Dr Elaine Mullan
Lecturer, health-related social & environmental sciences
Email: [email protected]

Lecturer in health-related social and environmental sciences, on the BA (hons) Public Health & Health Promotion, in the School of Health Sciences.
Areas of expertise are in the social determinants of health (e.g., gender, socio-economic status, ethnicity), environmental determinants of health (e.g., climate change, pollution, built environment), promoting physical activity and active transport, and research methods, epidemiology and statistics.
Co-course leader for the BA (hons) Health Promotion & Public Health.
Qualifications: PhD (Price-Davies Scholarship), University of Wales, Bangor (UWB); MA (Franklin-Braken Scholarship, Graduate Student Award and Dean’s Award), Queen’s University at Kingston, Ontario, Canada; BA (Hons) first class - Physical and Health Education. University of Wales, Bangor (UWB).
Sept. 2004 – present: School of Health Sciences, WIT.
Lecturer BA Exercise & Health Studies, BA Health Promotion and BA Health Promotion and Public Health: Sociology of health; Epidemiology & Public health, Environment & health, Promoting population physical activity, Social & health psychology, Health psychology, Research methods & statistics (intro-advanced); undergrad and MA research supervision
Oct 2002- Sept 2004: School Nursing & Mid-Wifery Studies, Trinity College Dublin.
Lecturer BSc Nursing & Dip. Nursing: Introduction to psychology, Health psychology; Health promotion; Introduction to research; Literature review project supervision. Lecturer Access to Nursing:. Developed WebCT-based introduction to psychology and health psychology course. Lecturer MSc Nursing: research methods and statistics
Oct 2002- Dec 2002: Dept. Sports Science & Health, Dublin City University.
Lecturer 4th yr BSc Sports Science and Health: Health promotion (interventions & evaluation)
Oct. 2001- Oct 2002: Dept. Health Promotion, National University of Ireland Galway.
Lecturer H.Dip/MA Health Promotion (Galway and Dublin): Statistics (SPSS), Research methods (qualitative and quantitative), Epidemiology, Health psychology, Workplace health promotion. Dissertation supervision. Oral examining. Lecturer Specialist Certs Oral Health & Breastfeeding: Concepts and principles of health promotion. Lecturer BMed: Behavioural science for medical students. Researcher: WHO-sponsored, Health Behaviour in School Children, cross-national study.
Sept. 1998- Oct 2001:Health Promotion Division, National Assembly for Wales (formerly Health Promotion Wales.)
Senior Research Officer: sexual health research and policy development; ‘Sustainable Health Action Research Projects’ programme development & implementation; WHO-sponsored, Health Behaviour in School Children, cross-national study; homelessness commission report; transport and health.
Sept. 1997- Sept. 1998: Department of Psychology, University of Bath.
Lecturer MSc Health Psychology: Psychosocial factors in health, Health promotion, Research methods & statistics (SPSS), dissertation supervision. Lecturer BA Psychology: Statistics (SPSS). Lecturer BSc Pharmacy: Behavioural science for pharmacists.
Sept. 1995- May 1997: School of Nursing & Midwifery Studies, UWB.
Lecturer MSc Health Promotion & Education: Research methods (qualitative and quantitative), Statistics (SPSS), Psychological perspectives in health.
Jan. 1997- Aug. 1997: School of Nursing & Midwifery Studies, UWB.
Sessional lecturer in Clinical Effectiveness Core Skills Initiative for NHS Medical Staff: Research skills (qualitative and quantitative).
Sept. 1994- June 1997: School of Sport Health & Physical Education Sciences, UWB.
Sessional lecturer on BA Physical & Health Education: Psychology of exercise & health behaviours. Seminar leader/marker: Development & Learning, Research design.
Sept. 1992- Sept. 1994: School of Physical & Health Education (PHE), Queen’s University, Canada.
Seminar leader BA: Sport & Exercise Psychology.
Current research interests
Determinants and promotion of active transport (walk and cycling for transport) and physical activity; public understandings of climate change
Mullan, E. & Jones, P. (in press). The impact of cycling skills training on children’s cycling skills, confidence and behaviour.
Mullan, E. (2013). Exercise, weather, safety, and public attitudes: a qualitative exploration of leisure cyclists' views on cycling for transport. Sage Open, 3, DOI: 10.1177/2158244013497030
Mullan, E. (2012). Swapping the Lycra for the suit: determinants of cycling for transport among leisure cyclists in Ireland. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 50(5), 229-237 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14635240.2012.702510
Mullan, E & Lodge, J. (2010). Active transport to school: ideals and realities. In S. Connor (Ed) Youth Sport in Ireland: The Impact of the Celtic Tiger Years. Dublin, Sports Council.
Stratton, G. & Mullan, E. (2005). The effect of multi-colour playground markings on children’s physical activity level during recess. Preventive Medicine, 41, 828-833
Mullan, E. (2003). Young people’s perceptions of local traffic and car parking and its relationship to their opinion of the safety, sociability and quality of their local area. Health and Place, 9, 351-360
Mullan, E. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2003). Self esteem and health-risk behaviours: is there a link? Irish data from the cross-national Health Behaviour in School Children study. Irish Journal of Psychology, 23, 27-36
NicGabhainn S. & Mullan, E (2003) Self Esteem norms for Irish young people. Psychological Reports, 92, 829-830
Mullan, E. (2000). Hitting the targets: When health promotion funding is made contingent on influencing health improvement targets who benefits? Journal of Health Promotion for Northern Ireland, 10, 28-30.
Mullan, E., Currie, C. (2000). Social Inequalities and Adolescent Health: cross-national patterns from the 1998 HBSC survey. In: Currie, C., Hurrelmann, K., Settertobulte, W., Smith, R., Todd, J. (Eds.), Health and Health Behaviour among Young People. WHO Policy Series: Health Policy for Children and Adolescents. WHO, Copenhagen.
Mullan, E., Fry, A. & Tudor-Smith, C. (1999). Perspectives, practices and the pharmacy healthcare scheme: A small-scale investigation of health education leaflet use among pharmacists in Wales. Health Education Journal, 58. 410-417.
Mullan, E. & Markland, D. (1997). Variations in self-determination across stages of change for exercise in adults. Motivation & Emotion, 21, 349-362.
Mullan. E, Albinson, J. & Markland, D. (1997). Children’s perceived physical competence at different categories of physical activity. Pediatric Exercise Science, 9, 237-243.
Mullan, E., Markland, D. & Ingledew, D. (1997). A graded conceptualisation of self-determination in the regulation of exercise behaviour: Development of a measure using confirmatory factor analytic procedures. Personality and Individual Differences 23, 745-752.
Conference presentations
Mullan, E. (2020). Promoting physical inactivity and car dependence: the case of Waterford city’s suburbs. Association for Health Promotion Ireland annual conference, NUI Galway online conference June 2020. Oral Presentation.
Mullan, E. (2020). Promoting cycling for transport: home truths and fallacies Association for Health Promotion Ireland annual conference, NUI Galway online conference June 2020. Oral Presentation.
Mullan , E. (2019). The design of communities in Waterford: does the ‘place’ promote health and wellbeing? Healthy Waterford conference Designing Communities: the importance of place in promoting health and wellbeing, May 2019, WIT
Jones. P. & Mullan, E. (2016). A qualitative exploration of the impacts of cycle skills training on attitudes to cycling among children and parents. All-Ireland Post-graduate Conference in Sports Sciences, Physical Activity & Physical Education, WIT, May 2016. Oral presentation
Mullan, E. & Jones P. (2015). The impact of cycling skills training on cycling. confidence and behaviour. PEPAYS Conference, University of Limerick, June 2015. Oral presentation.
Mullan, E. (2014). Promoting sustainable active transport using multi-level interventions. Institute of Public Health Conference, Titanic Centre, Belfast, October 2014. Oral presentation.
Mullan, E. (2014). Drivers, teenagers, danger and tolerance: views from Ireland. Cycling & Society Conference, Newcastle, UK, September, 2014. Oral presentation.
Jones, P. & Mullan, E. (2014). The impact of cycling skills training on cycling for transport & leisure in children. All-Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences and Physical Education, University of Limerick, January, 2014. Oral presentation
Lodge, J & Mullan, E. (2009). Active Transportation to School: "You'd look like a right idiot showing up on a bike’. Health Promotion Conference: Closing the Gap in Child and Adolescent Health: the Settings Approach , NUI Galway June, 2009. Oral presentation.
Muldoon, A., Mullan, E. (2008). Workplace Physical Activity Promotion - A critical evaluation. 2nd International Congress of Physical Activity and Public Health, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April, 2008. Poster presentation.
Mullan, E. (2002). The role of legislation in the promotion of physical activity. Health Promotion Agency for Northern Ireland conference: Getting Active Together: Promoting Good Practice in Physical Activity, Newry, November 2002. Oral presentation:
Mullan, E. (2001). Developing Sexual Health Policy & Practice in Wales: Lessons for Ireland. University of Ulster, School Policy Studies, All-Ireland conference on young parents, Dublin Castle, January, 2002. Oral presentation
Mullan, E. (2000). When funding is contingent on influencing health improvement targets who benefits? Politics, Ethics & Health Promotion conference, Cavan, April 2000. Oral presentation.
Mullan, E. (1998). Personal construction of exercise as a function of stages of change & self-determination: A repertory grid methodology British Psychology Society, Division of Health Psychology conference, York, UK, July 1998. Poster presentation.
Mullan, E. (1996). Motivation for exercise: development of a measure of behavioural regulation. British Association of Sport & Exercise Sciences (BASES) conference, Birmingham, UK, Aug. 1996. Oral presentation - received the Outstanding Student Presentation/Research award.
Mullan, E. (1996). Motivation for exercise: development of a measure of behavioural regulation. International Council for Physical Activity & Fitness Research Symposium, Treviso, Italy, Sept. 1996. Oral presentation.
Mullan, E. (1994). Children’s physical identity and participation in various types of physical activity . 10th Commonwealth and International scientific conference, Victorial, BC, Canada, Aug. 1994. Oral presentation
Mullan, E. (2001). ‘Strides’ Project Evaluation: April 1999-2001’. Report prepared for the Family Planning Association for Wales (FPA Cymru)
Mullan, E. (2001).Review of the Homelessness Literature: Best practice, Strategy Development and the Situation in Wales. Report prepared for the Homelessness Commission for Wales.
Mullan, E. & Currie, C. (2000). Social Inequalities and Adolescent Health: Cross-National Patterns from the 1998 HBSC Survey. WHO Policy Series: Health Policy for Children and Adolescents, Copenhagen, WHO.
Mullan, E. & Treasure, E. (1999). Effective Oral Health Promotion: Lessons From Reviews of Practice in Other Areas of Health Promotion. Paper prepared for UK Health Education Authority for use in ‘Effectiveness of Oral Health Promotion Interventions’ seminars/workshops.
Senior Researcher, Health Promotion Division, National Assembly for Wales (formerly Health Promotion Wales), Cardiff, 1998-2001.
Board member, Waterford Sports Partnership, since 2016