Dr Eleanor Owens
Email: eleanor.owens@setu.ie

A graduate of the the University of Aberdeen and City University, London who before entering academia worked as a Senior Research Officer at the Paint Research Association and as Product Manager, De La Rue Holographics, both in the UK. Since joining WIT in 2002, Eleanor has lectured in physical chemistry, applied chemistry, quality management and science education at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. She is an active researcher in the areas of biofuels, polymers and sustainability.
Involved in the development of a number of the degree programmes within the Schools of Science and Education, in particular B.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Science, MSc in Analytical Science and the Masters in Primary Science Education.
Year head for B.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Science
Programme leader for the Masters in Primary Science Education
1. L. Reinl, E Owens, F Kelliher and D Harrington, “Facilitating cross-border rural micro-firm knowledge exchange: A community of practice perspective”, The International Journal or Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 16 (3), 183-195 (2015)
2. S Duggan, O O’Donovan, E Owens, W Cummins and H Hughes, “Synthesis of mucoadhesive thiolated gelatin using a two-step reaction process”, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 91, 75-81 (2015)
3. R Elsiddig, H Hughes, E Owens, NJ O’Reilly, D O’Grady and P McLoughlin, “ Kinetic and thermodynamic evaluation of phosphate ions binding onto sevelamer hydrochloride”, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 474 (1), 25 – 31 (2014)
4. N. Mockler, T. Kent and E. Owens, “The use of wood as a renewable source of energy in Ireland – development and knowledge gaps in the control of wood fuel quality”, Journal of the Society of Irish Foresters, 70, 1&2, 75- 90 (2013)
5. S. Hudson, E. Owens, H. Hughes, P. McLoughlin, “Enhancement and restriction of chain motion in polymer networks”, International Journal of Pharmaceuticals, 430, issue 1-2, 34 – 41 (2012)
6. N Holland, J Frisby, E Owens, H Hughes, P Duggan and P McLoughlin, “The influence of polymer morphology on the performance of molecularly imprinted polymers”, Polymer, 51 (7), 1578-1584 (2010)
7. N. Holland, P. Duggan, E. Owens, W. Cummins, J. Frisby, H. Hughes and P. Mcloughlin and E. Owens, “Thermal Desorption characterisation of molecularly imprinted polymers. Part II: Use of direct probe GC-MS analysis to study crosslinking effects”, Anal Bioanal Chem , 391, 1245-1253 (2008)
8. K. Flavin, J. Mullowney, B. Murphy, E. Owens, P. Kirwan, K. Murphy, H. Hughes and P. McLoughlin, “The development of novel organically modified sol-gel media for use with ATR/FTIR sensing”, Analyst, 132, 224 – 229 (2007)
9. R.S. Davidson, J.E. Pratt and E.S. Cockburn, “The Photocrosslinking of styrylpyridinium salts via a 2 + 2 Cycloaddition Reaction”, J. Photochem. Photobiol, (1996.)
10. Cockburn E and Holman R, “Radiation Curing –Tomorrow’s Technology Today”, J Soc Dyers Colour, 109 (5-6): 179 –182 (1993)
11. Allen KW, Cockburn ES, Davidson RS et all, “Some new developments in Radiation Curing”, Pure Appl Chem 64 (9):1225-1230 (1992).
12. E.S. Cockburn, R.S. Davidson, S.A. Wilkinson and J. Hamilton, "Photochemical Reactions Of 4-Stilbazolium Modified PVA", Eur. Polym. J., 24, 10, 1015 (1988)
Eleanor has been actively involved in research at WIT since 2004. During that time she have been one of the founding members of both the PMBRC and the EIRC research centres and to date has supervised 2 MSC and 4 PhD students to completion. Eleanor has been involved in achieving over 7 million in research funding since 2002. During her time at WIT, sh have developed two main research interests. One area involves the sustainable development and management of Irish biomass, the second area is in the development of polymeric drug delivery platforms. Her involvement in the WINSS and GIFT Interreg projects have allowed her to develop an extensive network of academic and industrial collaborators including links to Coillte, Teagasc, UCD, Bangor University, Wales and the Welsh Institute for a Sustainable Environment.