Dr Christophe Meudec
Lecturer in Computing
Email: [email protected]

Go to my website http://www.echancrure.eu/
Research Interests
Dr Christophe Meudec is a Software Engineering lecturer at SETU Carlow, Ireland, since 1997 and has participated in a number of EU projects in Spain, Holland, Austria and Kosovo. He studied Physics and Maths in Le Mans, France, and Informatics at the University of Rennes I, France, The Queen’s University of Belfast and The University of York, UK.
His fundamental research interests lie in Automatic Test Data Generation from Source Code and Symbolic Execution using Constraints Logic Programming and has published widely on the matter.
His applied interests lie with the agile development of Web, Cloud and Mobile Apps, a subject on which he has lectured widely. He has successfully participated in a StartUp Weekend and acted as a consultant to a number of early startups. He is a keen promoter of Eric Ries’ Lean Startup approach and of Alexander Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas. He is co-founder and director of the SETU Carlow’s spin-out company Friendly Cloud Apps Ltd. which has attracted €57 500 in funding from the EU’s FIWARE and FICHe programmes.
His teaching interests are in using cloud-based tools to increase students’ engagement at third level. His 1st class MA in Teaching and Learning is entitled ‘A Study of the Introduction of Blended Collaborative Cloud Learning in Third Level Computer Science Education’.
Engagement and Collaboration
- Co-founder and director of the SETU Carlow’s spin-out company Friendly Cloud Apps Ltd. which has attracted €57 500 in funding from the EU’s FIWARE and FICHe programmes.
- FICHe FIWARE accelerator Phase with Friendly Cloud Apps Ltd. Jan-Feb 2015.
- Won prize of €40 000 for “My People Care" in Seville, Spain, October 2014 at the European FIWARE Smart Society Challenge.
- Software consultancy for a number of small Irish companies.
- Completed 3 Innovation Vouchers on behalf of Institute of Technology Carlow.
- Member of Wicklow Local Enterprise Office Evaluation and Approvals Committee since May 2014
- Judge for Enterprise Ireland Wicklow Local Enterprise Office’s Irish Best Young Entrepreneur Competition 2015, 2016, 2017.
- Placed 2nd by the judges for CareCoPilot at Dublin Start-up Weekend 2012.
Current Research Students
September 2016 – Ongoing Master of Science by Research. Modeling Insurance Distribution Networks via a Broker: A Graph Theoretic Approach. Institute of Technology Carlow supported by UNUM.
Past Research Students
- E. Dillon, 2005. Hybrid Approach for the Automatic Determination of Worst Case Execution Time for Embedded Systems Written in C, MSc Thesis, Institute of Technology Carlow.
- M. Grogan, 2002. Visual symbolic Execution, MSc Thesis, Institute of Technology Carlow.
Areas of interest as a supervisor include
- Software Development Research
- Technology Enhanced Teaching
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Meudec, C., 2001. ATGen: Automatic Test Data Generation using Constraint Logic Programming and Symbolic Execution, Software Testing, Verification & Reliability Journal, Vol. 11, pp. 81-96.
Conference Proceedings and Papers
Meudec, C., 2016. Blended Collaborative Cloud Learning: Foundations and Practice, 9th International Conference on Engaging Pedagogy, ICEP, Maynooth, Ireland.
Meudec, C, 2016, May. Four Years of Blended Collaborative Cloud Learning using Google Docs, In Proceedings EdTech 2016 Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, Irish Law Society, Dublin.
Meudec, C. 2014, May. Under Pressure: How to do More and Better with Less by Using Google Docs at Third Level, In Proceedings EdTech 2014 Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association, UCD, Dublin.
Dillon, E. and Meudec, C., 2004, September. Automatic Test Data Generation from Embedded C Code, 23rd International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP 2004) pp. 180-194, Potsdam, Germany LNCS 3219.
Dillon, E. and Meudec, C., 2004, March. CSET: Symbolic Execution and Automatic Test Data Generation of Embedded C Code, 16th IFIP TC 6 / WG 6.1 International Conference on Testing of Communicating Systems, Oxford UK.
Doyle, J. and Meudec, C., 2003, June. IBIS: an Interactive Bytecode Inspection System, using Symbolic Execution and Constraint Logic Programming, Second International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java, Kilkenny Ireland, pp. 55-58.
Doyle, J. and Meudec, C., 2003, April. Automatic Structural Coverage Testing of Java Bytecode, Third Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems: AVoCS, Southampton UK.
Doyle, J. and Meudec, C., 2002, May. Automatic Generation of Test Data from Java Bytecode, In Proceedings of the Institute of Technology 6th Computing and Science Colloquium, Limerick.
Dillon, E. and Meudec, C., 2002, May. Hybrid Approach for the Automatic Determination of the Worst Case Execution time for Embedded Software Written in C, In Proceedings of The Institute of Technology 6th Computing and Science Colloquium, Limerick.
Grogan, M. and Meudec, C., 2002, May. Improving Interactive Software Testing Through Program Visualisation, In Proceedings of the Institute of Technology 6h Computing and Science Colloquium, Limerick.
Meudec, C., 2001. ATGen: automatic test data generation using constraint logic programming and symbolic execution. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 11(2), pp.81-96.
Meudec, C., 2000. ATGen: Automatic Test Data Generation using Constraint Logic Programming and Symbolic Execution, IEEE/ACM First International Workshop on Automated Program Analysis, Testing and Verification, 22nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2000), pp. 22-31.
Grogan, M. and Meudec, C., 2000, May. Visual Symbolic Execution, In Proceedings of the Institute of Technology 5th Computing and Science Colloquium, Athlone.
Meudec, C., 2000, May. Symbolic Execution Revisited, In Proceedings of the Institute of Technology 5th Computing and Science Colloquium, Athlone.
Meudec, C., 1999, June. Tests Derivation from Model Based Formal Specifications, In Proceedings of Third Irish Workshop in Formal Methods.
Meudec, C., 1999. May. Revisiting Symbolic Execution, In Proceedings of the Institute of Technology 4th Computing and Science Colloquium, Letterkenny.
Spence, I. and Meudec, C., 1994, July. Generation of Software Tests From Specifications, In Proceedings SQM’94 Building Quality into Software, Vol. 2, Edinburgh, pp. 517-530.
Other Research Outputs
Meudec, C. (2013). The PTC Solver, Version 1.6, Open Source Software, Institute of Technology Carlow, Ireland.