Dr Danielle Douglas
Programme Leader BA (Hons) in Social Care Practice, Lecturer in Social Care
Email: [email protected]

I have been a Lecturer in Social Care in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities in SETU since 2008. I hold a BA (Hons) in Applied Social Studies in Social Care from WIT, an MA by Research (focus on resilience, outcomes and foster care) from WIT, and a PhD in Children and Youth Studies (focus on identities and socio-spatial influences) from UCD. I am passionate about inclusive teaching that incorporates principles of Universal Design for Learning and creative approaches that support students to achieve their full academic potential and enjoy a positive higher education experience. My research interests include vulnerable children and young people and their families, foster care, children's geographies, identity and selfhood. My research has included a diverse range of creative methodologies including photo methodology and narrative inquiry. I was a relative foster carer and have facilitated training to foster carers, social workers, care-experienced young people and other stakeholders at national and international level. In 2017, I was elected as the President of the International Foster Care Organisation and held the role for three years before stepping down. I was co-host of their 2014 international conference. I was also a core group founding member of Power4Youth, a European peer support network for care experienced young people and have been a member of quality assurance committees for the assessment of foster carers for various organisations in Ireland. I was also a member of Tusla's Research Advisory Group between 2016 and 2023..
Programme Leader, Lecturer, Year Tutor, Placement Lecturer and Doctoral Supervisor South East Technological University (2008-present)
Preparation and delivery of lectures and tutorials at under and postgraduate level
Preparation of student assessments and feedback using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) techniques and blended approaches
One to one student academic and pastoral support
Contributing to course design and curriculum including writing modules on Social Care Programmes
Liaising with student representatives, academic, support and administrative staff internally and across other HEI’s
Involved in preparation and planning for external reviews e.g., School review and seeking national accreditation with CORU
Assist with organising events such exam boards, student induction, open evenings, and guest seminars (academic, research and practice focused) for social care students
Supervision of students on Social Care work placements
External Examiner for Transfer Viva
Founder and Co-organiser of Annual Interprofessional Practice and Education week at SETU Waterford
Funding, Awards and Achievements
- 2024: Successful application for N-TUTORR funding (€4,500) for a student led Social Care magazine in the Department of Social Care and Early Childhood.
- 2024-2022: Collaborating with various community groups involved in social care activities to host displays of work including film, poetry, art and dance productions in SETU for social care and early childhood students.
- 2024: Elected to SETU Academic Council under the skill characteristic Collaboration and Sustainability (sitting on Student Experience Committee).
- 2024/2023/2022: Successful applications (€750) to Student Transitions Fund at SETU for activities to promote student engagement and retention on the social care programmes.
- 2024: Successfully competed for a place on the Aurora Leadership Development programme.
- 2023: Appointed as lead consultant on UNICEF Technical Support Instrument project ‘Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in the Context of Deinstitutionalisation of Substitute Care in the Slovak Republic; A Study visit to Ireland’
- 2022: Successfully received Research Connexions Funding (€3,500) which resulted in the publication of a chapter in the latest Social Care Student textbook and presentation at a national conference
- 2022: Initiated and co-ordinated the first Interprofessional Practice and Education week in the Department with over 20 speakers from various professions across the week (currently in its third year with multiple staff involvement)
- 2022: Initiated and co-ordinated the ‘Placement Knowledge exchange event’ that facilitates students from multiple years of the programme in exchanging knowledge and experiences.
- 2022: Awarded the Digital Badge for Universal Design in Teaching and Learning from The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
- 2021: Awarded funding through the EDI office (€2000) for ‘Celebration of Care Experienced students’. A cross campus SETU initiative that resulted in a seminar (over 200 students and staff in attendance) and recording of a podcast available on SETU and EPIC website
- 2021: Awarded a National Forum Teaching Hero Award Digital Badge
- 2021: Part of a team that was awarded funding through the President’s PhD Scholarship fund to recruit a PhD student.
- 2021: Elected to the Editorial Board of the Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies (IJASS)
- 2018: Collaborated with Irish Foster Care Association and Irish Attachment in Action to host a public screening of ‘Resilience’ movie at WIT. Over 200 staff, students and members of the public attended.
- 2018: Presented with the International Achievement Award for Contribution to International Foster Care from Rainbow Fostering Services, UK
- 2017: Elected as President of the International Foster Care Organisation
- 2012: Awarded second place in the Waterford Institute of Technology Research Day for presentation of MA research
Supervisory Experience
2022-present: Principal Supervisor for PhD project ‘Touching Distance (TO-DIST): A Biographic Narrative Study of Emotions and Transformations to Touch Practices in Irish Nursing Homes during Covid-19’ (Patricia Robinson)
2011-present: Undergraduate Thesis Supervisor on various programmes including Social Care Practice and Early Childhood Studies.
Research Interests
I am currently a member of the Analysing Social Change Research group in SETU and I sat on the Tusla Research Advisory group for nine years. My research interests include but are not limited to:
• Vulnerable, marginalised and/or hard to reach populations
• Research that includes the voices of people with lived experience including children and young people
• Alternative care including foster care, residential care and adoption
• Identity, self, culture and space
• Research that includes creative and participatory methods
• Care experienced students in Higher Education
• Resilience and strengths-based approaches
• Reflective practices and social care
• Disabilities and De-institutionalisation
Douglas, D. (2024) ‘Protecting Foster Care; An insider’s perspective’ in Foster, 15: 5-15.
Shier, A.M & Douglas, D. (2023). Adoption and Foster Care. In P. Share, T. Browne, & K. Lalor (Eds.), Applied Social Care, An Introduction for Students in Ireland.
Douglas, D. (2021). Domain 1: Standard of Proficiency 22. In D. Lyons & T. Brown (Eds.), Guide to the Standards of Proficiency for Social Care Workers (pp. 189-199). https://socialcareireland.ie/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Guide-to-Domain01v3.pdf
Douglas, D. (2021). Everyday Worlds in Foster Care: Exploring Children and Young People's Socio-Spatial Experiences and Identities [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. University College Dublin.
Douglas, D. (2016) 'Access to Child Friendly Justice: The case of Alternative Care', in 'Access to Justice for Vulnerable Children', Conference Proceedings.
Douglas, D., (2015), ‘Fostering Resilience: An exploration of the link between resilience, outcomes and foster care in Ireland’, in Dougas, D and Kennedy, J.A (Eds) Ensuring the Rights of the Child and Family Based Services, Conference Proceedings
Douglas, D., (2012), ‘Fostering Resilience: An exploration of the link between resilience, outcomes and foster care in Ireland’, in Department of Children and Youth Affairs Scholarship Programme Research Briefing No. 18.
Coady, D., (2009), ‘Identity Issues in Foster Care’, in Irish Foster Care Association Newsletter, Spring 2009: 12-14.
Conference Papers:
Douglas, D. (2023) ‘Thriving not Surviving: Re-framing Trauma and Disabilities through a Strengths-Based Approach’ Keynote Presentation at Resilience Healthcare Seminar, Castletroy Park Hotel, Limerick, 5th Oct 2023.
Douglas, D. (2023) ‘Protecting Foster Care: An Insider’s Perspective’ Keynote Presentation at IFCA Conference, Mount Wolseley Hotel, Carlow, 23rd Sept 2023.
Douglas, D. (2023) ‘Relational Identities in Foster Care: Constructing ‘Selves’ through Interactions’ presented at Social Care Ireland Conference, Mount Wolseley Hotel, Carlow, 30th March 2023.
Douglas, D. (2022) ‘THRIVE: Celebrating the ordinary people making extraordinary differences in the lives of children and young people’ presented at Tusla Regional Conference, Hotel Kilkenny, May 17th 2022.
Douglas, D. (2022) ‘Figuring Identities through Relational Spaces in Foster Care; Katie’s Story’ presented at European Association for Research with Adolescents (EARA), Trinity College Dublin, Dublin August 24th-27th 2022.
Douglas, D. (2022) ‘Everyday Worlds in Foster Care: Exploring Children and Young People’s Socio-Spatial Experiences and Identities’ presented at Social Care Ireland conference, Radisson Hotel, Sligo April 4th-7th 2022.
Douglas, D. (2019) ‘Who am I when I’m not with you; Listening to children’s stories of their time in foster care and creating an a’where’ness of the role of space in Self construction’ presented at UCD Graduate Research Symposium, Dublin, May 2nd 2019.
Douglas, D. (2018) ‘Teleidoscope Identity: Listening to Children’s Stories of Their Time in Foster Care and Creating an A’where’ness of the Role of Space in Self Construction’ presented at European Scientific Association on Residential and Family Care for Children and Adolescents (EUSARF) XV International Conference, Porto, Portugal, October 2nd-5th.
Douglas, D. (2018) 'Including the voice of service users in the decision-making process', paper presented at Tusla Foster Care Committee Recognition Event, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, Ireland.
Douglas, D. (2017) ‘Improving Educational Outcomes for Care-Leavers’ seminar chaired and presented at the EPIC Conference ‘What’s Good Enough’ in Dublin Castle, October 13th.
Douglas, D. (2016) 'Access to Child Friendly Justice: The case of Alternative Care', paper presented at the 2nd National Conference on Child Wellbeing:'Access to Justice for Vulnerable Children', Malta, Oct. 21-22.
Douglas, D. (2015) ‘Kaleidoscope Identity; Listening to children’s stories of their experiences and interactions in foster care’ paper presented at the International Foster Care Organisation's International Conference in Sydney, Australia, November 8-11.
Douglas, D. (2014),'Identity and Interactions in Foster Care' paper presented at 3rd International Conference of the International Childhood and Youth Research Network, European University Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
Douglas, D. (2013), 'Listening to and learning from Care Leavers in Ireland' paper presented at Adoption Authority Ireland Annual Conference, Dublin.
Douglas, D. (2012), 'Listening to Children's Voices' paper presented at Eurochilds Annual Conference for children without parental care, Bulgaria.
Douglas, D. (2011),' Fostering Resilience: An exploration of the link between resilience, outcomes and foster care in Ireland’ paper presented at the Irish Foster Care Association's National Conference, Kildare, November.
Podcast Appearances
Barrett, N. (2023) ‘Dr Danielle Douglas’. Stories from Foster Care available at: Stories from Foster Care – Dr. Danielle Douglas | Nearcast
Mongan, T. Lane, P. (2021) ‘Episode 35’. The Care Experience Podcast available at: The Care Experience Podcast: The Care Experience Episode 35 (libsyn.com)
- 2023-present: External examiner for BA in Social Care at TU Dublin, Grangegorman campus
- 2008-present: Programme Leader of BA (Hons) in Social Care Practice, Lecturer in Social Care, Waterford Institute of Technology (see teaching experience above)
- 2009-present: Free-lance programme co-ordinator and lead facilitator at various national and international conferences and training events including but not limited to: Dublin 2024 (upcoming), Malta 2017, UK 2016, Sydney 2015, Ukraine 2014, Bulgaria 2012, Washington, USA 2012, Dublin 2009. Employers include HSE, Tusla, Eurochild, IFCA, IFCO, Partnership for Every Child, Ukraine, President’s Foundation for Wellbeing of Society, Malta, SOS Children’s Villages.
- 2007-2009: CHART, Support centre for students with disabilities, Waterford Institute of Technology
- 2006-2011: Relative Foster Carer, Health Service Executive, Ireland
- 2006-2008: Project worker, The Subla Centre, Waterford Young Traveller Training Programme, Tycor, Waterford.
Professional Associations
- 2023-present: Director of Social Care Ireland
- 2022-present: Member of the HEI Care Leavers Support Steering group
- 2022-present: Member of the Irish Association of Social Care Educators (IASCE)
- 2020-present: Member of the Irish After Care Network
- 2021-present: Member of the Analysing Social Change (ASC) research group at SETU, Waterford
- 2014-2023: Member of the Tusla Research Advisory Group (RAG)
- 2017-present: Member of Social Care Ireland (SCI)
- 2017-2020: President of the International Foster Care Organisation.
- 2013-2020: Director of the International Foster Care Organisation-(Co-organised the 2014 International 4-day Conference at WIT with representatives from over 20 countries and adult, youth, and children’s programme)
- 2008-2011: Vice Chairperson for Quality Assurance Committee, Oak Lodge Fostering Services.