Dr Ciara Losty
Lecturer in Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology / Course leader for the MSc in Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology
Email: [email protected]

Dr Cíara Losty is a lecturer in applied sport and exercise psychology in Waterford Institute of Technology and course leader for the MSc in Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology programme. Cíara is accredited as a Professional Member by Irish Institute of Sport Professional Quality Assurance Committee in in the area of sport psychology delivery. Cíara was part of team Ireland sport science and medical team for the London 2012 Olympic games. She served as Team Ireland's holding camp sport psychology support at the London Olympic Games - a role which involved working across all sports with athletes, coaches and team managers. Cíara currently works with a range of Olympic athletes in preparation for Tokyo 2020. Currently Cíara works with modern pentathlon, track and field, jump and flat jockeys and various Gaelic athletic association snr teams. Ciara is the current sport psychology service provide for the jockey pathway. The jockey pathway provides sport science and sport psychology support to all licensed jockeys. The Pathway’s primary goal is to ensure that all Jockeys will have access to a professional sport science support system which will enable them to make the most of their ability, achieve the highest standards and prolong their careers in racing. Ciara completed a Doctor of Health Sciences in Psychology through the University of Wales, a MSc (by research) in sport and exercise psychology, in WIT, a Cert. Cognitive Behavioural Skills for Practice (Level 8) and a BA (hons).
Currently lecturing on the Masters in Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology, BSc in Sports Coaching and Performance in a variety of applied sport and exercise psychology modules and the MA in Advanced Facilitaion Skills for Promoting Health and Wellbeing. Cíara also supervises final year, MSc thesis, and Phd's in the area of sport, exercise and performance psychology.
Losty, C., Warrington, G., McGoldrick, A, Murphy, C., Burrows, E. & Cullen, S.J. (2018). Mental Health and Wellbeing of Jockeys, Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, In Press.
Losty, C. (2017). Applied Case Study in Sport Psychology, Applied Sport Psychology Special Interest Group Journal, 1, 11-17.
Losty, C., Williams, E. Gossman, P. (2016) . Police officer physical fitness to work: A case for health and fitness training, Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 11, 4, p 455-467. Availbale at https://rua.ua.es/dspace/bitstream/10045/65067/1/jhse_Vol_11_N_4_455-467.pdf
Losty, C. (2016). Sportsmanship Case Study: Reaching for Team Selection in High Performance Sport at the Price of Sportsmanship. In Delaney, T (eds) (2015) Sport Studies and Sportsmanship: Essays from a Multi-disciplinary Perspective. McFarland Publishers.
Losty, C. & McArdle, J. (2013). These Sporting Times: The Social and Sporting Impact of the Current Economic Climate on the Gaelic Athletic Association. In Lewis, A. C. (eds) (2013). Economic, Political and Social Issues Editors, Nova Science Publishers.
Conferences and symposia:
Egan, D. Warrington, G., Losty, C. McGoldrick, A. (2018). Findings of Irish Mental Health Research and Current and Future Plans for Reserach, 52 International Conference of Horseracing Authorities, Paris, October 8th.
King, L., Cullen, S.J., Losty, C., Warrington, G. (2018). Prevalence of Depressive Symptoms In Retired Jockeys, Oral paper presented, European Congress of Sport Science, Dublin, July 6th.
Murphy, C. & Losty, C. (2016). Exploration of psychological distress, perceived stress and depression levels among jockeys in Ireland. Oral paper presented at the All-Ireland post graduate conference in Sport Science, Waterford Institute of Technology, April 29th .
O’Shea, N. & Losty, C. (2016). Perfectionism in Irish Dancers, Poster Presented at the All-Ireland post graduate conference in Sport Science conference, Waterford Institute of Technology, April 29th.
O’Donoghue, P. & Losty, C. (2015). An Examination of the Motivation Behind Male GAA Players Gambling Activities and Its Relationship with Problematic Gambling. Oral paper presented at the All Ireland post graduate conference in Sport Sciences, University of Limerick, 24th January 2015.
Quilty, M. & Losty, C. (2014). An Examination of the Effect of No Music, Self-Selected and Pre-Planed Music Before Fitness Testing Performance on Anxiety, Mood States and Fitness Testing Performance in Camogie Players. Poster Presented at the PE PAYS conference, Waterford Institute of Technology, June 5th, 2014.
I am a registered sport psycholgy service provider with the Irish Institute of Sport and a member of the Division of Sport, Exercise & Performance Psychology (DSEPP) in the Psychological Society of Ireland. I work with Olympic and elite level athletes, teams and coaches to provide sport and performance psychology specialising in mental conditioning for peak performance.