Mr Aubrey Storey
Lecturer in Exercise and Health Science
Email: [email protected]

Aubrey joined the Department of Health, Sport and Exercise Science in 2004 as a lecturer in exercise and health science having graduated with a primary honours degree from Trinity College Dublin (2000) in Natural Sciences (specialising in Human Physiology) and a MSc. in Biomedical Sciences form the University of Ulster (specialising in Haematology). Supported by Enterprise Ireland and Trinity Postgraduate Awards he spent some time as a postgraduate researcher in the Dept. of Physiology, TCD investigating the physiology and biomechanics of running, where he also worked as a part-time lecturer with responsibility for delivery of Physiology practical classes to Medicine and Physiotherapy students.
Aubrey plays a lead role in the delivery and development of science-related modules across all four undergraduate degree programmes in the Department of Health, Sport and Exercise Science. The modules Aubrey currently teach are:
- Introduction to Sport and Exercise Science
- Biomolecules and Cells
- Exercise Physiology
- Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Health Screening
- Exerccise as Medicine
- Major Projects
- Clinical Exercise Physiology
- Research Techniques in Exercise Science
- Dissertation
Aubrey is primarily interested in researching cardivascular and metabolic responses to exercise, but also has significant involvement in occupational health research. His principle areas of research interest are:
- Physiological effects of blood flow restriction and ischemic preconditioning on exercise performance
- Occupational health of Irish farmers
O’Leary, Ciaran; Dunne, Julie; Ryan, Barry J.; Montgomery, Therese; O’Brien, Anne Marie; Quigley, Cormac; Lennon, Claire; McArdle, Fiona; Keaver, Laura; Campion, Eva; Cooke, Gordon; Caraher, Emma M.; Deasy, Mary; Storey, Aubrey; Petti, Carloalberto; O’Leary, Eileen; Finn, Karen; Loughran, Sinead; Byrne, Greg; Van Rossum, Arjan; Brazil, Dina; Smith, Matt; Touzet, Nicholas; Coady, Tracey; McCarthy, Valerie; Walton, Janette; and Tracey, Josephine (2021) “Reflections on the Formation and Growth of the SURE Network: a National Disciplinary Network to Enhance Undergraduate Research in the Sciences” Irish Journal of Academic Practice: Vol. 9: Iss. 1, Article 7. doi: Available at:
Storey, A., Bowden, S. and McDonnell , D. (2016, July). The effect of practically applied blood flow restriction of the lower limbs during high intensity cycling exercise on circulating growth hormone concentration. Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Vienna Austria
McDonnell , D., Bowden, S. and Storey, A. (2016, April). The effect of practically applied blood flow restriction of the lower limbs during high intensity cycling exercise on circulating growth hormone concentration. All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sports Science, Physical Activity and Physical Education, Waterford Institute of Technology
Ryan, M., Flanagan A. and Storey A. (2016, April). Central cardiovascular and local hypoxic effects of restricted blood flow during moderate intensity aerobic exercise. All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sports Science, Physical Activity and Physical Education, Waterford Institute of Technology
Barrett S., Storey A., Harrison M. (2014, July) The effect of exercise mode on salivary IgA secretion in high level triathletes. World Congress of Science in Cycling, Leeds
Storey, A., Lane, A., Cunningham, C., and McNamara, J. (2014, March). An evaluation of the health-behaviours of farmers in the South-East of Ireland. Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore
Storey, A., Cunningham, C., McNamara, J. and Osborne, A. (2014, October) The investigation of health-behaviours among farmers in Ireland.7th International Symposium: Safety & Health in Agriculture & Rural Populations: Global Perspectives, Saskatoon
Byrne G., Wardrop B., Storey A. (2014, July). The effect of beetroot juice dosage on high intensity intermittent cycling performance. World Congress of Science in Cycling, Leeds
O’ Sullivan, L., Storey, A., Blake, C., McNamara, J., Cunningham, C. (2014, November). Physical activity levels among farmers: accelerometry versus self-report. Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Annual Conference, Croke Park, Dublin
Barrett, S. and Storey, A. (2007, September). The effect of exercise mode on salivary IgA secretion in elite level triathletes. BASES Annual Conference, University of Bath
Storey, A. and Warmington S. (2005, January). Fatigue of the abdominal muscles during running - a factor in the slow component of VO2 kinetics? Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Section of Biomedical Sciences, Winter Meeting, Trinity College Dublin
Storey, A and Donne B. (2000). The effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in conjunction with short-term creatine supplementation. Exercise and Sports Science Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin City University.
Fitness drive down on the farm (2016, August, 15th). Irish Examiner <>
McShane, A (2016, June 9th). 60% of farmers are overweight or obese – Teagasc study. Irish Farmers Journal. <>
Forde, A. (2016, June 9th). 60% of farmers are overweight but only 27% believe they are too heavy – study. AgriLand <>
Farmer Health Needs Greater Emphasis (2016, June 9th).Teagasc < >
Dermody, J. (2014, April 28th). Farmer survey raises quiestions about perceptions of health. Irish Examiner <>
O’Leary, Ciaran; Dunne, Julie; Ryan, Barry J.; Montgomery, Therese; O’Brien, Anne Marie; Quigley, Cormac; Lennon, Claire; McArdle, Fiona; Keaver, Laura; Campion, Eva; Cooke, Gordon; Caraher, Emma M.; Deasy, Mary; Storey, Aubrey; Petti, Carloalberto; O’Leary, Eileen; Finn, Karen; Loughran, Sinead; Byrne, Greg; Van Rossum, Arjan; Brazil, Dina; Smith, Matt; Touzet, Nicholas; Coady, Tracey; McCarthy, Valerie; Walton, Janette; and Tracey, Josephine (2021) “Reflections on the Formation and Growth of the SURE Network: a National Disciplinary Network to Enhance Undergraduate Research in the Sciences” Irish Journal of Academic Practice: Vol. 9: Iss. 1, Article 7. doi: Available at:
Storey, A., Bowden, S. and McDonnell , D. (2016, July). The effect of practically applied blood flow restriction of the lower limbs during high intensity cycling exercise on circulating growth hormone concentration. Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science, Vienna Austria
McDonnell , D., Bowden, S. and Storey, A. (2016, April). The effect of practically applied blood flow restriction of the lower limbs during high intensity cycling exercise on circulating growth hormone concentration. All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sports Science, Physical Activity and Physical Education, Waterford Institute of Technology
Ryan, M., Flanagan A. and Storey A. (2016, April). Central cardiovascular and local hypoxic effects of restricted blood flow during moderate intensity aerobic exercise. All Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sports Science, Physical Activity and Physical Education, Waterford Institute of Technology
Barrett S., Storey A., Harrison M. (2014, July) The effect of exercise mode on salivary IgA secretion in high level triathletes. World Congress of Science in Cycling, Leeds
Storey, A., Lane, A., Cunningham, C., and McNamara, J. (2014, March). An evaluation of the health-behaviours of farmers in the South-East of Ireland. Agricultural Research Forum, Tullamore
Storey, A., Cunningham, C., McNamara, J. and Osborne, A. (2014, October) The investigation of health-behaviours among farmers in Ireland.7th International Symposium: Safety & Health in Agriculture & Rural Populations: Global Perspectives, Saskatoon
Byrne G., Wardrop B., Storey A. (2014, July). The effect of beetroot juice dosage on high intensity intermittent cycling performance. World Congress of Science in Cycling, Leeds
O’ Sullivan, L., Storey, A., Blake, C., McNamara, J., Cunningham, C. (2014, November). Physical activity levels among farmers: accelerometry versus self-report. Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Annual Conference, Croke Park, Dublin
Barrett, S. and Storey, A. (2007, September). The effect of exercise mode on salivary IgA secretion in elite level triathletes. BASES Annual Conference, University of Bath
Storey, A. and Warmington S. (2005, January). Fatigue of the abdominal muscles during running - a factor in the slow component of VO2 kinetics? Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, Section of Biomedical Sciences, Winter Meeting, Trinity College Dublin
Storey, A and Donne B. (2000). The effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation in conjunction with short-term creatine supplementation. Exercise and Sports Science Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin City University.
Fitness drive down on the farm (2016, August, 15th). Irish Examiner <>
McShane, A (2016, June 9th). 60% of farmers are overweight or obese – Teagasc study. Irish Farmers Journal. <>
Forde, A. (2016, June 9th). 60% of farmers are overweight but only 27% believe they are too heavy – study. AgriLand <>
Farmer Health Needs Greater Emphasis (2016, June 9th).Teagasc < >
Dermody, J. (2014, April 28th). Farmer survey raises quiestions about perceptions of health. Irish Examiner <>