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A key driver in the development of disciplines in the construction industry is the creation and distribution of knowledge. Research relevant to the Irish construction industry has been limited to date, particularly in relation to people, processes and technology. The Department of the Built Environment at SETU Waterford established the CIRK Centre in 2005 now iBERG and this is the focal point for SETU Waterford research activities relevant to stakeholders in the current and future Irish construction industry and the storage of related knowledge.

In the current economic crisis situation the need for such research and knowledge is greater than ever. iBERG activities can assist companies in the Irish construction industry to change, develop and improve. iBERG activities are also central to ensuring that the teaching in the Department of the Built Environment is ‘research informed’. 

Much of the iBERG research has to date been carried out in partnership with other national/ international education and research organisations. Our strong links with professional organisations and industry have also been utilised in the course of our research work.

Research proposals are invited from individuals and organisations that have an interest in improving the Irish construction industry, particularly in relation to the following four main thematic areas.


Room C27,
South East Technological University,
Cork Road Campus,

Contact: Dr. Derek Sinnott

Phone: 051 306 352

Email: [email protected]