About Qualtrics
Qualtrics is a powerful online survey tool that allows users to build complex surveys that fulfill a variety of research needs. This tool can be used to build surveys, distribute surveys and analyse responses, all from one convenient online location. User benefits include access to professional-level data collection, data analysis and data reporting tools that can automatically convert data for SPSS at the click of a mouse. It also improves the quality of research for research projects and assignments.
How to access this service
Qualtrics at SETU is available to all staff and students on a first come first serve basis. Please complete the form below if you would like to get set up with a Qualtrics licence.
Once you obtain your Qualtrics licence, to log on with your Qualtrics licence, please visit https://setu.qualtrics.com
Please note
- Staff on the Waterford and Carlow and Wexford campus must use their @setu.ie email account to log into Qualtrics.
- Students must use their university email account to log into Qualtrics.
- Availability: Qualtrics is a cloud-based service, which is available 24/7.
Related information
Qualtrics Support offers easy-to-read overview guides explaining all the basic functionality. If you prefer an instructor, use their recorded webinars or sign up for live online training. Both are available free of charge.
General support queries
- Option 1: There are a very useful set of online tutorials which will be of assistance to anyone wishing to use Qualtrics for the first time, and some basic quizzes which might be useful for anyone wishing to use the tool Online Help Documentation.
- Option 2: Use the “Help” option on the menu bar in the top right corner of every Qualtrics screen.
- Option 3: Visit https://www.qualtrics.com/support-center/?Product=survey-platform to log your query or email [email protected]. Qualtrics will need your login username to identify you.