19 years teaching experience in WIT's School of Science lecturing a wide variety of computing related topics such as entrepreneurship, critical thinking and learning and software engineering.
I currently lecture board and video game design and using Unity
Lectured on a wide variety of computing related topics such as Entrepreneurship, Critical Thinking and Learning, Software Engineering and Game Design.
Lyng, B. (2011) ‘Mendeley Facilitated Undergraduate Research Collaboration: A Student Perspective’, Edtech 2011. Waterford IT, Waterford, 1-2 June, 2011.
Lyng, B. (2011) ‘What Are Students Doing on Their Laptops?’, Edtech 2011. Waterford IT, Waterford, 1-2 June, 2011.
Lyng, B. & Lowry-O’Neill, C. (2010) ‘Group Projects in the Information Technology Curriculum: Towards Best Practice’, NAIRTL/LIN Conference on Flexible Learning. National College of Surgeons, Dublin, 6-7 October, 2010.
Lyng, B. (2010) ‘Formative Feedback Using Digital Audio Technology’, NAIRTL/LIN Conference on Flexible Learning. National College of Surgeons, Dublin, 6-7 October, 2010.
Lyng, B. & Stapleton, L. (2004) ‘Methodological Myopia: A Survey of Technology Development Issues in Less Developed Countries’, in Kopacek, L & Stapleton, L. (eds) ‘Technology and International Stability: Proceedings from the IFAC Workshop’, Waterford, Ireland, 3-5 Jul, Oxford: Elsevier, 35-39.