Research Interests
Dr. Kelly’s current research interests include:
- Experiences of Internationalisation of Higher Education
- Experiences of Internationalisation at Home
- The transition journey of students into Higher Education
- The role of well-being in positive psychology and how this can be used as a tool in pedagogy
Engagement and Collaboration
Dr. Kelly has worked on a number of projects related to her research interests:
2017: Chaired - International Institute of Social and Economic Studies (IISES) Lisbon Conference
2013: Organised an International European Conference on Adult Education Experiences throughout Europe.
2011-2013: Project Leader – EU funded Grundtvig Project on Adult retention experiences throughout Europe. This involved 8 EU Countries.
2006: Led the development of Advocacy programme with Co. Wexford Community Workshop.
2005: Led the development of B.A in Applied Social Studies Programme at Institute of Technology Carlow.
International Collaboration
2011-2013: Project Leader – EU funded Grundtvig Project on Adult retention experiences throughout Europe. This involved 8 EU Countries
Visiting Lecturer
2019-21: South West University, Chongqing, China. Social and Cultural Psychology
2007-12: VIVES University of Applied Sciences Business Management and Informatics, (CSBMI), Kortrijk, Belgium. Culture and Organisational Behaviour
2004: Centre for Flexible Learning (CFL) Soderhamn, Sweden. Culture.
Recent Research Students
Somers, C., (2019) What Constitutes a Good Death in The Republic of Ireland? The Views of the General Public and Professionals Working Within Generalised Palliative Care Services. M.A. (Research). Institute of Technology, Carlow.
Ennis, S. (2019) What Are the Most Effective Coping Strategies Used by Teachers in Maintaining Well-Being and Reducing Stress? M.A. (Research). Institute of Technology, Carlow
Doyle, C. (2016). How Do Aistear and Síolta Policy Provide Children with The Opportunity to Lead Their Early Year’s Education? M.A. Institute of Technology, Carlow.
McDonald, M. (2016). An Evaluation of Community Education as a Transformative Site for Women. M.A. Institute of Technology, Carlow.
Galvin, M. (2016). How does the Achievement of a Primary Degree after the age of 40 Impact on the Lives of Adult Learners? M.A. Institute of Technology, Carlow.
Davitt, K. (2016) The Barriers to Parents Attending Parenting Programs M.A. Institute of Technology, Carlow. M.A. Institute of Technology, Carlow.
O’ Neill, J. (2016) Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation and its effect on the Employee. M. Bus. Institute of Technology, Carlow.
Heffernan., J. (2016) A Review of Food Allergen Knowledge amongst Employees in the Catering Sector, Training Needs Analysis and Evaluation of Training. M. Bus. Institute of Technology, Carlow.
Goodison, A. (2013) Should early intervention family supports in Ireland be universal or targeted? M.A. Institute of Technology, Carlow.
Conference proceedings and papers
Kelly, V. (2018) Does One Size Fit All? An Exploration of Student Transitions within higher education among second chance learners coming from Further Education and Training. In: International Institute of Social and Economic Studies. Portugal: Lisbon
Kelly, V. (2014) Mature student retention in higher education: An examination of the factors that result in retention or dropout for adults in second chance higher education. In: European Conference on Educational Research. Portugal: Porto
Kelly, V. (2014) 2013 Mature Students' experiences of risk and Capability expansion - A case study. In: Capabilities in Education Network. Dublin City University. Dublin: Ireland.
Kelly, V. and Dwyer, T., (2013) Mature Students' experiences - A case study. In: European Conference on Educational Research. Istanbul: Turkey
Kelly, V. (2013) Analysis of Dropout Among Adult Learners in Europe Conference Paper Wexford Campus- Grundtvig Project. In: ADAALE: Wexford Campus- Grundtvig Project. Ireland: Wexford.
Kelly, V. (2013) A balancing act: Mature students’ experiences of risk and capability expansion in Irish higher education. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, North America, 5, Oct. 2013.
Kelly, V. (2012) An Analysis of Experiences of Capability Expansion and Risk in Irish Higher Education among Adults. In: European Conference on Educational Research. Cadiz: European Conference on Educational Research.
Kelly, V. (2011) A balancing act: Mature Students’ experiences of risk and capability expansion in Irish higher education. Human Development and Capability Association. Human Development and Capability Association.
Kelly, V. (2008) Education and Development: Mature students’ experiences of risk and capability expansion. In: UK Forum for International Education and Training. UK: Oxford.
Kelly, V. (2009) Unpublished Doctoral Thesis: A Balancing Act: Mature Students’ Experiences of Risk and Capability Expansion in Irish Higher Education.