Research, in the Sustainable Forestry Research Group, centres around the establishment, management, utilisation and protection of our forest resource and investigating novel methods of carrying out these operations so as to enhance the future viability of this resource in a eco-friendly and sustainable way.
In collaboration with colleagues from other departments in the university and other educational institutions together with the main players in the Forest Industry both here in Ireland and worldwide we are researching a number of areas namely:
- To develop bio-pesticides for use against established, new and emerging pest species that could threaten the forest estate in the future
- To investigate new plantation forest species to further diversify our forest estate and to help mitigate against the effects of climate change.
- To research the whole area of Biomass production, best practice and the viability of it from our forest estate.
- To develop an understanding the functioning and dynamics of ecosystems through the analyses and modelling of the carbon, water and nutrient cycles and of green-house gas fluxes with the aim of defining the best management practices.
We are open to enquiries on this research and would welcome any interested parties that feel they have a viable research idea in the above areas to contact us to discuss future collaborations in the area of sustainable forestry.
Name | Status | Location | |
Ana de Miguel Munoz |
Postgraduate |
Postgraduate |
Gary O’Brien |
Postgraduate |
SETU Waterford |
More to follow