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The key research interests of the individual group members include Literature, Philosophy and Theology, Design, Film Studies, Music and Cultural Studies. The research group facilitates collaboration between researchers in various areas of Humanities to investigate the concepts of creativity and culture.

The group members examine the theoretical maxims of these concepts and then apply these to the individual disciplines, to provide a more in-depth insight into the nature of creativity and culture. In addition the group considers the interrelationship between creativity in the different disciplines to give a better understanding of how to encourage creative thinking and innovation. It also looks at the role of creativity throughout history and how it helped to shape culture.

The group provides a unique opportunity for a trans-disciplinary view of creativity and culture, and it also allows for collaboration between different areas. It therefore has the potential for a particular impact on educational training and society due to its distinctive constitution.

Interdisciplinary research between the areas of Literature, Philosophy and Theology, Design, Film Studies, Music and Cultural Studies is uncommon because of the organisational structure of traditional Universities: this group therefore is in a position to pursue original and innovative research in a hereto unexplored context. Central to the research initiative is how a more in-depth understanding of creativity and culture in humanity can make for a better human life in a better world.

Thematic Areas for Postgraduate Students

The current postgraduate students are working in the areas of Religious Studies and Theology, and Music.

Contact:  Dr. Fiona Dowling   Email:

CCRG Fulltime Faculty Members

  • Ms. Joy Rooney BA, M. Phil
  • Mr. Philip Cremin BA, MA
  • Dr Bridget O’Connell BA, LLCM(TD), ALCM, MA, PhD
  • Dr. Séamus Dillon BA, MA, PhD
  • Dr. Paul Clogher BA, MA, PhD
  • Dr. Fiona Dowling ADVC -BA Des, MA Des, PhD
  • Dr. Richard Hayes BA, MA, PhD
  • Prof. Emeritus Michael Howlett BSc, BD, STL, ThD, PhD
  • Dr. Colette Moloney B Mus, Dip. CSM, LRSM, LLCM(TD), LTCL, ALCM, PhD
  • Dr. Marian Ingoldsby B Mus, Dip LLCM(TD), ALCM, MA, PhD
  • Dr. Brendan Jennings B. Eng, PhD



Dr. Fiona Dowling, Prof. Emeritus Michael Howlett, Dr. Colette Moloney & Dr. Richard Hayes.

Main Project Aims

  • To investigate the conceptual and theoretical foundations of creativity and culture.
  • To consider the inter-relationship between creativity and culture.
  • To examine creativity and cultural trends in the different disciplines, particularly from the nineteenth century onwards.
  • To encourage creativity and innovation.
  • To interpret historical elements creatively in contemporary formats.

Clogher, P. (forthcoming, 2021) The Space Between: Pasolini’s II Vangelo Secondo Mattero and the Mediation of Scripture,” Biblical Interpretation.

Clogher, P. (2019) The Cinema of Contemplation: Paul Schrader’s First Reformed, Reality, November.

Clogher, P, (2018) 'Re-writing the Gospel: Cinema and Scripture in Martin Scorsese's The Last Temptation of Christ.' In The Cultural Reception of the Bible: Explorations in Theology, Literature and the Arts (Festschrift), eds. Salvador Ryan and Liam Tracey OSM (Dublin: Four Courts).

Clogher, P. (2018) The Space Between: Pasolini’s Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo and the Mediation of Scripture.’ Biblical Interpretation (forthcoming, 2020). 'The Sacred within the Profane: Cinema and Christian Identity,' Psycho-Logik: Jahrbuch für Psychotherapie, Philosophie und Kultur, vol. 13. (Freiburg/München: Verlag Karl Abler).

Clogher, P (2018) 'Moving Texts: A Hermeneutics of the Gospel according to Hollywood,' Harvard Theological Review 111, no. 3 (with Tom Boland, WIT)

Clogher, P (2017) Through a lens darkly: Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror, Reality, 2017.

Clogher, P (2017) 'A Genealogy of Critique: From Parrhesia to Prophecy,' Critical Research on Religion 5, no. 2 (with Tom Boland).

‘Clogher, P (2015) "Because he is Different . . ." The Ambiguous Hermeneutics of Nicholas Ray's King of Kings,' Heythrop Journal 56, no. 2.

Clogher, P. (2013) ‘The Jesus Film and Tradition: A Hermeneutical Reflection,' Gregorianum 94, no. 1.

Clogher, P (2011) 'Re-Consecrating Jesus: Pasolini's The Gospel According to St Matthew and the Hermeneutics of Tradition,' Maynooth Theological Journal 1.

Dowling, F. (2008) ‘Visual Culture and Visual Values: Identity and belonging in a material world, in Breen, M.J. and Conway, E. (eds) Culture, Technology & Values: Ethical Dimensions of European Identity. UK: Paragon Publishing, pp 15-24.

Dowling, F. (2008) ‘Creativity & Culture –Transnational Interdisciplinary Comparative Study Of Cultural Exchanges & Patterns With the Rise Of European Nation States, ‘Research Poster, HERA (Humanities In the European Research Area. Paris.

Ó Diollúin, S. (2016) 'Mícheál Callánach Ó Séaghdha (1812-1901)', in Nic Congáil, R. et al (eagarthóirí) Litríocht na Gaeilge ar fud an Domhain Imleabhar 1. Baile Átha Cliath: LeabhairCOMHAR, pp. 215-232.

Mulhall, C. and Ó Diollúin, S. (2014) ‘Dearcadh na nDéise – Representations of Gaeltacht na nDéise in Dineen’s Bilingual Irish-English Dictionary (1927)’. Proceedings of the XVI Euralex International Conference, Lgh 787-792.

Ó Diollúin, S. (2011) ‘An tAthair Uinseann Ó Maidín OCSO’, An Linn Bhuí, Iris Ghaeltacht na nDéise, Vol. 15

Ó Diollúin, S. (2008) ‘An Chúirt ar cuairt i gcéin ‘Cúirt an Mheán Oíche’ i gcnuasach Phádraig Fheiritéir’, Taighde agus Teagasc, Vol. 6, pg 102-116.