Ann Donegan graduated from UCD with a B.Sc. (Chemistry major with Mathematics and a Ph.D. in Chemistry.
Thesis Title – Solubilisation kinetics of nonpolar oils in mixed surfactants.
Ann has over 30 years experience at senior management level in the pharmaceutical industry in the areas of pharmaceutical development and regulatory affairs.
She is the author of two granted patents in pharmaceutical formulation in addition to academic publications.
A pharmaceutical Composition EP Patent 2 566472A
Ann C. Donegan, Danashankar Malloppa
GB2295966B, WO1996018386A1-Pharmaceutical tablet formulation for direct compression.PaulMcCarthy, Ann Donegan, John Pattison, Richard OSullivan
Differences in surface tensions of Non ionic Surfactant solutions as measured by the drop volume and Wilhelmy plate Techniques. Brendan J. Carroll, Peter Doyle Ann C. Donegan and Anthony J.Ward, J.Chem Soc. Farday Tran.1,1985 81 2975-2980.
Solubilization Kinetics of n-alkanes by a non ionic surfactant. Ann C. Donegan Anthony J.Ward J.Pharm. Pharmcol.1987 39 45-47
1982-1984 Kevin street College of Technology
Part time lecturer - Chemistry
2000 - Present
Waterford Institute of Technology Part time lecturer - Pharmaceutical Science, Regulatory Affairs
1985-1993 Clonmel Healthcare Ltd.
Assistant R&D Manager
Responsible for the development and licensing of generic pharmaceutical products
1993-1996 Tripharma Services Ireland Limited
Founder and Technical Director
Responsible for the development and licensing of pharmaceutical products for client companies.
1996-1999 Bioglan Ireland Limited
Head of Development
2000-2022 ASA Pharma PLC
Chief operations Officer
Development and licensing of patented combination products for EU and export markets
2022 - Present
Comeraghpharma Ltd - Pharmaceutical Consultant