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The list below presents a highlighted subset of available research grants from national funding agencies. Please click on a title to see more detail.


If you are interested in applying to any of the below calls contact the relevant team (Waterford: [email protected], Carlow/Wexford: [email protected]) member of the team will assist you.

The SFI Discover Programme 2024, supports the development and delivery of STEM education and public engagement projects that aim to broaden participation and engagement of the public with STEM. Please note that research activity falls outside the scope of the Discover Programme.

Potential applicants from a wide range of organisations, including eligible research bodies, meeting the Programme’s eligibility criteria, can request up to €60,000 for a project grant of 12 months duration or up to €300,000 for a regional or national initiative over a period of 12 or 24 months. Administrative expenses up to a capped maximum amount can also be requested. Salary will not be funded for project team members who are currently in receipt of salaries from their organisation, but budget can be requested for salaries for project team members who are hired to support with the project.  

Key Dates

Deadline for upload of proposal to PUREWednesday 26th June 2024 @ 13:00 Irish Time
Full proposal deadlineWednesday 3rd July 2024 @ 13:00 Irish Time

 Key Resources


The SFI and Irish Aid Sustainable Development Goal Challenge 2024 (SDG 2 – Zero Hunger) is now open.

This exciting opportunity seeks to support diverse, transdisciplinary teams to develop transformative, sustainable solutions that will contribute to addressing development challenges under the UN SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) in countries where Irish Aid works. The Challenge entails a competitive Concept, Seed, and Prize Award Phase whereby applicants progress to the next Phase based on review of performance in the previous Phase. One team will be selected for the Prize Award Phase.

Transdisciplinary teams that include expertise in STEM as well as relevant knowledge or experience in complementary disciplines, based in eligible Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) or Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) in Ireland and partner countries, may apply. The team lead should have a demonstrable track record relevant to the proposed solution. A partner country team co-lead based in an eligible HEI or RPO in an eligible partner country should also be included. Workshop grants of up to €5,000 are available to facilitate team formation and seed idea generation prior to submitting an application.

Total funding available

Pre-submission workshop grant€5,000
Concept phase (6 months)€50,000
Seed phase (12 months)€250,000
Prize award phase (24 months)€1,000,000


SDG Challenge I Open for sustainable solutions

Key dates

Applications openJune 2024
Workshop support grant deadlineFriday 5th July 2024 @ 13:00 Irish Time
Deadline for upload of full proposal to PURETuesday 1st October 2024 @ 13:00 Irish Time
Full proposal deadlineTuesday 8th October 2024 @ 13:00 Irish Time

Key resources


The US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership (opens in a new tab) is a unique initiative involving funding agencies across three jurisdictions: United States of America, Republic of Ireland & Northern Ireland.

The overall goal of the Partnership is to increase the level of collaborative R&D amongst researchers and industry across the three jurisdictions. This collaboration aims to generate valuable discoveries and innovations which are transferable to the marketplace, or will lead to enhancements in health, disease prevention or healthcare.

The Partnership achieves its goals through tri-partite research projects in which the funding agencies fund the elements of research undertaken in their own jurisdiction. Importantly, the Partnership must add significant value to each research programme above that achievable by the PI in each jurisdiction working alone.

The current focus of the US-Ireland R&D Partnership Programme, as agreed by the Partnership Steering Group (opens in a new tab), is on the following seven thematic areas:

  • Sensors & Sensor Networks
  • Nanoscale Science & Engineering
  • Telecommunications
  • Energy & Sustainability
  • Health
  • Cybersecurity (new theme)
  • Agriculture

How the Programme Operates

Each US-Ireland R&D Partnership proposal must have a minimum of one applicant from each jurisdiction and significant research participation by all three jurisdictions. The work proposed for each jurisdiction must add significant value, so that the overall programme of research goes beyond what might be achieved by any one PI working alone supported by national funding only.

The applicants from each jurisdiction will write a joint tri-partite proposal in the format required by NSF or NIH. It is the responsibility of the US investigator to submit the tri-partite proposal to the respective agency for review. Proposals are evaluated in accordance with the standard NSF or NIH review criteria of intellectual merit and broader impacts of the proposed effort. The funding agencies on the island of Ireland have agreed to accept the decisions of NSF and NIH with regard to the suitability for funding of individual proposals

Notification of Intent to Submit

In order to participate in a US-Ireland R&D Partnership proposal to the NSF or NIH, NI and RoI eligible applicants must send a mandatory Intention to Submit (ITS) form to the relevant funding agencies, North and South, from the Research Institution Research Offices on behalf of the RoI and NI lead applicant respectively. The information in this form will be used for planning purposes by the agencies. For templates and deadlines please see relevant call documentation.

Draft “Tri-Partite” proposal submission

In advance of submission of the final tri-partite proposal to the NSF or NIH, RoI and NI funding agencies will evaluate the draft proposal and either approve or decline support. Therefore, a draft of the tri-partite proposal for submission to the NSF or NIH must be submitted to the NI and RoI funding agencies in advance of full proposal deadline. For specific timelines and requirements please see relevant call documentation.

Submission of Final Tri-Partite Proposal to NSF

Once eligibility of the proposal has been confirmed by the RoI and NI funding agencies and the draft tri-partite proposal approved, the RoI and NI PIs are permitted to submit the tri-partite proposal to the NSF or NIH via their US partner, as it is the US partner who takes the lead on submission of the full proposal, including all necessary documentation, to the US funding agency via their Research Institution. 

Each of the RoI and NI funding agencies will write a Funding Commitment Letter outlining their level of budget commitment subject to NSF or NIH approval of the tri-jurisdictional proposal. Funding Commitment Letters are sent to the applicant by their funding agency and must be included in the final NSF or NIH submission.

Who can apply?

A US-Ireland R&D Partnership Programme application must have a minimum of one academic applicant from each of the three jurisdictions. Significant participation by researchers in all three jurisdictions must be demonstrated in the application.

Researchers should be at mid-stage or senior stage in their career. For specific eligibility criteria please refer to relevant call documentation.

Express your interest through Pure 

If you are preparing a funding application in adherence with SETU Waterford policy, please log your Expression of Interest via our internal record system Pure to receive guidance and support from the research office, TTO, and research finance team members.  Log in under your profile here, identify the fund opportunity and create your draft application. 

Other guidance/Notes you may like to weave in for guidance on Pure  

  • We have a detailed Help & FAQ Guide on the Research Office website on Pure - SETU Waterford Campus | formerly Waterford Institute of Technology (  
  • All applicants/PIs will need a Pure Profile to log an application for funding. If you haven't yet set up your Pure profile, please email [email protected] and they will set you up and give some guidance.  
  • Please note the system does not submit to the funder/agency it just tracks what stage the proposal is at. The PI/Applicant or the RO must follow the individual guides for submission as provided by the agency/funder or funder.  
  • Pure is our tracking and record system internally and has a shared view of application progress, submission, and outcome of awards across key stakeholders in the organization.  

The Irish Cancer Society Allied Health Professional Cancer Research Award is presently open for applications. Research teams must have one allied health professional working in a clinical oncology role and one researcher working in an academic role. Allied health professionals are considered to be healthcare professionals who are not nurses, midwives, or medical doctors. 


The Awards aims to stimulate, develop, and support allied health cancer care research in the Republic of Ireland. Applicants can apply for funding up to €75,000 for a project of 12 to 24 months in duration. Two awards will be made. One will fund an adult-related research project and the second will fund a child, adolescent, or young adult-focused project.


Key Dates:

  • Full proposal deadline: Thursday 11th July 2024, 3pm


Key  Resources:

Irish Cancer Society Allied Health Professional Cancer Research Awards 2024 - Guidelines for Applicants