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The logos of the Government of Ireland, European Union, Southern Regional Assembly and Higher Education Authority


SETU TU RISE is co-financed by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Southern, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-27.

€13.6 million has been awarded to SETU to implement the TU RISE project. This 4 year project will position SETU, the sole university in the South East region, as the key driver of innovation, accelerating its engagement and impact on the region, collaboratively leveraging internal and external knowledge and expertise for civic, economic and social benefit. In so doing, the project aligns with relevant national and regional development strategies, including the NDP Ireland 2040, the RSES for the Southern Region and Impact 2030. 

The project is comprised of 5 work packages and led by the Vice President for Research Innovation and Impact and the Head of Research. The project Steering committee is chaired by the President of SETU. 

The project objectives are as follows: 

  1. To engage effectively with enterprise and the region, delivering innovation and knowledge transfer via enhanced R&I support and training infrastructure, underpinned by robust governance.
  2. To increase SETU’s research, innovation and impact by augmenting central office support and enterprise engagement structures, combined with faculty positions to leverage academia-enterprise R&D partnerships and inform a research-led curriculum.
  3. To elevate SETU’s research and innovation performance in areas of regional specialisation through (a) attracting and fostering new talent and (b) releasing latent capacity to generate greater impact via collaborative knowledge transfer.
  4. To enable regional enterprise to identify and manage the challenges and opportunities relating to climate change and the digital transition. This will include activities directed at rural and micro enterprises.
  5. To enhance regional impact and foster sustainable economic growth by increasing the number of enterprises supported through and engaged with the university’s R&I and entrepreneur support ecosystem.

    The overall aim of this project is to position SETU at the centre of a quadruple helix model of innovation as per the diagram below.

    Contact: Queries regarding the project can be directed to [email protected]


Enterprise Informed Infographic

SETU offerings to enterprise and TU RISE initiatives are detailed in our Industry brochure:

TU RISE Industry Brochure External Link