Research Interests
Susan Barnes is currently teaching on the BA Social Studies and Early Childhood courses at the SETU Wexford Campus. Her primary degree is in Applied Social Studies, WIT and completed an MA in Management in Education WIT.
Her industry expertise lies in community and statutory addiction services; education and training, policy and strategic development, community responses, managing rehabilitation and harm reduction services.
Her areas of research focus on the Addiction field in particular treatment and rehabilitation, community interventions, interagency partnerships; harm reduction approaches, primary, secondary and tertiary interventions. Currently working on research proposal in the area of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and alternative care.
Engagement and Collaboration
- Designed and delivered the addiction module content on the Fostering Course in collaboration with Wexford Campus lecturing staff, LLL department and HSE Social Care Department and TULSA
- Engaged with Age Friendly initiative, collaboration between County Council, voluntary and statutory groups and Wexford Campus Social Care Staff and Students
- Co-facilitate Supervisors Course for industry placement supervisors
Current Research Students
Presidents Fellowship 2017-2019 Sally Ann Ennis – Supervision model in post primary schools
Social Care year 4 – Rachel French ‘Aftercare support for individuals leaving care’
John Costello ‘Why men choose social care profession’
Past Research Students
MA in Child, Youth and Family Studies
- Sinead Tyrell, an exploration of family carers, 2016
- Michelle Harding, practitioners perceptions of care for first time female service users in drug and alcohol services, 2016
- Esther Ageese, Exploration into EC curriculum in Ireland, 2016
- Patricia Martin, Combination of individual and group therapy as treatment modality for traveller men aged 20-35, 2015
- Kelly Haughton, How do staff working in addiction services support children whose parents misuse substances, 2015
- Lisa Keeling, an exploration of early childhood practitioners’ perceptions of parental substance misuse and its impact on parenting capacity and attachment, 2015
Social Care
- Shannon Barnes, Housing rights, 2016
- Anna Nolan, Aftercare and individuals life skills, 2017
- Jessie McElheron, Tattoos and residential services, 2017
- Jason Browne, Participation and non-participation in sport and exercise among 3rd level students, 2015
- Debbie Dillon, The relationship between socioeconomic issues and third level students in the south east and its influence in progression and retention through educational attainment, 2015
- Martin Lynch, Exploration of potential benefits of Garda Diversion Projects, 2015
Early Childhood
- Annemarie Butler, Practitioners perspective on the value of outdoor play, 2017
- Paraic O Leary, how park facilities and green areas can impact on a child’s physical health and their participation in physical exercise, 2017
- Ashley Myers, Positive relationships within early childhood settings promote children’s development and learning skills, 2017
- N’Zinga Harrington, A sociological exploration of Community supports for breast feeding mothers, 2017
Areas of interest where you would consider a supervision role
- Social care practice
- Drug and alcohol evidence based practice
- Social injustice/inequalities
Barnes, S. (2013) National Drug Strategy Progression, unpublished paper at: HSE National Drug Strategy Consultation, Kilkenny, February 2013
Barnes, S. (2013) Abstract ‘Social Care in Addictions’, Social Care Department, Institute of Technology Carlow
Barnes, S. (2011) Lost in Transitions, unpublished paper at: WIT Symposium, Waterford, June 2011
Barnes, S. (2011) Substance misuse and the workplace, unpublished paper at: County Enterprise Seminar, Wexford, April 2011
Barnes, S. (2011) Forgetting to Breathe, unpublished paper at: HSE Regional Homeless Seminar, Kilkenny, May 2011
Barnes, S. (2010) Legal Highs, unpublished paper at: HSE Community Seminar, Wexford, May 2010
Barnes, S. (2010) Flying to heaven, waking up in hell, unpublished paper at: Foroige Volunteer Conference, Wexford, July 2010
Barnes, S (2006) 421 Peer Education, Challenges and Successes, unpublished paper at: Pompidou Council of Europe, Vilnius Lithuania, May 2006
Barnes, S. (2005) Substance Misuse and Depression, unpublished paper at: Youth and Community Seminar, Kilkenny, July 2005
Barnes, S. (2004) Student Research Programme, presentation to Regional Drugs Task Force,
Kilkenny, April 2004 secured €3,000 for student research
Barnes, S. (2003) Teen safety and Substance Use, unpublished paper at: Safe Teen against crime, Dublin, July 2003
Course Development
Barnes, S. O Mahoney, S. and Hargreaves, A. (2007) Substance Use Module, Degree in Social Care, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford
Barnes, S. (2012) Referral Care Pathway for GPs, HSE Wexford Substance Misuse Team, Wexford Barnes, S. (2011) CODI Overdose Leaflet, HSE Regional Substance Misuse Team, Waterford Barnes, S. (2007) Home Detox Leaflet, HSE Substance Misuse Team, Wexford Articles Barnes, S. (2006) Drug and Alcohol use in society, Wexford People, 7th March, p.10 Barnes, S (2006) Hidden Addictions, Wexford People, 14th March, p.15 Barnes, S (2006) Over the counter medication, Wexford People, 21st March, p.13 Barnes, S. (2006) Worried about a loved one, Wexford People, 28th March, p. 17 Dissertations Barnes, S. (2010) ‘Lost in Transitions’ Practitioners’ perception of drug education, MA in Management in Education, Waterford Institute of Technology Barnes, S. (1997) Childhood Stress; an evaluation of prevalence, symptomology and intervention, Diploma in Applied Social studies, Waterford Institute of Technology Manual Publications/Reports Barnes, S. (2012) Service User handbook for Drug Treatment Clinic, HSE Wexford Substance Misuse Team, Wexford Barnes, S. (2007) Parental Substance Misuse and effects on Children, HSE Wexford Substance Misuse Team, Wexford Barnes, S. Scully, M. and Bay, M. (2006) 421 Peer Education Programme, HSE Substance Misuse Team, Kilkenny Barnes, S. (2006) Drug Education Manual, HSE Wexford Substance Misuse Team, Wexford Barnes, S (2006) Best practice in Drugs Education, HSE Substance Misuse Team, Wexford Barnes, S. (2005) Tips and Tricks Drug Education Manual, HSE Carlow/Kilkenny Substance Misuse Team, Kilkenny Guest Lecturing Barnes, S. (2013) Role of Social Care in Addiction Services, Institute of Technology Carlow, Wexford Campus, October 2013 Barnes, S. (2012) Motivational Interviewing and Readiness to Change, Institute of Technology Carlow, Wexford Campus, February 2012 Barnes, S. (2011) Trends and Prevalence of substance use and challenges for addiction services integrating with community services, Institute of Technology Carlow, Wexford Campus, March 2011 Barnes, S (2011) After Graduation, Institute of Technology Carlow, Poster Symposium Wexford Campus, May 2011 Barnes, S. (2010) Role of Families in Recovery, Institute of Technology Carlow, Wexford Campus, January 2010 Barnes, S. (2006) Drug Education and Philosophies, St Patricks College, Carlow, October 2006 Barnes, S. (2004) Addiction Theories, care pathways and assessment, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, October 2004 Awards Awarded Prestigious European Prevention Prize 2006 for 421Programme by the Pompidou Council of Europe in Vilnius, Lithuania |