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Welcome to the SETU Research Ethics web page. On this page you will find useful information for staff and students wishing to conduct research in SETU about the importance of conducting ethical research, SETU's requirements with regards the approval of research by the Research Ethics Committee (REC), and the application process for ethical approval of research. 

The principles which inform the work of the SETU Research Ethics Committee 

Good ethical governance and review of research is a core value and priority at SETU. It is the responsibility of the Research Ethics Committee to scrutinise all research which involves humans and animals to ensure it is compliant with statutory requirements and is conducted to the highest ethical principles which emphasise the rights and welfare of subjects (both people and animals), treating all with dignity and ensuring that those who participate in research, whether subjects, researchers, other stakeholders and/or SETU are not put at risk. 


The membership of the Research Ethics Committee consists of senior researchers drawn from the university's academic community, including staff with specific expertise in ethics, law, intellectual property and freedom of information and data protection. In addition, representatives of the public also sit on the committee. 

Further Information 

If you want further information about the ethics committee or need to get ethical advice about your research project from the ethics committee, please contact via e-mail at [email protected] 

All SETU researchers, students and staff, have a personal responsibility for meeting the ethical requirements in the conduct of their research. All researchers should, in the first instance, refer to Chapter 11 of the PG Regulations, seek advice from the supervisor and obtain approval from the relevant authority, the SETU research ethics committee (REC) or school prior to commencing any research activities, where applicable.  

Further information is contained in the SETU Ethical Approval Application Form

Any research activity in the areas below conducted by a member of SETU community must receive approval before beginning. The areas of research requiring approval include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Human experimentation;
  2. Animal experimentation;
  3. Ionizing radiation;
  4. Collecting of sensitive or confidential data;
  5. Research that involves people’s personal information, rights or freedoms (this includes internet-based research)
  6. Children and young people or any vulnerable groups (examples of vulnerable groups might include, but are not limited to: ; prisoners; refugees; those in care; addiction service users; adults with a learning disability or cognitive impairment; individuals with mental illness or other serious illness/life-limiting conditions; individuals with conditions which may have social or legal stigma over researched groups)
  7. Research that involves SETU staff or SETU students as research subjects;
  8. Research where there may be a potential for subjects to feel under pressure to participate;
  9. Research that may involve a risk of harm (physical, social, economic, legal or other) to the researcher;
  10. Research which may lead to the disclosure of acts on the part of subjects, either consciously or unconsciously, that are professionally or morally disapproved of or are against the law;
  11. Research that involves a potential stress or loss to subjects (psychological, physical, economic, reputational) beyond those of everyday life if the subjects had not participated in the study;
  12. Research involving direct observations of people’s activities (either open or covert observation).
  13. Research involving human or animal remains, cadavers, tissues, biological fluids, embryos or foetuses;
  14. Research involving manipulation or induction of a change in the environment;
  15. Research involving secondary use of data (use of data initially collected for another purpose) - health records; employee records; student records; computer listings; banked tissue - if any form of identifier is involved or if private information pertaining to individuals is involved;
  16. Research on sensitive topics;
  17. Research where a gatekeeper is involved;
  18. Research using the internet or social media;
  19. Research involving artificial intelligence;
  20. Use of financial incentives/inducements;
  21. Use of any substance or equipment that may pose an excessive risk to human health.

Each researcher should also note that Garda Vetting clearance may also be required in cases where the research programme will involve placement in health or social care settings.

Researchers and postgraduate research students must complete the SETU Ethical Approval Application Form and submit it along with all other relevant documentation to [email protected]. Please see the SETU Research Ethics Committee Operations and Guidance document  for guidance on how to complete an application. 

Please see the Data Protection Policy which all staff and students should read prior to appearing before the Ethics Committee. Staff and students working with data should follow the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) The GDPR is an important component of EU privacy law and human rights law, in particular Article 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Considering GDPR in your research helps to assure research participants that the organisation is credible and using their personal data for the public good.  

Additionally, if your research project is health-related, you should also read the Data Protection Guidelines on Research in the Health Sector

Please contact [email protected] for further details.  

Meeting Date: Deadline for receipt of Applications: 
Thursday, 12 December 2024Thursday, 5 December 2024
Monday, 27 January 2025Monday, 13 January 2025
Wednesday, 12 February 2025Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Thursday, 20 March 2025Thursday, 13 March 2025
Monday, 7 April 2025Friday, 28 March 2025
Wednesday, 13 May 2025Wednesday, 6 May 2025
Thursday, 12 June 2025Thursday, 5 June 2025
*subject to change. All queries to [email protected] 
SETU REC Application DOC 57.404 KB