Blue tourism is a significant force driving the development of coastal regions in the Atlantic Area. It holds great potential for generating wealth and plays a crucial role in the European Union's blue economy. However, the growth in this sector affects the social and environmental aspects of the coast, bringing about challenges for the local population and authorities. Responding to these challenges requires the development of new forms of blue tourism that can be shared across borders.
SEALabHaus is introducing an innovative and integrated approach, inspired by the New European Bauhaus (NEB), through the collaborative design of a transnational laboratory for the Atlantic Area. This project aims to create advanced structures, tools, and services that will enhance the connections and specialized capabilities of the region. It supports unique, innovative, sustainable, and inclusive projects based on NEB values.
The project's main goal is to revolutionize the tourism and blue culture value chain. By transforming, revitalizing, and enhancing the coastal tourism ecosystem, the project seeks to achieve balance with the sea. This balance is seen as a crucial element for resilience, well-being, and long-term sustainability in coastal areas.

- Xunta de Galicia (Galicia, ES)
- Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Canarias, ES)
- Medatlantia Consultoría Europea S.Coop Galega (Galicia, ES)
- Laboratoire d’Économie et de Gestion de l’Ouest (Bretagne, FR)
- Brest Métropole (Bretagne, FR)
- École Européenne Supérieure d'Art de Bretagne (Bretagne, FR)
- Associação de Desenvolvimento Local da Bairrada e Mondego - AD ELO (Centro, PT)
- Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade do Porto (Norte, PT)
- South East Technological University (Southern, IE)
- University College Dublin (Eastern and Midland, IE)
- WIN Consultants (Northern and Western, IE)
Associated partners:
- Associação Diogo de Azambuja (Centro, PT)
- ADMS - Associação de Desenvolvimento (Centro, PT)
- Office de Tourisme et des Congrès de Brest Métropole (Bretagne, FR)
- Dundalk Institute of Technology (Eastern and Midland, IE)
- Meath County Council (Eastern and Midland, IE)
- Consulta Europa Projects and Innovation (Canarias, ES)
- Asociación Canaria de Startups, Empresas de Base Tecnológica e Inversores Ángeles (Canarias, ES)
- National College of Art and Design (Northern and Western, IE)
- Paysages de Mégalithes (Bretagne, FR)