Research Interests
Keywords: Strategy and Human Resource Management, HRM System Strength, Organisational Behaviour, SMEs and Small Firms.
Presently in final stages of PhD, exploring HRM system strength in small professional service firms. The research examines the role played by the HRM process features in strengthening the alignment between the top and bottom of the organisation by closing the gap between intention and implementation of HR practices. The HRM process model adopted provides us with a useful lens to examine HR in practice rather than just measuring the ‘mere presence’ of practices which sheds little light on the reality and complex context that exists, particularly so in small firms.
Practically, the model suggests that where distinctiveness, consistency and consensus exist, it is more likely that the ‘people management’ message will get transferred to employees, and finite resources do not get wasted on practices that are neither implemented as intended nor effective.
Engagement and Collaboration
Collaborative involvement with Bord Iascaigh Mhara in the research, design and development of the Higher Diploma in Business in Aquabusiness
Areas of Interest as a Supervisor
- Strategy and Human Resource Management
Conference Proceedings and Papers
Trehy, J. 2001. An examination of the relationship between an individual’s motivational needs and organisational commitment. MScComm, UCC.
Trehy, J. 2001. Retaining the Most Valuable Resources in a high-tech Company – Can a connection between an employee’s motivational needs and their organisation commitment (OC) be used to achieve this goal? 31st European Small Business Seminar, Dublin.