Dr Brian Sharvin
Email: [email protected]

I am a lecturer in the Department of Nursing at WIT. I originally trained as a Registered General Nurse at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast with post registration experience in General medicine, Haematology and Orthopaedic Trauma. I completed my honours degree at the University of Hull with a combined Diploma in Adult Education and have a Master’s degree from the University of Manchester and Doctorate in Education from the University of Derby. I have been involved in both Post Graduate and Undergraduate education for over 30 years and I have previous work experience as a Kings Fund Quality Facilitator at the London Clinic and as a Co-ordinator for National Vocational Qualifications in Health Care at the Middlesex Hospital Trust.
My interest areas include;
Student Learning and Assessment
Clinical Competence Acquisition
Leadership and Management
Quality Improvement in health Care
I have supervised students to Masters Level across a number of areas including Public Health, Acute and Chronic Health Care
Research Papers
Sharvin B (2003) A Descriptive Survey Investigating The Nature And Effects Of Paid Part-Time Work On Academic Performance Among General Student Nurses In One Irish Teaching Hospital.
Sharvin B (2016) Theory-Practice Integration for Clinical Skills Competence among undergraduate nursing students in Ireland: A Mixed Methods Study
Mlinar Reljić, N.,Mateja,L., Sharvin, B., Vrbnjak, D and Strauss, M (2017) Assessment of Clinical nursing competencies Stiglic, G (Ed) (2017) Teaching and Learning in Nursing, Intech Open.com., ISBN 978-953-51-5295-8.
Fijačko, N., Fekonja, Z., Štiglic,G., Sharvin, B., Denny, M and Pajnkihar,M, Using Content Validity for the Development of Objective Structured Clinical Examination Check-Lists in a Slovenian Undergraduate Nursing Program, Stiglic, G (Ed) Forthcoming (2017) Teaching and Learning in Nursing, Intech Open.com., ISBN 978-953-51-5295-8.
Conference Papers
Date |
Title |
Conference |
Location |
June 2016 |
Assessment of Clinical Nursing Competencies: Literature Reviw |
International Scientific Conference “Research and Education in Nursing”
Maribor, Slovenia |
May, 2011 |
Using Self Assessment to Develop Clinical Skills Competence: A Case Study Analysis |
Fourth International Clinical Skills Conference |
Prato, Italy |
Sept 2010 |
Student Nurses Clinical Skills Competence: The Development of a Self-Rating Scale |
Florence Nightingale Centenary Celebration |
Dublin Castle |
Jan 2010 |
Using Self Assessment to Develop Nurses’ Clinical Skills Competence: A Case Study Analysis |
New Horizons Conference: |
University of Derby, |
Nov 2008 |
Student Nurses Clinical Skills Competence: The Development of a Self-Rating Scale. |
9th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference |
Trinity College Dublin |
November 2005 |
Part-time Work and its effect on student learning |
6th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference |
Trinity College Dublin |
March 2004 |
The perceived effects of part-time work on academic performance among student nurses in one Irish teaching hospital |
The 2004 International Nursing Research Conference |
Cambridge |