in the Institute of Technology (now Technological University) sector in terms of postgraduate numbers. INSYTE offers a combination of part-time and full-time research programmes and can accommodate international students located overseas.

Based on research since 1991, INSYTE’s prime focus is high quality, scholarly output at the cutting edge of emerging digital paradigms in systems and technologies and their social impact. The centre brings together a range of disciplines from across the university to tackle pressing challenges of the emerging digital paradigm. We offer deep insights into how technological and social systems can be co-designed in an ethical way to deliver sustainable performance. In the past two years a major focus of our work has been the development of human-machine intelligence systems using smart data systems and human-centred systems design. computing and engineering, as well as diversity and marginalisation in the digital society.

Technologies and Methodologies:

  • Smart Data and Metadata Standardisation.
  • Machine Intelligence.
  • 2D and 3D Digitisation Techniques.
  • Robotics.

Indicative Areas of Publication:

  • Intelligent Human-Machine Systems Engineering and Methods.
  • Smart Data and Data Science.
  • Digital Cultural Heritage.
  • Diversity, Inclusion  and Exclusion.
  • Knowledge Management.

INSYTE Centre for Information Systems and Technoculture

Since the dawn of time people have developed ways of communicating, recording important information, and using this to work and live together. In the digital age, the technology to communicate, record and apply information may be markedly different, but the premise is the same: information is about communicating knowledge and meaning between people. INSYTE embraces this “human-centred systems” philosophy by focusing upon the people and communities who use digital systems to live and work, including the cultural patterns, organisational impacts and societal change this brings about.

Research themes at INSYTE include Human Centred Systems and Human-Machine Symbiosis, Socially-Responsible Tech Development, Intelligent Data: Linked Data and Smart Data, Digital Cultural Heritage, Human and Social Factors in Computing, Metadata standards for data-sharing across the web, and many more,  Since its inception in 2001, INSYTE have collaborated with researchers in over thirty countries, regularly publishing in leading academic journals and international conferences, and have graduated more than twenty postgraduate students with research degrees up to PhD level.

Emerging waves of digital technologies continue to impact and disrupt our lives in ways never seen before, offering both wonderful potential and perilous danger to the human condition and our shared global society.  INSYTE are dedicated to understanding these emerging trends and offering socially-responsible technology leadership in this brave new digital world.

INSYTE Fulltime Faculty Members                                                                            

Science and Computing

Brenda O’Neill (Centre Director)

Dr. Larry Stapleton

Dr. Peter Carew

Dr. Sinead O’Neill

Dr. Anita Kealy

Brenda O’Neill

Liam Doyle

Patrick McInerney

Cian Murphy


Dr. Mary Doyle-Kent


Dr. John Organ

Darren Byrne


Breda Walsh-Shanahan


Dr. Jennifer O’Mahoney

Luke Wadding Library

Kieran Cronin

Terry O’Brien

Independent Researcher

Noeleen Donnelly

Industry Research Associates

Orlagh Costelloe [Abbott, Kilkenny] 

International Journals, Books & Book Readings:

A. Astolfi, L. Eriksson, H. Ishii, K. Janschek, M. Khammash, J. Lee, H. Panetto, K. Schilling and L. Stapleton (2020). Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automation and Control,, Berlin, July 2020, Elsevier: North Holland.

A. Topalov, P.Kopacek & L. Stapleton (eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 19th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability, North Holland: Elsevier.

'La France Fracturee: From La Marche des Beurs to Les Gilets Jaunes', in C Maignant, S Tondeur et al (Eds) Margins & Marginalities in France and Ireland: A Socio-cultural Perspective (2020), London & Bern, Peter Lang

L. Stapleton (2018). “International Stability in a Digital World: Emerging Trends in Machine Intelligence, Environmental Sustainability and Society”, Artificial Intelligence and Society, 33 (2), pp. 159-162.

J. Organ & L. Stapleton (2016). “Technologist Engagement with Risk Management Practices during Systems Development: Approaches, Effectiveness and Challenges”, Artificial Intelligence and Society, 13 (3), pp. 347-359.

L. Stapleton (2016). “Technology, Culture and International Stability (editorial)”, Artificial Intelligence and Society (Special Issue on International Systems Stability. Culture and Technology), forthcoming.

A. Kealy & L. Stapleton (2015). “Rebuilding Hope in Post-Conflict Regions: Telemedicine in Kosovo”, M. Hersh (ed.), Ethical Engineering for International Development and Environmental Stability, Springer-Verlag: London, pp 275-292.

L. Stapleton (2014). “International Systems Stability, Culture and Technology” (editorial), Artificial Intelligence and Society (Special Issue on International Systems Stability. Culture and Technology), 29 (2), pp. 139-142.

A. Kealy & L. Stapleton (2014). “Symbols Of Hope: A Case Study Of Telemedicine Projects In Post Conflict Regions”, Journal of Information Technology Case & Applications Research (JITCAR), 14 (3) pp. 3-32.

S. Somers & L. Stapleton (2014). “e-Agriculture Innovation Using a Human Centred Systems Lens”, Artificial Intelligence and Society (Special Issue on International Systems Stability, Culture and Technology) 29 (2) pp. 193-202.

P. Carew, L. Stapleton (2014). “Towards Empathy: A Human-Centred Analysis of Rationality, Ethics and Praxis in Systems Development”, Artificial Intelligence and Society (Special Issue on International Systems Stability, Culture and Technology) 29 (2), pp 149-166.

L. Stapleton (2013). “Zarathustra and Beyond: Exploring Culture and Values Online”, Artificial Intelligence and Society, 28(1), pp. 95-105

L. Stapleton (2013). “Administrative Evil and Patient Health: A Critique Of The Impact Of Manufacturing Systems On Health Care”, Comprehensive Materials Processing, 8, Elsevier: North Holland, pp 127–150.

L. Stapleton (ed.) (2012). Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in International Stability and Systems Engineering, North Holland: Elsevier, also available at IFAC-PapersOnLine, ISBN 978-3-902823-20-5.

N. Bulz, L. Stapleton, J. B. Lewoc, L. Z. Karvalics , M. Buia, A. Bazac (2012). “Inquiry on the global (post) crisis versus humankind wisdom as a turning point: Does the generosity-creativity- solidarity triad matter?”, Int. Res. J. Police Science, Criminal Law & Criminology, 1(1) pp. 7-44.

L. Stapleton (2011). “Technology Adoption in Post-Conflict Regions: EDI Adoption in Kosovo after the War”, Journal of Global Information Management, (JGIM), 19(3) pp. 65-84.

P. Ovaska & L. Stapleton (2010). “Requirements Engineering during Complex Information Systems Development: Case Study of an International ICT Company”, Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research (JITCAR) 12(2), pp. 36-59.

N. Bulz, L. Stapleton, B. Lewoc, C. Cas, L. Karvalics, M. Bula (2010). “Inquiry on the Global (Post)Crisis Versus Humankind Wisdom as a Turning Point: Does the Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity Triad Matter?”, in System & Policy Design in the Public Sector. Available at SSRN:

L. Stapleton (2009). “Globalisation Perspective of Trends in Mechatronics and Advanced Technology Business Management: Technology Transfer & Innovation”, International Journal of Automation Austria (IJAA), 2(17).

L. Stapleton (2008). “Ethical Decision Making In Technology Development: A Case Study Of Participation In A Large-Scale Information Systems Development Project”, Artificial Intelligence and Society, 22(3), pp. 405-429.

P. Carew, L. Stapleton & G. Byrne (2008). “Implications of an Ethic of Privacy for Human-Centred Systems Engineering”, Artificial Intelligence and Society, 22(3), pp. 385-403.

B. Mullally, & L. Stapleton (2007). “Methodology Usage by Virtual Information Systems Development Teams”, in Barry, C., Lang, M., Wojtkowski, W., Wojtkowski, G., Wrycza, S., & Zupancic, J. (eds), The Inter-Networked World: ISD Theory, Practice, and Education, Springer-Verlag: New York.

A. Freeman, L. Stapleton & G. Byrne (2007). “The Information Systems Security Development Process: Through An Anthropological Lens”, in Barry, C., Lang, M., Wojtkowski, W., Wojtkowski, G., Wrycza, S., & Zupancic, J. (eds), The Inter-Networked World: ISD Theory, Practice, and Education, Springer-Verlag: New York.

P. Ovaska & L. Stapleton (2007). “Requirements Engineering during Complex ISD: a Sensemaking Approach”, in Barry, C., Lang, M., Wojtkowski, W., Wojtkowski, G., Wrycza, S., & Zupancic, J. (eds), The Inter-Networked World: ISD Theory, Practice, and Education, Springer-Verlag: New York.

P. Kopacek, L. Stapleton, & E. Hajdrizi, (eds). (2006), Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference in International Stability and Technology (SWIIS 2006), North Holland: Elsevier.

L. Stapleton (2006). “Modes of Reasoning in Theories of the Social Impact of Advanced Technologies: A Critique of ERP Systems in healthcare”, Annual Reviews in Control 30 pp. 243-253.

P. Carew, and L. Stapleton (2005). ‘Towards a Privacy Framework for Information Systems Development’, in O. Vaselicas, W. Wojtowski & G. Wojtowski (eds.), Information Systems Development: Advances in Theory, Practice and Education, Kluwer Academic Press/ Plenum

L. Stapleton, Smith, D. & Murphy, F. (2005). ‘A Human-Centred Systems approach to the Management of Tacit Knowledge,’ Artificial Intelligence and Society, 19(2), pp. 159-179.

F. Murphy and L. Stapleton (2005). “Managing Tacit Knowledge in ISD Methodologies”, in O. Vaselicas, W. Wojtowski & G. Wojtowski (eds.), Information Systems Development: Advances in Theory, Practice and Education, Kluwer Academic Press/ Plenum.

L. Stapleton, & P. Kopacek (eds.) (2004). Technology and International Stability, Elsevier: North Holland.

L. Stapleton (2003). ‘Information Systems Development as Folding Together Humans & IT: Towards a revised theory of Information Technology development & deployment in complex social contexts’, in Grundspenkis, J, et. al.(eds.), Information Systems Development: Advances in Methodologies, Components and Management, Kluwer/Plenum Press: NY, pp.13-24.

L. Stapleton and Kile, F. (2005). ‘A Post-Structural Analysis of Progress in Engineering’, Control Sciences, 1, pp.33-40.

L. Stapleton (2003). ‘Information Systems and Automation Technology as Social Spaces’, in Brandt. et. al., Human Centred Issues in Advanced Engineering, Elsevier: North Holland.

L. Stapleton & C. Murphy (2003). ‘Revisiting the Nature of Information Systems: The Urgent Need for a Crisis in IS Theoretical Discourse’, Transactions of International Information Systems, 1(4).

J. Coady, L. Stapleton & B. Foley (2003). ‘TEAMWORK: A Combined Methodological and Technological Solution for E-Working Environments’, in Grundspenkis, J, et. al.(eds.), Information Systems Development: Advances in Methodologies, Components and Management, , Components and Management, Kluwer/Plenum Press: NY, pp. 363-372.

L. Stapleton (2001). ‘Information Systems Development: An Empirical Study of Irish Manufacturing Companies’, Ph. D. Thesis, Department of Business Information systems, University College, Cork, Republic of Ireland.

L. Stapleton, (1999). ‘Information Systems Development as Interlocking Spirals of Sensemaking’, in Zupancic, J., Wojtkowski, W., Wojtkowski, W.G., Wrycza, S., (eds.), Evolution and Challenges in Systems Development, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers: New York.

Peer-Reviewed International Conference & Symposia Publications:

D. Brandt, K. Gill, B. O’Neill, and L. Stapleton (2020). “A Discourse On AI and Society: Your Calculus May Be Greater Than His Calculus But Will It Pass The Sullenberger Hudson River Test?”, Astolfi et al (eds), Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automation and Control, Berlin, July 2020, Elsevier: North Holland (forthcoming).

F. Chowdury, O. Costello, M. Doyle-Kent, P. Kopacek, B. O’Neill, J. Organ & L. Stapleton (2020). “TECIS Inclusion and Diversity Group: Vision”, Astolfi et al (eds), Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automation and Control, Berlin, July 2020, Elsevier: North Holland (forthcoming).

B. O’Neill & L. Staplketon (2020). “Social Responsibility, Human Centred Systems and Engineering Ethics: A New Manifesto for Systems Engineering Design Praxis“, , Astolfi et al (eds), Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automation and Control, Berlin, July 2020, Elsevier: North Holland (forthcoming).

Doyle-Kent,M., Chowdhury,F., Costello, O., O'Neill, B., Organ, J., Kopacek, P.(2020), A Vision and Framework for Improving Diversity and Inclusion. Astolfi et al (eds), Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automation and Control, Berlin, July 2020, Elsevier: North Holland (forthcoming).

L. Stapleton, B. O’Neill and P. McInerney (2020). “The ENRICHER Method for Human Machine Symbiotics & Smart Data: A Socially Responsible Approach to the Intelligent Augmentation of Knowledge Work”, Astolfi et al (eds), Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automation and Control, Berlin, July 2020, Elsevier: North Holland (forthcoming).

L. Stapleton, B. O’Neill and P. McInerney (2020). “Intelligent Control and Automation Systems: Mike Cooley’s Vision of Socially-Responsible, Human-Centred Technology”, Astolfi et al (eds), Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automation and Control, Berlin, July 2020, Elsevier: North Holland (forthcoming).

*McInerney, P., O'Neill, B., Stapleton, L. (2020), Intelligent control and automation systems: Mike Cooley's Vision of socially-responsible, human-centred technology. Extended Abstract. Astolfi et al (eds), Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automation and Control, Berlin, July 2020, Elsevier: North Holland (forthcoming).

*O'Neill, B., Stapleton, L., Gill, K.S.., Brandt, D. (2020). Proposed Open Track, A Discourse on AI and Society: Your calculus may be greater than his calculus But will it pass the Sullenberger Hudson River test?. Astolfi et al (eds), Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automation and Control, Berlin, July 2020, Elsevier: North Holland (forthcoming).

*O'Neill, B., Stapleton, L. (2020), Social Responsibility, Human Centred Systems and Engineering Ethics: A New Manifesto for Systems Engineering Design Praxis. Astolfi et al (eds), Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automation and Control, Berlin, July 2020, Elsevier: North Holland (forthcoming).

P. Kopacek and L.Stapleton (2020). “The IFAC TC SWII: Past, Present, Future”, Astolfi et al (eds), Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automation and Control, Berlin, July 2020, Elsevier: North Holland (forthcoming).

S. O’Neill & L. Stapleton (2020). “A Human-Centred Systems Theory of e-Agriculture Automation and Control Systems Adoption”, Astolfi et al (eds), Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automation and Control, Berlin, July 2020, Elsevier: North Holland (forthcoming).

Stapleton, L., Brandt, D., Gill, K.S.., Groumpos, P., O'Neill, B., Hersh, M.A., Hancke, T. (2020), Past, present and future: technology developments in view of their impact on society, the environment and international stability. Astolfi et al (eds), Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of the International Federation of Automation and Control, Berlin, July 2020, Elsevier: North Holland (forthcoming).

L. Stapleton, B. O’Neill, K. Cronin & M. Kendrick (2019). “Announcing the Professor Cooley archive at Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland: A celebration of the legacy of Mike Cooley”, Artificial Intelligence and Society, (Online May 2019).

J. Organ & L. Stapleton (2019). “A Socio-Technical Systems Framework for Risk Management in Financial Services: Some Empirical Evidence from a Case Study of the Irish Banking Crisis”, in A. Topalov, P.Kopacek & L. Stapleton (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability, North Holland: Elsevier.

A. Aliu, L. Stapleton, H. Metin and E. Hajrizi (2019). “Web-Enabled Business in SMEs in Less Developed Regions an Empirical Study of the Influence of Government Incentives, Physical Location and Cost”, in A. Topalov, P.Kopacek & L. Stapleton (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability, North Holland: Elsevier.

Y. Limani, E. Hajrizi, L. Stapleton & M. Retkoceri (2019). “Digital Transformation Readiness in Higher Education Institutions (HEI): The Case of Kosovo”, in A. Topalov, P.Kopacek & L. Stapleton (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability, North Holland: Elsevier.

L. Guerra & L. Stapleton (2019). “Complexity in Business Systems Automation Requirements Engineering: Social and Power Effects in Systems Engineering Projects in Brazil”, in A. Topalov, P.Kopacek & L. Stapleton (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability, North Holland: Elsevier.

L. Stapleton, B. O’Neill, K. Cronin, P. McInerney, M, Hendrick & E, Dalton (2019). “A Semi-Automated Systems Architecture for Cultural Heritage: Sustainable Solutions for Digitising Cultural Heritage”, in A. Topalov, P.Kopacek & L. Stapleton (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability, North Holland: Elsevier.

M. Ramirez Arizmendi & L. Stapleton (2019). “Failure Factors in the Control of Large-Scale Business Intelligence Systems Development Projects: Case Study of an Advanced Engineering Firm in Mexico”, in A. Topalov, P. Kopacek & L. Stapleton (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability, North Holland: Elsevier.

M. A. Hersh, L. Stapleton & P. Kopacek (2019). “Sustainable Engineering for the 21st Century and Beyond”, in A. Topalov, P. Kopacek & L. Stapleton (eds.), Proceedings of the 19th IFAC Conference on Technology, Culture and International Stability, North Holland: Elsevier.

T. Thakar, T. Tsultrim, L. Stapleton & L. Doyle (2018). “Integrating Ontology Engineering and Process Mining in the Analysis and Management of Global Financial Technology Business Processes”, in P. Kopacek and B. Ibrahimov (eds.), Proceedings of the IFAC Int. Conference for Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS 2018), Elsevier: North Holland.

J. Organ and L. Stapleton (2018). “The FSR Framework for Large-Scale Systemic Financial Risk: Empirical Findings for Evaluating Cultural Factors”, in P. Kopacek and B. Ibrahimov (eds.), Proceedings of the IFAC Int. Conference for Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS 2018), winner of “Best Paper Award”..

L. Stapleton (2018). “Advanced Control and Automation Systems: Delivering e-Citizen Services in a Post-Conflict, Transition Region ”, invited Plenary Paper, in P. Kopacek and B. Ibrahimov (eds.), Proceedings of the IFAC Int. Conference for Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS 2018), Elsevier: North Holland.

Y. Limani, Larry Stapleton & P. Groumpos (2018). “Technology Deployment in Post-Conflict transition Regions: Electronic Data Interchange Adoption in Kosovo during the Transition Period”, in P. Kopacek and B. Ibrahimov (eds.), Proceedings of the IFAC Int. Conference for Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS 2018), Elsevier: North Holland.

M. Doyle Kent, S. Phelan, K. Petrov, L. Stapleton & S. Norton (2018). “Cost Oriented Knowledge Management Systems for Manufacturing Processes: A Case Study”, in P. Kopacek and B. Ibrahimov (eds.), Proceedings of the IFAC Int. Conference for Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS 2018), Elsevier: North Holland.

P. J. Carew. Q. Lu & L. Stapleton (2018). “Perceived Risk Factors for Cloud-Based Data Storage and Control Systems: A Cross-Cultural Comparative Study of Irish and Chinese Companies”, in P. Kopacek and B. Ibrahimov (eds.), Proceedings of the IFAC Int. Conference for Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS 2018), Elsevier: North Holland.

W. Jemaa, P. J. Carew & L. Stapleton (2018). “Implementing Effective Information Control Systems for Primary Education Support in Developing Countries: An Investigative Field Study of a Voluntary Non-Profit Organisation in Tunisia”, in P. Kopacek and B. Ibrahimov (eds.), Proceedings of the IFAC Int. Conference for Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS 2018), Elsevier: North Holland.

J. Organ and L. Stapleton (2017).“The Control of Human Factors in Catastrophic Financial Systems Risk using Ontologies”, in D. Dochain, D. Henrion & D. Peaucelle (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th IFAC World Congress, Elsevier: North Holland.

Y. Lemani & L. Stapleton (2016). “Inter-Enterprise Networking in Developing Regions: An International Stability Perspective”, in Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in Technology, Culture and International Stability, (TECIS 2016), North Holland: Elsevier, in review.

M. Shala, V. Hoxha, I. Bula, E. Hajrizi & L. Stapleton (2016). “Cost-Oriented Innovation Methods and Education in Developing Countries: Re-engineering Industrial Production Systems”, in Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in Technology, Culture and International Stability, (TECIS 2016), North Holland: Elsevier.

S. Norton & L. Stapleton (2016). “Efficiencies through the Automatic Control of Age-Profiled Manufacturing Machines: A Case Study of Cost-Savings in an Irish Production Facility”, in Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in Technology, Culture and International Stability, (TECIS 2016), North Holland: Elsevier, in review.

L. Stapleton & D. Marques (2016). “Human Values and Religion: Semi-Automatic Human Values Systems Analysis for Religious Institutional Diagnostics”, in Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in Technology, Culture and International Stability, (TECIS 2016), North Holland: Elsevier, in review.

L. Stapleton (2015). “Control Systems and International Institutional Instability: An Agenda for CC9 & TC 9-5”, Plenary Paper, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in International Stability and Systems Engineering (TECIS 2015), September 2015 Sozopol, North Holland: Elsevier, forthcoming.

E. Hajrizi, M. Shala and L. Stapleton (2015). “Cost-Oriented Agile Innovation for Mechatronics Management in Less Developed Regions”, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in International Stability and Systems Engineering (TECIS 2015), September 2015 Sozopol, North Holland: Elsevier, forthcoming.

A. Kealy & L. Stapleton (2015). “Progress and Change in Post Conflict Developing Regions: Observations of A Longitudinal Grounded Theory Case Study of a Successful Large Scale ICT Adoption in Kosovo“, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in International Stability and Systems Engineering (TECIS 2015), September 2015 Sozopol, North Holland: Elsevier, forthcoming.

S. O’Neill-Somers & L. Stapleton (2015). “A Human-Centred approach to e-Agricultural Systems“, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in International Stability and Systems Engineering (TECIS 2015), September 2015 Sozopol, North Holland: Elsevier, forthcoming.

L. Stapleton, P. Kopacek & E. Hajrizi (2014). “Don’t Waste a Good Disaster: A Systems Approach to an Ethics of International Institutional Failures”, Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, pp. 11419 - 11424.

J. B. Lewoc, A. Izworski, I. Chomiak-Orsa, A. Kieleczawa, Marion Hersh, Peter Kopacek & Larry Stapleton (2014). “Optimal Management Network Topology in a CIMM System: The General Case”, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control World Congress, Cape Town, August 2014.

S. Somers, A. Kealy & L. Stapleton (2013).”Gestalt - New Technology Old Cultures a Review of the Adoption of the Telemedicine Centre in Kosovo”, in Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in International Stability and Systems Engineering (SWIIS 2013), North Holland: Elsevier, pp. 21-26.

P. Kopacek, E. Hajrizi and L. Stapleton (2013). “From Engineering To Mechatronics Management: Education Capacity Development in Kosovo”, in Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in International Stability and Systems Engineering (SWIIS 2013), North Holland: Elsevier.

A. Stapleton, N. Chisholm & L. Stapleton (2012). “Sex Trafficking from a Supply Chain Systems Perspective” in L. Stapleton (ed.), Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in International Stability and Systems Engineering (SWIIS 2012), North Holland: Elsevier.

A. Mesinga Mwafise & L. Stapleton (2012). “Determinants of User Adoption of Mobile Electronic Payment Systems for Microfinance Institutions in Developing Countries: Case Study Cameroon” in L. Stapleton (ed.), Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in International Stability and Systems Engineering (SWIIS 2012), North Holland: Elsevier.

S. Somers & L. Stapleton (2012). “Rethinking e-Agriculture Innovation Using a Human Centred Systems Lens” in L. Stapleton (ed.), Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in International Stability and Systems Engineering (SWIIS 2012), North Holland: Elsevier.

P. J. Carew, L. Stapleton (2012). “A Human-Centred Analysis of Systems Development Goals, Rationality and Focus Using Principal Components Analysis and Hierarchical Clustering” in L. Stapleton (ed.), Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in International Stability and Systems Engineering (SWIIS 2012), North Holland: Elsevier.

A. Kealy, L. Stapleton (2012). “Telemedicine Systems Development in Post-Conflict Contexts: A Country Case Study of the Role of Symbols of Conflict in Systems Engineering” in L. Stapleton (ed.), Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in International Stability and Systems Engineering (SWIIS 2012), North Holland: Elsevier.

J. Organ, L. Stapleton (2012). “Information Systems Risk Paradigms: Towards a New Theory on Systems Risk”, in L. Stapleton (ed.), Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in International Stability and Systems Engineering (SWIIS 2012), North Holland: Elsevier.

N. Bulz, S. Durand, C. O’Dowd Smyth & L. Stapleton (2012). “Towards a New Agenda for Systems Engineering and International Stability“ in L. Stapleton (ed.), Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in International Stability and Systems Engineering (SWIIS 2012), North Holland: Elsevier.

L. Stapleton & P. Kopacek (2011). “IFAC TC 9.5 SWIIS: Control Engineering and International Stability, an Essential Agenda for IFAC”, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control World Congress, Catholic University of Milan, August 2011.

P. Carew, L. Stapleton, G. J. Byrne (2011). “Ethical Behaviour and Rationality in Automation Systems Development: Promoting the Humanist/Existentialist Axis for International Stability”, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control World Congress, Catholic University of Milan, August 2011

L. Stapleton & A. Fouopi Lemouchele (2011). “The Adoption of Electronic Data Interchange in Africa: A Country Case Study of the Cameroon through an Institutional Lens”, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control World Congress, Catholic University of Milan, August 2011.

L. Stapleton (2010). “International Stability and Technology Adoption Theory: A Case Study of Institutional Factors in Control and Management Systems Adoption in Post-Conflict Regions” in Kopacek, P. & Hajdrizi, E. (eds)., Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference in International Stability and Technology (SWIIS 2010), North Holland: Elsevier.

A. Kealy & L. Stapleton (2010). “Systems Development and Key Success Factors in Large Scale Telemedicine Projects: Preliminary Findings of a Post-Conflict Country Case Study” in Kopacek, P. &

O’Neill (2010), “Developing a Technology Adoption Model for a Sustainable Agriculture Sector”, Prato CIRN-DIAC Community Informatics Conference 2010: PhD Stream

Hajdrizi, E. (eds)., Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference in International Stability and Technology (SWIIS 2010), North Holland: Elsevier.

E. Hajrizi & L. Stapleton, P. Kopacek (2010) “The Contribution of UBT for Sustainable Development”, Proceedings of the Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference in International Stability and Technology (SWIIS 2010), North Holland: Elsevier.

D. Collins & L. Stapleton (2010). Online Social Networking and Community: a manifesto for Human Centred Systems Engineering”, Proceedings of the Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference in International Stability and Technology (SWIIS 2010), North Holland: Elsevier.

P. Kopacek, Ceccarelli, M., Hajrizi, E. and Stapleton, L. (2009), “Mechatronics Management: An Education Program”, Proceedings Of International Informatica Conference (IX Internacional de Automatización), Havanna, Cuba.

E. Hajrizi, L. Stapleton, P. Kopacek (2009). “Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Developing Countries: Cases Study of UBT”, Proceedings of the 5th ETAI International Conference on Applied Automatic Systems (AAS-ETAI-09) and the 6th IFAC International Workshop on Knowledge and Technology Transfer in/to Developing Countries (DECOM-IFAC-09), Ohrid, Macedonia.

M.A. Hersh and L. Stapleton (2009). “Climate Change, Stability and the Need for Change”, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference on Supplementary Ways of Improving International Stability (SWIIS 2009), North Holland: Elsevier.

N. Bulz, L. Stapleton, J. B. Lewoc, A. Izworski, G. Dimirovski and M. A. Hersh (2009). “Inquiry on the triad Generosity-Creativity-Solidarity as a turning point within the international crisis: Does Creative Partnership Matter?” , Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference on Supplementary Ways of Improving International Stability (SWIIS 2009), North Holland: Elsevier.

L. Stapleton (2009). ‘The Influence of International Agencies on Technology Adopters in Post-Conflict Regions”, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference on Supplementary Ways of Improving International Stability (SWIIS 2009), North Holland: Elsevier.

L. Stapleton, P. Kopacek, E. Hajrizi (2009). “Reflections on Third Level Accreditation In Post-Crisis Developing Countries”, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference on Supplementary Ways of Improving International Stability (SWIIS 2009), North Holland: Elsevier.

J. B. Lewoc, Izworski, A., Skowronski, S., Kieleczawa, A., Dimirovski, G., Hersh, M.A., Bulz, N. and Stapleton, L. (2009). “Technology Proliferation and Transfer of Ethical Aspects: A Case Study of Wroclaw, Poland”, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference on Supplementary Ways of Improving International Stability (SWIIS 2009), North Holland: Elsevier.

G. Byrne & Stapleton, L. (2008). ‘The role of personal values in the development of international business managers’, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on International Strategy and Cross Cultural Management, IESSE Business School, Barcelona, Spain

L. Stapleton , A. Freeman & G. Byrne (2008). “The Use of an Axiological Lens to Review Globalised Automation and Control Systems Projects”, International Federation of Automation and Control Triennial World Congress, Seoul.

P. Kopacek, Stapleton, L., Ceccarelli, M. and E. Hajrizi (2008). “Mechatronics Management: A BA Programme”, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Triennial World Congress, Seoul.

A. Freeman, L. Stapleton & G. Byrne (2008). “Systems Security Problems and Cultural Meanings in Control and Automation Systems: Empirical Evidence for Value Conflicts in Systems Engineering”, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Triennial World Congress, Seoul..

L. Stapleton & G. Byrne (2008). “The Use of an Axiological Lens to Review Globalised Automation and Control Systems Projects”, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Triennial World Congress, Seoul.

O Neill & Mc Donald (2007) Assessment: The missing piece of the e-learning puzzle in Ireland. International Technology Education and Development, Valencia Spain,

O’Neill & Mc Donald (2007) Assessing the e-Learner, ECEL 6th European Conference on e-Learning, 2007, Copenhagen Denmark

B. Mullally and Larry Stapleton (2006). “The Socialisation of Virtual Teams: Implications for ISD”, Fourteenth International Conference on Information Systems Development, Kluwer/Plenum Series on Information systems Development.

S. Drohan, Stapleton, L., Stack, A. (2006). "Problem Solving Skills in Information Systems Development Curricula", Proceedings of the All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE) Conference for Creating and Sustaining an Effective Learning Environment, Maynooth, Dublin

L. Stapleton (2006), “The Social Impact of the Application of Manufacturing Systems to Health Informatics: The Case of ERP”, Keynote paper, Proceedings of the 10th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Automation Based on Human Skill: Joint Design of Technology and Organisation, Elsevier: North Holland.

Mc Donald & O’ Neill (2006) An Investigation in to e-learning in Irish Organisations, International Conference on E-learning, Canada, University of Montreal

R. Barry, L. Stapleton, & L. Doyle (2006). “The Transition to the Knowledge Economy: Lessons from Irish ICT penetration into small firms”, in Kopacek, P., Stapleton, L. & Hajdrizi, E. (eds)., Proceedings of the Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference in International Stability and Technology (SWIIS 2006), North Holland: Elsevier..

P. Kopacek, M. Ceccharelli, E. Hajrizi & L. Stapleton (2006). “Mechatronics Education And International Stability: The Development Of University-Level Education Programmes In Advanced Engineering In Kosovo”, in P. Kopacek, L. Stapleton, & E. Hajdrizi, (eds). (2006). Proceedings of the Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference in International Stability and Technology (SWIIS 2006), North Holland: Elsevier.

M. Hersh & L. Stapleton (2006). “Learnmaths: a case study of the development of learning software to support social inclusion” in P. Kopacek, L. Stapleton, & E. Hajdrizi, (eds). (2006). Proceedings of the Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference in International Stability and Technology (SWIIS 2006), North Holland: Elsevier.

L. Stapleton & C. O’Dowd-Smyth (2005). “Moving From Participation to Partnership in Information Systems Research: A Socio-Linguistic Perspective of Research Methodology”, in Vieira, Lise et Pinède, Nathalie (Eds), Actes du colloque du EUTIC: TICS et Usages, Presse Universitaire de Bordeaux

L. Stapleton, Hersh, M., & Duffy, D. (2005). ‘Applications of Narrative Ethics to Engineering’, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control (IFAC) World Congress Prague.

L. Stapleton, (2005). “A Survey of Engineering Ethics”, IEEE Monitor.

P. Carew, and Stapleton, L. (2005). “Privacy guidelines for telemedicine developers”, Proceedings of Med-e-Tel 2005, Luxemburg.

P. Carew, and Stapleton, L. (2005). “Privacy, patients and healthcare workers: a critical analysis of large scale, integrated manufacturing information systems reapplied in health”, Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague (Elsevier).

J. Woods, T.J. Macdonald & L. Stapleton (2004). EC- IDM: The Electronic Commerce Integrated Information Systems Development Methodology for Small firms, in Vasilecas, O., Caplnskas, A., Wojtowski, W., Wojtowski, G., Zupancic, J., and Wrycza, S. (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Information Systems Development: Advances in Theory, Practice and Education, Plenum Academic Press, pp..117-128.

L. Stapleton and Hersh, M. (2004). ‘Technology Development and Ethical Decision Making: Identity Factors and Social Construction’, Proceedings of International Multitrack Conference of Advances in Control Systems, (ACS 2004), North Holland: Elsevier.

L. Stapleton, & Kile, F. (2004). ‘Ethics and AMAT in a World of Illusion: A Post-Structural Analysis of Advanced Information and Automation Technologies‘, Proceedings of International Multitrack Conference of Advances in Control Systems, (ACS 2004), North Holland: Elsevier.

D. Duffy, L. Stapleton, M. Jordanova, D. Lakov and M. Lyng (2004). ‘From Assistive Technology to Assistive Systems: Total solutions for the learning disabled’, Proceedings of the MEDeTEL International conference, Luxembourg.

F. Murphy, Stapleton, L. & Smith, D. (2004). ‘Tacit Knowledge and Human Centred Systems: The Key To Managing The Social Impact Of Technology’, Proceedings of International Multitrack Conference of Advances in Control Systems, (ACS 2004), North Holland: Elsevier.

L. Stapleton, Duffy, D., Jordanova, M., Lakov, D. & Lyng, M. (2004). ‘From Assistive Technologies to Assistive Systems: Human Centred Support for the Learning Disabled’, Proceedings of International Multitrack Conference of Advances in Control Systems, (ACS 2004), North Holland: Elsevier.

L. Stapleton & M. Hersh (2003). ‘Exploring The Deep Structure of Ethics in Engineering Technology Design and Deployment Methodology’, in L. Stapleton & P. Kopacek (eds.), Proceedings of the SWIIS International Federation of Automation and Control Workshop/Mini-Conference, Elsevier: North Holland.

L. Stapleton, & O’Dowd-Smith, C. (2003). ‘The Deep Structure of Ethics in Technology Design and Deployment Methodology: An Embodiment of Colonialism’, in L. Stapleton & P. Kopacek (eds.), Proceedings of the SWIIS International Federation of Automation and Control Workshop/Mini-Conference, Elsevier: North Holland.

L. Halpin, & Stapleton, L. (2003). ‘A Theoretical Framework Based on Complexity Theory For Evaluating Large-Scale Information Systems Development (ISD) projects’. E. Berghout & D. Remenyi (eds) Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on IT Evaluation (ECITE), Madrid, pp. 297-306.

L. Halpin, & Stapleton, L. (2003). 'Chaos and Complexity in The Post-Implementation Phase Of ISD: Key Findings And Further Avenues Of Research', Proceedings of the Seventh Institutes of Technology Science & Computing Research Colloquium, Tralee Institute of Technology, Ireland.

P. Wall & L. Stapleton (2003). "The kinds of IT Services most Appropriate for a Particular Sourcing Strategy", Proceedings of the International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, ESEO, Angiers, France.

J. Coady, L. Stapleton & B. Foley (2002). ‘TEAMWORK: A Combined Methodological and Technological Solution for E-Working Environments’, in Grundspenkis, J, et. al.(eds.), Information Systems Development: Advances in Methodologies, Components and Management, Kluwer Press: forthcoming.

L. Stapleton & C. Murphy (2002). ‘Organisations Making Sense of, and Learning from, Information Systems Development: A Research Imperative’, in Proceedings of the International Symposium of Research Methodology (ISRM), ed. Hackney, R., Grundspenkis, J. & Kirikova, M., Riga Technical University, pp. 8-11.

L. Stapleton & C. Murphy (2002b). ‘The Researcher as Conceptual Therapist: Reflections On An ISD Study’, in Proceedings of the International Symposium of Research Methodology (ISRM), ed. Hackney, R., Grundspenkis, J. & Kirikova, M., Riga Technical University, pp. 8-11.

L. Stapleton & C. Murphy (2002). ‘Examining Non-Representation in Engineering Notations: Empirical Evidence For The Ontological Incompleteness of the Functionally-Rational Modelling Paradigm’, Proceedings of the IFAC World Congress 2002, Elsevier: North Holland.

L. Halpin & L. Stapleton (2002). ‘ERP Post Implementation: A Neglected Process in an Arena of Crisis and Uncertainty’, Proceedings of the Irish Academy of Management Conference.

J. Coady, L. Stapleton & B. Foley (2002). ‘Towards a Framework for Managing Virtual Offices’, Proceedings of EuroSPI 2002, University of Nuremburg.

P. Wall & L. Stapleton (2002). "Insourcing versus Outsourcing", TecNet Conference, Waterford Institute of Technology.

M. Jordanova, D. Lakov, & L. Stapleton (2001). ‘Addressing Labour Market Disadvantage Through Electronic Knowledge Production’, Proceedings of The Tenth International Scientific and Applied Science Conference ELECTRONICS (ET'2001), Technical University Sofia, Bulgaria.

L. Stapleton (2001). ‘Simulations or Simulacra: What Are Information Systems?,’ Proceedings of the Irish Accounting & Finance Conference, Waterford Institute of Technology: Ireland.

L. Stapleton & S. Byrne (2001). ‘The Illusion of Knowledge: The Relationship Between Large Scale IS Integration, Head Office Decisions and Organisational Trauma’, Proceedings of the 19th Standing Conference of Organisational Symbolism (SCOS), Trinity college, Dublin.

L. Stapleton, J. Cernetic, D. MacLean & R. MacIntosh (2001). ‘Providing an R&D Capability for Small-Medium Sized Firms in Europe: Towards a Unified Model of Technology Development, Innovation & Organizational Learning’, Proceedings of the 8Th IFAC Conference on Social Stability: The Challenge of Technology Development (SWIIS ’01), Kopacek, P. (ed.), Elsevier: North Holland

L. Stapleton, J. Cernetic, D. MacLean & R. MacIntosh (2001). ‘Economic Recovery Through Electronic Mode 2 Knowledge Production’, Proceedings of the 8Th IFAC Conference on Social Stability: The Challenge of Technology Development (SWIIS ’01), Kopacek, P. (ed.), Elsevier: North Holland.

L.Stapleton, J. Cernetic, B. Brooke, G. Holmes (2001). ‘Outline of an Organisational Adaptation Support System’, Proceedings of the 7th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on Automation Based on Human Skill: Joint Design of Technology and Organisation, Elsevier: North Holland.

L. Stapleton, (2001). ‘From Information Systems in Social Settings To Information Systems as Social Settings: A Study of Large Information Systems in Manufacturing Firms’, Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Automation Based on Human Skill: Joint Design of Technology and Organisation, ed. Brandt, D. and Cernetic, J., Elsevier: North Holland.

S. Byrne, A. Ryan, L. Stapleton (2000), ‘The Tail Wagging the Dog – ERP Deployment as the Destruction of Competitiveness and the Creation of Isomorphic Economies’, Proceedings of the Irish Academy of Management, Trinity College, Dublin..

S. Byrne, Ryan, A., Stapleton, L. (2000), ‘Monsters and Mayhem! Requirements Analysis in Enterprise Resource planning (ERP) Systems Deployment as the Destabilisation of Management Control’, Proceedings of the Irish Academy of Management, Trinity College, Dublin.

L. Stapleton & Murphy, C., (1999). ‘Consultancy and Research as Sense-Making Processes: An Empirical Study’ in Proceedings of the European Colloquium of Organisational Studies (EGOS 1999), University of Warwick: UK.

L. Stapleton & Murphy, C., (1999). ‘Positivism, Interpretivism & Post-Phenomenology - Views of an Organisation in Flux: An Exploration of Experiences in a Large Manufacturing Firm’, in Proceedings of the European Colloquium of Organisational Studies (EGOS 1999), University of Warwick, UK.

Publications Extract: Scholarly Contributions to Education Literature:

W. Jemaa, P. J. Carew & L. Stapleton (2018). “Implementing Effective Information Control Systems for Primary Education Support in Developing Countries: An Investigative Field Study of a Voluntary Non-Profit Organisation in Tunisia”, in P. Kopacek and B. Ibrahimov (eds.), Proceedings of the IFAC Int. Conference for Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS 2018), Elsevier: North Holland.

M. Shala, V. Hoxha, I. Bula, E. Hajrizi & L. Stapleton (2016). “Cost-Oriented Innovation Methods and Education in Developing Countries: Re-engineering Industrial Production Systems”, in Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in Technology, Culture and International Stability, (TECIS 2016), North Holland: Elsevier.

P. Kopacek, E. Hajrizi and L. Stapleton (2013). “From Engineering To Mechatronics Management: Education Capacity Development in Kosovo”, in Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control International Conference in International Stability and Systems Engineering (SWIIS 2013), North Holland: Elsevier.

E. Hajrizi & L. Stapleton, P. Kopacek (2010) “The Contribution of UBT for Sustainable Development”, Proceedings of the Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference in International Stability and Technology (SWIIS 2010), North Holland: Elsevier.

P. Kopacek, Ceccarelli, M., Hajrizi, E. and Stapleton, L. (2009), “Mechatronics Management: An Education Program”, Proceedings Of International Informatica Conference (IX Internacional de Automatización), Havanna, Cuba.

E. Hajrizi, L. Stapleton, P. Kopacek (2009). “Knowledge and Technology Transfer in Developing Countries: Cases Study of UBT”, Proceedings of the 5th ETAI International Conference on Applied Automatic Systems (AAS-ETAI-09) and the 6th IFAC International Workshop on Knowledge and Technology Transfer in/to Developing Countries (DECOM-IFAC-09), Ohrid, Macedonia.

L. Stapleton, P. Kopacek, E. Hajrizi (2009). “Reflections on Third Level Accreditation In Post-Crisis Developing Countries”, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference on Supplementary Ways of Improving International Stability (SWIIS 2009), North Holland: Elsevier.

P. Kopacek, Stapleton, L., Ceccarelli, M. and E. Hajrizi (2008). “Mechatronics Management: A BA Programme”, Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Triennial World Congress, Seoul.

S. Drohan, Stapleton, L., Stack, A. (2006). "Problem Solving Skills in Information Systems Development Curricula", Proceedings of the All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE) Conference for Creating and Sustaining an Effective Learning Environment, Maynooth, Dublin

P. Kopacek, M. Ceccharelli, E. Hajrizi & L. Stapleton (2006). “Mechatronics Education And International Stability: The Development Of University-Level Education Programmes In Advanced Engineering In Kosovo”, in P. Kopacek, L. Stapleton, & E. Hajdrizi, (eds). (2006). Proceedings of the Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference in International Stability and Technology (SWIIS 2006), North Holland: Elsevier.

M. Hersh & L. Stapleton (2006). “Learnmaths: a case study of the development of learning software to support social inclusion” in P. Kopacek, L. Stapleton, & E. Hajdrizi, (eds). (2006). Proceedings of the Proceedings of the International Federation of Automation and Control Conference in International Stability and Technology (SWIIS 2006), North Holland: Elsevier.

D. Duffy, L. Stapleton, M. Jordanova, D. Lakov and M. Lyng (2004). ‘From Assistive Technology to Assistive Systems: Total solutions for the learning disabled’, Proceedings of the MEDeTEL International conference, Luxembourg.

L. Stapleton, Duffy, D., Jordanova, M., Lakov, D. & Lyng, M. (2004). ‘From Assistive Technologies to Assistive Systems: Human Centred Support for the Learning Disabled’, Proceedings of International Multitrack Conference of Advances in Control Systems, (ACS 2004), North Holland: Elsevier.

L. Stapleton, J. Cernetic, D. MacLean & R. MacIntosh (2001). ‘Economic Recovery Through Electronic Mode 2 Knowledge Production’, Proceedings of the 8Th IFAC Conference on Social Stability: The Challenge of Technology Development (SWIIS ’01), Kopacek, P. (ed.), Elsevier: North Holland

INSYTE approaches its work by focussing upon key research questions in the domain of Information Systems, Organisational Culture, the Information Society and IT education. It then engages in various funded and non-funded projects to generate research activity in this space. The following are some indicative longer-term projects which the group has published:

Launch of the new Cooley Research Laboratory:

This laboratory is the result of four years of partnership with the Luke Wadding Library. The laboratory includes researchers in Humanities, Business and Computing. We are delighted that the family of Professor Cooley, the most eminent Irish systems engineer and only Irish winner of the alternative Nobel Prize, have allowed us to name the laboratory in his honour. The launch has attracted international and national attention with major computer science journals covering the event. President Higgins, long-time associated of Professor Cooley even sent his best wishes to us!

The INSYTE Cooley Laboratory for AURA.pdf

Diversity and Inclusion in Engineering:

2019-20 saw the launch of a new Working Group for Diversity and Inclusion in Science and Engineering, with members across 20 countries led by Mary Doyle-Kent.

Brenda O’Neiil secured two connections grants and an international network grant for Born Digital Archives. Dr. Jennifer O’Mahoney won research grants for her work at the Cooley Lab.

Dr. Larry Stapleton became the first Irish person to win the International Federation of Automatic Control “Outstanding Achievement Award” for leadership and scholarship in systems engineering.


Technology Leadership and Culture:

INSYTE are conducting a PhD level study funded by a City Council Grant into what constitutes successful technology leadership? What leadership styles and issues lead to successful, complex information systems development projects? This study is currently especially focussed upon post-crisis developing countries where the need for excellent technology leadership is very critical for economic development.

Information Technology Adoption Factors:

This project is made up of a number of subprojects which examine the key adoption factors for advanced technology in various organisational settings. The studies involve an examination of key failure factors and generate technology management frameworks for the successful management of business intelligence systems projects, ERP-type projects etc.

In conjunction with our partners, the University of Business and Technology in Pristina, Kosova, INSYTE are conducting a longitudinal Supply Chain Management Systems Adoption in Kosova, looking at the adoption factors and barriers associated with inter-organisational systems, and the impact this is having on the globalisation of the economy there. Plans are in place to develop a new collaboration in 2010-11 with the IFM Centre in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania with a fully-funded PhD student beginning in January 2011.

Information Systems Security:

This project is a PhD study funded by IRCSET and builds upon a prior two year MSc by Research study into systems security in Irish organisations. The MSc project showed that most systems security failures and risks are due to human and organisational problems, rather than technical failures. The present project deals with the human factors which lead to systems security failure, a very common problem in Irish industry.

The goal of the project is to develop a model of systems security culture. This model will be, in turn, utilised to develop a technology management framework for information systems security and audit tools for assessing systemic cultural risks associated with systems security in an organisation.


The centre is conducting a series of major e-privacy studies which examine human and social dimensions of e-privacy in the information society. It addresses two primary questions:

Given the sophisticated privacy technologies available, why do information systems developers continue to deliver poor privacy protection in internet-based systems?
What are the key dimensions of people’s perceptions of e-privacy across cultural and demographic boundaries?
Development of Higher Education (HE) in Science and Information Technology:

INSYTE have been partners in two EU projects to help build HE capacity in Kosova with a view to improving economic activity towards a smart economy. This has involved issues surrounding accreditation, curriculum building, transferrable skills etc. etc.  The Centre also has conducted research into industry certification of Irish HE IT curricula, professional competency frameworks for use in  curriculum development, problem based learning strategies for information systems HE programmes etc. Initial plans are in place to start a MSc by Research two year study in Assistive Technologies in 2011.

Socio-technical Systems Approach to Systems Development:

INSYTE are conducting a study of the socio-technical design and development issues associated with major systems development projects. The study develops new, socio-technical theoretical frameworks for understanding failure behaviour during and after systems implementations. A number of studies have been conducted in this area. The latest study is at PhD level and involves an examination of education systems development and implementations. INSYTE also are in discussion with two new potential PhD candidates from the MSc ISP programme who wish to explore various inter-cultural and anthropological aspects of online communities in this context.

INSYTE  also has a new collaborative arrangement to support Kosovan graduates coming into Ireland to take up MSc in ISP studies in 2010-11. The framework for the agreements are in place and the programme should be set up to receive the first intake from Kosovo in the coming academic year.

Academic Collaborations

INSYTE have a large number of international academic relationships across the world. Firstly, we have a visiting professor to the group:

Professor Karamjit Gill who is:

Professor Emeritus, Human Centred Systems, University of Brighton
Honorary Professor of Human Centred Systems, University of Urbino, Italy
Visiting Professor, University of Wales, Newport
Editor, AI & Society: Journal of Human centred System, Springer-Verlag, London
Academic Coordinator, Navigating Health in the Community Network, University of Brighton
International Coordinator, International Institute of Human centred Systems (IRIHCS),
Founding Director, SEAKE (Social and Educational Applications of Knowledge Engineering) Centre
Co-chair, MOSAICC, the Cross-Cultural Innovation Academy of MOSAI, New Delhi
Coordinator/Director, EU-India Cross Cultural Innovation Network, European Commission
Honorary Member, INGENTIBUS, Rome

Co-Director, International Institute of Soft Technology (IAST), Beijing

We also have a senior visiting research associate, Dr. Gabriel J. Byrne, from the Smurfit Graduate Business School in UCD. Dr. Byrne is a cultural anthropologist who specialises in organisational culture, leadership and strategy. He is a former senior executive in General Electric.

Our institutional collaborators are many and varied. These are some important, indicative relationships which show case the breadth of the work at the centre:

  1. Technical University of Vienna (TUWien), Austria: Lead partner in our EU project MSMMK. INSYTE Group Director Larry Stapleton holds a visiting lectureship in Information Systems at the CEC Executive Education Centre at TUWien. INSYTE are involved with the International Federation of Automation and Control Systems Technical Committee ‘SWIIS’ which deals with International Stability and Technology studies with Dr. Stapleton as vice-Cahioperson of that committee since 2002. Emeritus Professor Peter Kopacek of TUWIEN currently chairs this committee. TUWien researchers are co-authors with INSYTE people on several research papers.

  2. University of Business and Technology, Kosova: INSYTE are conducting a major longitudinal study of Supply Chain Management Systems Adoption and other IT adoption studies in post-conflict regions through this university. We are also conducting an e-privacy study there as part of a comparative inter-cultural study of e-privacy attitudes. UBT are beneficiaries of our EU project MSMMK delivering high quality higher education in technology and engineering studies. Dr. Stapleton holds a visiting Professorship in Information Systems in the University.

  3. South Carelia University of Applied Sciences, Finland: We have a long standing relationship with Dr. Ovaska’s group in Finland and have published international academic papers with their team. Our work focuses upon complex large scale information systems development and an e-privacy study. Dr. Stapleton presented a keynote speech at a National Conference organised by this University partner in Feb 2010.

  4. Romanian Academy of Sciences: We are working closely with Professor Bulz’s team at the institute of informatics. This work involves the re-examination of complex systems in the context of the information society. Whilst Dr. Bulz’s team are heavily influenced by Godel’s work, we are theorising through lenses such as an investigation of instrumentally-mediated social reality, post-phenomenology and post-structuralism. Dr. Stapleton visited the centre in Bucharest in October 2009 and publications have arisen from the work (see publications listing).

  5. University of Bordeaux: We have a long standing relationship with Dr. Lise Viera’s team which is largely funded out of the EU Grundtvig programme. This work looks at IT applications and particularly the use of SCM technologies in various sectors such as tourism and environmental studies.

  6. INSYTE have recently begun a new collaboration with the University of Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania. We are now actively involved in THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON E-TECHNOLOGIES AND NETWORKS FOR DEVELOPMENT (ICEND2011) and have an application for a new PhD student starting in INSYTE in January 2011 funded by the international agencies in Tanzania (through the IFM in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania).

Industrial Collaborations

We have researched many companies in various countries. For example, one of the biggest studies involves take-up of information technologies in Kosova where we have gathered data on about seventy companies over a period of several years. We have also gathered data from firms in several other countries involved in our various research studies into technology and organisational culture. The following two firms were partners in our most recent bids.

  1. ELUCIDATE: e-Government firm. We hosted international workshop on e-Government and a training mission from the EU MSMMK project. Elucidate were Irish industry representatives. INSYTE have also partnered with ELUCIDATE on two bilateral proposals.

  2. M-CAM: Leading American Knowledge Management firm with whom we collaborated on e-government proposals and have a long standing relationship dealing with developing countries dating back to 2004 and the EU-India SRSTI project in which we were involved.

  3. International Federation of Automation and Control (IFAC): IFAC is a professional/academic organisation of systems engineers and scientists. INSYTE researchers regularly present their work at IFAC events, and are heavily involved in Theme 9 of IFAC: Social Systems. We are members of the Technical Committee (TC 9.1) of the Social Impact of Automation and we are members of TC 9.5 Supplemental Ways of Improving International Stability (Technology and International Stability) on which Dr. Stapleton is vice-chair.

  4. National Round Table for Supply Chain Management Systems: Liam Doyle is founder member of the round table in SCM which is a professional organisation examining SCM technology in Irish industry and services.

  5. Telemedical Centre, Kosova: We are currently carrying out a study of technology leadership and culture at this award winning centre. This study is part of a larger PhD study conducted by Anita Kealy at our research centre.