Dr Deirdre Fleming
Lecturer in Department of Sport Media and Marketing
Email: [email protected]

Research Interests
Dr Fleming has over 17 years in Brand and Marketing Management having spent time working in the UK for Compass group and Sainsburys Plc and Musgraves and Waterford Crystal in the Irish market. She returned to full time education in September 2009 to do a PhD with a keen interest in Inter-organisational relationships within the SME sector. Her research focusses on B2B relationship dynamics and in particular on how B2B relationships recover when faced with the possibility of dissolution.
Her current research interest include:
- The management of negative online reviews in the hotel industry
- Marketing automation in B2B markets
- B2B relationship recovery
Engagement and Collaboration
Member of NorD - Special interest group on Business to Business (B2B) Relationship Dynamics. This group has extensive publications in the European Journal of Marketing and Industrial Marketing Management
International collaboration with Professor Jaana Tahtinen – Cross-country comparison study between Finland and Ireland.
Currently working on a proposal with WIT as part of the South East Institutes of Technology Cross Institutional Collaborative Project Fund 2018
Current Research Students
Sandra Veinberger – A process model of the management of negative online reviews
Areas of Interest as a Supervisor include
- Marketing and Digital marketing
- Education – Teaching and learning
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Fleming, D., Lynch, P. and Kelliher, F., 2016. The process of evaluating business to business relationships facing dissolution: An SME owner manager perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 58, pp.83-93.
Conference Proceedings and Papers
Towards an integrated framework of inter-organisational relationship dissolution and restoration 2011 IAM (Irish Academy of Management) conference, Dublin, competitive paper presented in the Organisational Behaviour track and published in the conference proceedings
Towards a model of understanding restoring actions during the stages of dissolution in inter-organisational relationships 2012 IMP (international marketing and purchasing) group conference, Glasgow, Scotland.Published in conference proceedings
Inter-organisational dissolution and Repair in Irish SMEs: An integrated framework 2013 IAM (Irish Academy of Management) conference, published in conference proceedings
The Moderating effect of the state of the relationship on relationship repair 2014 Nordic conference on Relational Dynamics, October 17th 2014