The Nutrition Research Centre Ireland (NRCI) is a multi-disciplinary research group within South East Technological University that studies the role of nutrition and lifestyle for human well-being. The NRCI enables scientists to conduct research across a diverse range of human health-related disciplines including biotechnology, eye health, cognition, biochemistry, cancer and mental health.
The NRCI was established in 2016 and evolved from the Macular Pigment Research Group (established 2006). The NRCI has been self-funded since it’s fruition, as a result of funding secured by public entities and private bodies.

Carotenoid Nutrition:
The NRCI specialises in researching carotenoids. Carotenoids are naturally occurring plant-based pigments found in nature.
They give fruits, vegetables, and some other foods their bright colours. For example, a tomato is red because of the carotenoid lycopene; the yolk of an egg is yellow because of the carotenoid lutein. Carotenoids selectively accumulate in the retina and the brain where they primarily work as antioxidants

Macular Pigment:
The NRCI is a world leader in the measurement of macular pigment (the carotenoid pigments concentrated at the back of the eye, known as the yellow spot). Currently, we use the Heidelberg Spectralis system and its image-based software program to measure macular pigment. Using this technology, we can quantify the amount of this nutritional pigment in the living person, and test the impact of nutrition and supplement intervention on macular pigment improvement.

Omega Nutrition:
Omega-3 fatty acids are the building blocks of our cells, playing an important role in cellular structure and function. They are present in the eye and are abundant in the brain. The NRCI specialises in researching the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.
These fatty acids are produced by the body, but in specific stages of life and in various diseases, the internal production of these molecules is suboptimal. At the NRCI we study the beneficial role of the consumption of these important nutrients for eye and brain health.

Visual Performance:
The NRCI has a dedicated visual performance research facility, with state-of-the-art technologies in-situ to assess visual functions including visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, glare disability, photo-stress recovery, colour vision, and high-performance vision.

Cognitive Performance:
The NRCI has a dedicated cognitive performance research facility to assess cognitive processes including attention, reaction time and different types of memory.

Nutritional Interventional Studies:
The NRCI specialises in conducting human nutritional interventional studies, where the outcome measures are related to human function, with a particular emphasis on visual performance and cognitive performance.

Analytical Chemistry:
The NRCI has developed state-of-the-art methodologies and protocols for the analysis and quantification of omega 3-fatty acids and carotenoids in foods, supplements, blood and tissue.
The main analytical systems used include High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), ultra-HPLC, and Gas Chromatography (GC). These analyses are used to support our basic research analytical development, interventional studies and Supplement Certified analysis.
Response to Bernstein et al. Nolan JM, Meagher K, Kashani S, Beatty S. Eye (London). December 2013.