Research Interests
Research interests are in the area of aircraft vehicle detections, brain computer interfaces, non-intrusive objective networks quality assessment and end-user behavior modelling.
During 2004 to 2007 Dr. Dorel Picovici was a research officer with the National Communications Network Research Centre (NCNRC) based in University of Limerick. The research work carried out with NCNRC consisted in Adapting QoS for VoIP in B3G/4G Wireless Networks using Non-Intrusive evaluation.
From 2015 to 2017 he was the principle investigator for two projects funded by Enterprise Ireland related to aircraft vehicle detection (AVoiD). AVoiD, is a novel solution for both the detection and reporting of contact and near-contact incidents between aircraft and ground service equipment (GSE). AVoiD will give GSE handlers, airlines and airports internationally the tools necessary to ensure compliance with ground handling safety standards and airside operating procedures.
From 2012 to 2014 Dr. Picovici was the SETU Carlow’s representative for Tyndall’s National Access Programme (NAP) Committee.
Dr. Picovici has five patent applications, authored and co-authored over 50 book chapters, refereed journals and international conference articles. In 2003, 2004 & 2016, he was a jury member during International Annual Students’ Contest ‘Hard & Soft’, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Suceava, Romania. He is a regular reviewer and member of the Steering Committees for a number of national, European and international conferences, and has acted as a reviewer for a number of journals, books and research funding bodies.
Engagement and Collaboration
- 2017- Reviewer: International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control, Bentham Science Publishers.
- 2015 – Conference general chair for the Irish Signals & Systems Conference (ISSC 2015).
- 2014 - present: Steering Committee member and reviewer for Irish Signals & Systems Conference.
- 2012-2014 IT Carlow’s representative for Tyndall’s National Access Programme (NAP) Committee.
- 2007-present: Reviewer: Journal of Information Technology Research (JITR)
- 2007 – Reviewer : IEEE Africon 2007 Conference.
- 2005 –Registered as an expert in the Sixth and Seventh Research Framework Programme (Registration No. EX2002B073598 )
- 2005-Reviewer: 9th WSEAS Int. Conference on Computers (July 14-16, Greece), Conference organised by World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, (WSEAS).
- 2004 - 2005 - Reviewer for the IEEE Signal Processing Letters Journal
- 2003-2004-2016 Jury member during International Annual Students’ Contest “Hard & Soft" , Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Suceava, Romania.
- 2003-Reviewer: 3rd Int. Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, Italy; Conference member for the 4th World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society, (WSEAS) Conference, USA.
Research Funding
- 2018: Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher: Joe Curran Commercials.
- 2017: Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher: Collaboration with DesignCORE.
- 2016: Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher: Joe Curran Commercials.
- 2015: Enterprise Ireland CF-2015-0099: Commercialization Fund: Aircraft Vehicle Detection (AVoiD)
- 2014: Enterprise Ireland CF20140132Y: Commercialization Feasibility Fund: Aircraft Ground Proximity Detection
- 2014: Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher: Tara Equestrian.
- 2014: Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher: Maven TM.
- 2013: Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher: Turtle Bunbury.
- 2013: Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher: Real Hair International.
- 2012: Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher: Shamrock Leisure Ireland.
- 2011: Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher: Athy Heritage Museum.
- 2011: Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher: BonaFidePharma.ie
- 2010: Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher: Treadsman.ie
- 2010: Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher: Privateseller.ie
- 2010: Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher: eBamma Ltd
- 2009: SIF 2 Funding: Teaching and Learning Centre IT Carlow
- 2009: Enterprise Ireland Innovation Voucher: eBamma Ltd
- 2007: Commercialization Fund: Proof of Concept Phase 2007
- 2007: Stage 1 Patent Funding, Enterprise Ireland: IP281-I
- 2006: Microsoft Research: Wireless Networking Research Program
- 2004-2009: University Grant from Wind River System Inc.
- 2002-2004 Plassey Campus Postgraduate Scholarship
- 2003 International Speech Communication Association Travel Grant
- 2002 Enterprise Ireland IC/2002/040: International Collaboration Program “Speech training system for the hearing impaired"
Current Research Students
2007 – Present, Institute of Technology Carlow
- 2016 – present: supervising one PhD student (Level 10)
- 2014- present: supervising M.Eng students (Level 9)
- 2007- present: supervising B.Eng students at both Level 7 & 8
- 2009-10: joint supervisor for two M.Eng students from University of Prishtina, Kosovo
- 2016 - present: Supervising Erasmus students from France
Past Research Students
2000-2007, University of Limerick
- 2000: One BSc student (joint supervisor)
- 2001: Supervisor for one BSc and joint supervisor for two BSc students
- 2002: Supervisor for one BSc student
- 2003: Joint supervisor for two ERASMUS students
- 2004-07: Joint supervisor for two M.Eng and one PhD students
Patent Applications
Picovici, D., 2018. Aircraft Ground Proximity Detection. European Patent Office. PCT/EP2018/054823
Picovici, D. ,2017. Aircraft Ground Proximity Detection. UK Patent Office. 1703275.6
Picovici, D. & Denieffe, D., 2008. A method and apparatus for determining an overall quality factor for playing a game online. Irish Patent Office. FFG/ER/P2664
Picovici, D. & Nelson, J., 2007. A Telephony System and Method. Irish Patent Office. 2007/0327
Picovici, D., Skehill, R., Rice, I. J. & Barry, M., 2007. Location-based Services. Irish Patents Office. UNI039/P/IE.
Book Chapters
Picovici, D., Denieffe, D. & Carrig, B., 2008. ‘The Impact of Network-Based Parameters on Gamer Experience’, in Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (ed.), Information Science Reference, pp: 1830-1837, ISBN: 978-1-60566-026-4.
Picovici, D. & Nelson, J., 2008. ‘Perceptual Voice Quality Measurements for Wireless Networks’, in Wireless Multimedia: Quality of Service and Solutions, Information Science Reference, pp: 274-295, ISBN: 978-1-59904-820-8.
Skehill, R. Kent, W. & Picovici, D., 2008. ‘ARES: Evaluating QoS in a Multi Access Wireless Network’, in Wireless Multimedia: Quality of Service and Solutions, Information Science Reference, pp: 1-30, ISBN: 978-1-59904-820-8.
Nelson, J. & Picovici, D.,2006. UWB Bluetooth: Strategies for Integration’ in Mobile Multimedia: Communication Engineering Perspective, Nova Publisher,pp: 137-156, ISBN: 1-60021-207-7.
Mahdi, A.E. & Picovici, D., 2006. ‘Perceptual Voice Quality Measurement- Can You Hear Me Loud and Clear?’, in Handbook of Research on Mobile Multimedia, Idea Group Inc., ISBN: 1-59140-866-0.
Szalowski , A. & Picovici, D. 2015, ‘Low-cost Brain-Computer Interfaces’, Journal of Engineering and Technology(SJET); vol-3, issue-6 ISSN 2347-9523.
Picovici, D. 2014, ‘What is Happening to Electronic Engineer?’, International Journal of Advance Innovations, Thoughts & Ideas (IJAITI), ISSN: 2277-1891.
Mahdi, A.E. & Picovici, D. 2010, ‘New Single-ended Objective Measure for Non-intrusive Speech Quality Evaluation’, Signal, Image and Video Processing – Springer, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 23-38, ISSN: 1863-1711.
Mahdi, A.E. & Picovici, D. 2009, ‘Advances in Voice Quality Measurement in Modern Telecommunications’, Digital Signal Processing – Elsevier Science, Vol. 19, No.1, pp. 79-103, ISSN: 1051-2004.
Picovici, D., Contiu, A. V. Topa A. & Nelson J. 2008, ‘Wireless Lab for Wireless Sensor Networks’, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 8(15), ISSN 1582-7445.
Mahdi, A.E. & Picovici, D. 2008, ‘New single-ended objective measure for non-intrusive speech quality evaluation’, Signal, Image and Video Processing, Journal-Springer-Verlag, ISSN: 1863-1703 (Print) 1863-1711 (Online), DOI 10.1007/s11760-008-0092-1.
Mahdi, A.E. Picovici, D. 2007 ‘ Advances in Voice Quality Measurement in Modern Telecommunications’, Digital Signal Processing, Elsevier, DOI:10.1016/j.dsp.2007.11.006.
Denieffe, D., Carrig, B.,Marshall D. & Picovici, D. 2007, ‘A Game Assessment Metric for the Online Gamer’, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 7(14) pp: 3-7, ISSN 1582-7445.
Picovici, D., Berglund M. & Nelson J. 2007, ‘Voice Controlled Wireless Sensor Networks’, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 7(14) pp: 3-9, ISSN 1582-7445.
Nelson J. & Picovici D. 2007,‘UWB Bluetooth: Strategies for Integration’ Internet Journal, Nova Publishers Vol. 1. No. 3 pp: 187-287.
Picovici, D & Nelson J. 2006, ‘Advances in Perceptual Quality Measurements Applied to Voice Over IP (VoIP) Network’, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol 6(13) pp: 45-50, ISSN 1582-7445.
Johnson, K., Picovici, D. & Hall, T. 2004, ‘The Implementation of an Open Source System for the Creation of e-Learning Content within an Irish University’, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering Vol 4/11 pp. 31-37, ISSN: 1582-7445.
Mahdi, A.E. & Picovici D. 2004, ‘Output-Based Objective Measure for Non-Intrusive Speech Quality Evaluation’ WSEAS Transactions of acoustics and music, Vol 1/3 pp. 139-145, ISSN: 1109-9577.
Picovici, D., Levy, D., Mahdi, A.E. & Coffey, T. 2004, ‘The cascade induction machine: a reliable and controllable motor or generator’ ,Electric Power Systems Research, Elsevier Science, Vol 68/3 pp. 193-207, ISSN: 0378-7796.
Picovici, D., Levy, D. & Mahdi, A.E. 2001,‘A Novel Low Cost, High Efficiency Air Filter’, The Irish Scientist Vol.9, ISSN: 0791-878X.
Conference Publications
A. Szalowski, A. & Picovici, D., 2017. Investigating stimuli graphics’ size and resolution performance in Steady State Visual Evoked Potential. In: Irish Systems & Signals Conference, June 20 – 21, 2017, Killarney, Co. Cork, Ireland.
A. Szalowski, A. & Picovici, D.,2016. Investigating brain signal peaks vs electroencephalograph electrode placement using multicolour 10Hz flickering graphics stimulation for Brain-Computer Interface development. In: Irish Systems & Signals Conference, June 21 – 22, 2016, Ulster University, Derry, Northern Ireland.
A. Szalowski, A. & Picovici, D.,2016. Investigating colour’s effect in stimulating brain oscillations for BCI systems. In: 4th International Conference on Brain-Computer Interface, February 22-24, 2016 Korea. Technically Sponsored by TC on Brain-Machine Interface Systems, IEEE SMC Society.
A. Szalowski, A. & Picovici, D., 2015. Investigating the robustness of constant and variable period graphics in eliciting steady state visual evoked potential signals using Emotiv EPOC, MATLAB, and Adobe after effects. In: Irish Systems & Signals Conference, June 25 – 26, 2015, Institute of Technology Carlow, Ireland. IEEE ISBN 978-1-4673-6974-9.
Venturelli, L., Picovici, D. & Kehoe J.,2014. Online Game Quality Assessment. In: Irish Systems & Signals Conference, June 26 – 27, 2014, University of Limerick, Ireland.
Picovici, D., Denieffe, D. & Kastrati, Z.,2012 €œEnhanced Network Based Model for Measuring Online Games Quality of Experience€, In: Development and Applications, May 17-19, 2012, Suceava, Romania.
Berisha, A., Picovici, D., Denieffe D. & Pupovci D.,2012. Objective-based assessment of games quality. In: 11 IT&T Conference 2012, Cork IT, 29-30 March 2012.
Picovici, D., O’Sullivan D. & Fennelly, F.,2010. PBL Group Assessment and Evaluation for Irish and International Students. In: HETAC & SIF2 ERA Symposium, Repositioning Learner Assessment in Higher Education, Dublin, 14 May, 2010.
Picovici, D., Denieffe D. & Kastrati, Z.,2010. Subjective-Based Quality Assessment for Online Game. In: 3rd International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, Malaga Spain, March 15 – 19, 2010, ISBN:78-963-9799-87-5.
Picovici, D. & Nelson J.,2007. Time-varying quality estimation for VoIP over Wireless Networks. In: 9 IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Communications Networks, Cork, Ireland, 19 - 21 September, 2007.
Raja, A., Azad, R. M. A. Flanagan, C., Picovici, D. & Ryan, C.,2006. Non-Intrusive Quality Evaluation on VoIP Using Genetic Programming. In: 1st International Conference on Bio Inspired mOdels of NEtwork, Information and Computing Systems (BIONETICS 2006), 11-13 December 2006, Cavalese, Italy, ISBN: 1-4244-0538-6.
Murphy, T., Picovici, D. & Mahdi, A. E., 2006. A New Single-ended Measure for Assessment of Speech Quality.In:International Conference of Spoken Language Processing, Interspeech2006 ICSLP, pp: 177-180, 17-21 September 2006, Pittsburg PA, USA, ISSN 1990-9772.
Skehill, R. J. Picovici, D. & Grath, K. Mc., 2006. VoIP Assessment in IEEE802.11 Networks Using Speech and Packet Based Techniques. In: 15th IST Mobile & Wireless Communication Summit, Myconos 4-8 June 2006, Greece.
Gleeson, B., Picovici, D., Skehill, R. & Nelson J.,2006. Exploring Power Saving in 802.11 VoIP wireless links. In: International Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing (IWCMC 2006), pp: 779-784, July 3 - 6, 2006, Vancouver, Canada, ISBN: 1-59593-3 306-9.
Berglund, M., Nelson J. & Picovici, D., 2006. Voice User Interface for Understanding Wireless Sensor Networks. In: IEE Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC 2006), pp: 173-177 June 28-30, 2006, Dublin, Ireland, ISBN 0-86341-665-9.
Picovici, D., Raja A. & Flanagan, C., 2006. Real-Time Non-Intrusive VoIP Evaluation Using Second Generation Network Processor. In: IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2006), May 2006, IEEE Cat No.:06CH37812C, ISBN: 1-4244-0469-X.
Picovici, D., Skehill, R., Flanagan, C. & Nelson, J.,2005. Towards Real-Time Objective Assessment of Conversational Speech Quality for Next Generation IP Networks. In: Global Signal Processing Conferences & Expos for the Industry- Pervasive Signal Processing (GSPx-2005), 24-27 October 2005, Santa Clara, California, ISBN 0-9728718-2-9.
Picovici, D., Mahdi, A.E. & Murphy, T., 2005. An Enhanced Single-Ended Method for Objective Speech Quality Assessment for Telephony Systems. In: 10thInternational Conference on Speech and Computer (SPECOOM-2005), pp: 633-636, October 2005, University of Patras, Patras, Greece, ISBN 5-7452-0110-X.
Picovici, D., Raja A. & Flanagan C.,2005. Real-Time VoIP Evaluation Using IXP 2400 Network Processor. In: Intel IXA University Education Summit 2005, Hudson Massachusetts, USA, 27-28 September 2005.
Zolog, M., Picovici, D. & Nelson J.,2005. A low cost flexible mesh wireless sensor platform. In: International Symposium for Design and Technology of Electronic Packages, (SIITME 2005), 22-25 September, 2005 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Mahdi, A.E. & Picovici, D.,2005. Enhanced Output-Based Perceptual Measure for Predicting Subjective Quality of Speech. In: European Signal Processing (EUSIPCO 2005), September 2005, Antalya, Turkey, ISBN 975-001188-0-X.
Murphy, T., Picovici, D. & Mahdi, A. E.,2005. Enhanced Non-Intrusive Objective Speech Quality Measure for Telephony Systems. In: IEE Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC-2005), pp: 18-23, September 2005, Dublin, Ireland, ISBN: 0-86341-549-0.
Skehill, R., Picovici, D. & Kent, W.,2005. Wireless MANET Testbed for Reproducible Voice over IP Evaluation. In: MeshNets-2005, July 2005, Budapest, Hungary.
Mahdi, A.E. & Picovici, D., 2004. Output-Based Objective Measure for Non-Intrusive Speech Quality Evaluation. In: 5th WSEAS International Conference on Acoustics and Music: Theory and Applicaations (AMTA 2004), Venice, Italy, November, 2004, ISBN 960-8457-05-X.
Picovici, D. & Mahdi, A. E.,2004. Perceptually Motivated Output-Based Speech Quality Assessment Using Neural Networks. In: IEE Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC-2004), Belfast, N. Ireland, July 2004, ISBN 0-86341-440-0.
Picovici, D. & Mahdi, A. E.,2004. New Output-Based Perceptual Measure for Predicting Subjective Quality of Speech. In: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2004), Vol V, pp. 633-636, Montreal May 2004, ISBN: 0-7803-8485-7.
Picovici, D. & Mahdi, A.E.,2003. Perceptually-Based Objective Measure for Non-Intrusive Speech Quality Assessment. In: 3rd International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, pp.169-172, December 10-12, 2003 Florence, Italy, ISBN: 88-8453-155-1.
Picovici, D. & Mahdi, A.E., 2003. Non-Intrusive Assessment of Perceptual Speech Quality Using a Self Organizing Map. In: 8th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH-2003), pp 2077-2080 Geneva, Switzerland, September 2003, ISSN 1018-4074.
Picovici, D. & Mahdi, A.E., 2003. A New Output-Based Perceptual Speech Quality Assessment. In: IEE Irish Signals and Systems Conference ISSC-2003, pp.154-159, Limerick, Ireland, July 2003, ISBN: 0-9542973-1-8.
Picovici, D. & Mahdi, A.E.,2003. Output-Based Objective Speech Quality Measure Using Self-Organizing Map. In: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-2003), Vol 1 pp. 476-479 Hong-Kong, April 2003, ISBN: 0-7803-7664-1.
Picovici, D. & Mahdi, A.E.,2003. Non-Intrusive Objective Speech Quality Assessment. In: International Speech Processing Conference, ISPC 2003, Dallas, Texas, USA, March 31-4 April 2003.
Picovici, D. & Mahdi, A.E.,2002. Advances in Objective Speech Quality Assessment in Telecommunications. In: IEE Irish Signals and System Conference, Cork-Ireland , pp. 417-421, June 2002, ISBN: 0-9542973-0-X.
Picovici, D. Levy, D., Mahdi, A.E. & Coffey, T., 2002. An Internet-Based Indoor Air Quality Measurement System. In: 6th International Conference on Development and Application Systems, EEDSU-Suceava, Romania, pp. 249-254, May 2002, ISBN: 973-98670-9-X.
Picovici, D. & Mahdi, A.E.,2001.Towards Non-intrusive Speech Quality Assessment for Modern Telecommunications. In: First Joint IEI/IEE Symposium on Telecommunications Systems Research, pp. 237-242, Dublin-Ireland November 2001.
Picovici, D. McGinty, D. & Finnegan, K.,2001.Remote Data Acquisition and Web Control. In: DAAAM International Conference, pp. 367-369 October 2001, ISBN 3-901509-19-4.
Petreus, D., Picovici, D.,& Farcas, C.,1999. Virtual Power Analyser. In: DAAAM International Conference, pp. 567-572,Vienna, October 1999, ISBN 3-901509-10-0.
Marshall, M. Fernstrom, M., Picovici, D. & Lennon, M.,2004. VisiBreath, Hardware and Software Development. IF/2002/313, EI Technical Report CSIS-IDC-07-03, Aug 2004.
Marshall, M. Fernstrom, M., Picovici, D. & Lennon, M.,2004. Characterisation of a Bi-Directional Breath Sensor Device, Phase Two. EI Technical Report CSIS-IDC-07-03, Aug 2004.
Lennon, M. Marshall, M. Fernstrom, M., & Picovici, D.,2004. A Bi-directional Breath Flow Sensor for Interactive Applications. IF/2002/313, EI Final Report CSIS-IDC-07-04, Aug 2004.
Picovici, D., 2001. ALCAFS Final report. ALCAFS Contract No: SMT – CT98-5522 Manchester-UK, February 2001.
Levy, D. & Picovici, D.,2001. Tutorial course on Solar Heating &Cooling. European Union, D.G. on Energy Contract 4.1030/Z/97-068, January 2001.
Levy, D. & Picovici, D.,2001. Tutorial course on Design and Development of a Solar Energy System (Applied solar Energy) European Union, D.G. on Energy Contract 4.1030/Z/97-068, January 2001.
Levy, D. & Picovici, D.,2001. Basic Solar Heating for the Home. European Union, D.G. on Energy Contract 4.1030/Z/97-068, January 2001.
Picovici, D.,2000. Advanced Low Cost Air Filtration Systems. Research thesis: ALCAFS Contract No: SMT – CT98-5522 University of Limerick-Ireland, November 2000.
Picovici, D., 2000. €œALCAFS Inter report€. ALCAFS Contract No: SMT – CT98-5522 Manchester-UK, February 2000.
Invited Talks
€œAircraft vehicle detection€,2018. Invited speaker: Ramp of the Future Session, IATA’s Ground Handling Conference, Doha, Qatar.
€œAircraft vehicle detection€, 2018. UK Civil Aviation Authority, Ground Operations Safety Team (GHOST), Aviation House, Gatwick Airport, UK.
VIP Speaker on Preventing Ground Damage at GHI’s 19th Annual Conference on 27-30 November,2017 at CCIB, Barcelona.
€œAircraft vehicle detection€,2017. Presentation made to C4i Training and Technology (Canada), IT Carlow.
€œAircraft vehicle detection€, 2017.Irish Aviation Authority, Ground Operations Working Group.
€œAircraft vehicle detection€,2017. Presentation made to Mallaghan GSE, Mallaghan HQ, Co. Tyrone, NI.
€œAircraft vehicle detection€,2017. Presentation made to Netwach Carlow, IT Carlow.
€œAircraft vehicle detection€,2017. 6th Ground Damage Stakeholders’ Conference, Belfast.
€œVoIP Assessment for 802.11 Wireless Networks€,2006. Last Mile Wireless Workshop, University College Dublin.
€œOutput-Based Objective Speech Quality Measure Using Self-Organizing Map€,2002. University of Florence, Italy.