Jimmy McGibney is a lecturer in Computer Science at South East Technological University (formerly WIT) and mainly teaches courses in computer security, cryptography and cloud operations. He is joint programme leader of the MSc in Computing (Enterprise Software Systems). He is also an AWS Academy Accredited Instructor. He served as an elected member of WIT's Academic Council from 2014 to 2021.
He occasionally carries out research and supervises students at the Walton Institute at SETU. He has worked on several projects within the European framework programmes, including Aniketos (trustworthiness and security in service composition), CoMiFin (Communication Middleware for Monitoring Financial Critical Infrastructure), OPAALS (Open Philosophies for Associative Autopoietic Digital Ecosystems) and SEINIT (Security Expert Initiative). He has also had a lead role in some smaller Enterprise Ireland grants for commercialisation projects (sTrust and WMA). More recently, he contributed to the Erasmus+ 'Alliance for developing, teaching and training Digital Forensics and Incident Response students and practitioners'
Prior to joining WIT in 2000, he worked in R&D in the software industry for 6 years. He has a Bachelor of Engineering (Electronic) degree from University College Dublin and a Master of Engineering degree from Dublin City University.
Courses that I currently teach
- Cloud Architecture (MSc)
- Network & System Security (BSc year 4)
- Developer Operations (BSc year 3 & Higher Diploma)
- Applied Cryptography (BSc year 2)
- Security (Higher Diploma)
Some past courses
- Secure Programming & Scripting
- Media Forensics
- Distributed Information Systems
- Operating Systems
- Parts of: Software Engineering; Java Programming; Networks; Computer forensics
Programme leadership
- Joint programme chair, MSc in Computing (Enterprise Software Systems) since 2011
- Joint programme chair, MSc in Computing (Communications Software) since 2005
Research/project student supervision
- PhD student (1 to completion and 1 current student, as co-supervisor)
- Research MSc theses (2 to completion)
- Taught MSc dissertations (many)
- Final year degree projects (many)
Industry certification
- AWS Academy Accredited Instructor
- AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate
European framework projects
- Aniketos
- CoMiFin
- Bandwidth 2000
Enterprise Ireland
- PC/2007/174 (sTRUST)
- IP/2001/525 (WMA);
- Alliance for developing, teaching and training Digital Forensics and Incident Response students and practitioners
- Teaching visits abroad
- P908
Professional experience
- 2000 - present: Lecturer at SETU (formerly WIT). Elected member of WIT Academic Council, 2014-2021.
- 1994 - 2000: Various software development and research roles in the telecommunications software industry, including periods at Aldiscon and Teltec DCU.
Selected professional training undertaken
- Security Engineering on AWS, Amazon Web Services
- Developing on AWS, Amazon Web Services
- Cloud Computing Architecture, AWS Academy
- Interactive Programming in Python (with distinction), Coursera
- Cryptography (with distinction), Coursera
- SANS 504: Hacker Techniques, Exploits & Incident Handling, SANS
- Web application development (with distinction), Coursera
- Secure Application Development: Writing secure code, OWASP
- Designing, Building and Testing Secure Application on Mobile Devices, OWASP
- Security and Cryptography, HESDN
- Web Development, HESDN
- Database design with Oracle
- Distributed application design and development using MS Visual Studio
- Building distributed applications with Orbix and CORBA
- Object-oriented software development
- SDT (SDL Design Tool)
- UNIX system programming
- C++ programming
- Quality management systems
- CHIP (Constraint Handling in Prolog) programming
Publications (since 2005)
- S. Rizvi, M. Scanlon, J. McGibney and J. Sheppard,"An Evaluation of AI-Based Network Intrusion Detection in Resource-Constrained Environments", 14th Annual IEEE Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (IEEE UEMCON), New York, October 2023.
- S. Rizvi, M. Scanlon, J. McGibney and J. Sheppard, "Application of Artificial Intelligence to Network Forensics: Survey, Challenges and Future Directions," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 110362-110384, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3214506.
- S. Rizvi, M. Scanlon, J. McGibney, J. Sheppard, "Deep Learning Based Network Intrusion Detection System for Resource-Constrained Environments", 13th EAI International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime, Boston, November 2022. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-36574-4_21.
- H. Elshaafi, J. McGibney, D. Botvich, "Attack surface-based security metric framework for service selection and composition", International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, vol 10, issue 1, pp 88-113, Inderscience, 2017.
- H. Elshaafi, J. McGibney, D. Botvich, ""Aggregation and Optimisation of Trustworthiness of Composite Services", International Secure and Trustworthy Service Composition, pp 150-172, Springer, 2014".
- H. Elshaafi, J. McGibney, D. Botvich, "Trustworthiness monitoring and prediction of composite services" ISCC 2012: 17th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, Istanbul, July 2012.
- H. Elshaafi, J. McGibney, D. Botvich, "Profitability and Cost Management of Trustworthy Composite Services", International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business, Vienna, Sept 2012.
- H. Elshaafi, J. McGibney, D. Botvich, "Business Driven Optimisation of Service Compositions" NWESP 2011: 7th International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices, Salamanca, Oct 2011.
- H. Elshaafi, J. McGibney, D. Botvich, "Trustworthiness Monitoring of Dynamic Service Compositions", WEWST 2011: 6th Workshop on Enhanced Web Service Technologies, Lugano, September 2011.
- H. Elshaafi, J. McGibney, D. Botvich, B. Mulcahy, "Enhancement of Critical Financial Infrastructure Protection Using Trust Management", STAVE 2011: 1st International Workshop on Security & Trust for Applications in Virtualised Environments, Springer CCIS 187, pp 156-165, Crete, June 2011.
- D. Botvich, J. McGibney, G. Ostapenko, S. De Paoli, A. Kerr, and M. Keatinge, Integrating Players, Reputation and Ranking to Manage Cheating in MMOGs, FDG 2010: The 5th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, Monterey, June 2010.
- P. Malone, J. McGibney, D. Botvich, M. McLaughlin, "Implementing a Trust Overlay Framework for Digital Ecosystems", OPAALS 2010: 3rd International Conference on Digital Ecosystems, Springer LNICST, Aracuju, March 2010
- J. McGibney and D. Botvich, "A trust based system for enhanced spam filtering ", Journal of Software (JSW), vol. 3, no. 5, pp 55-64, May 2008. [extended version of paper presented at ARES, April 2007]
- J. McGibney and D. Botvich, "Distributed dynamic protection of services on ad hoc and p2p networks", Proc. 7th IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations and Management (IPOM), San Jose, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 4786, pp 95-106, Springer, November 2007.
- J. McGibney and D. Botvich, "A service-centric approach to access control and monitoring based on distributed trust", Proc. 3rd IBM CAS Software & Systems Engineering Symposium, Dublin, Oct 2007.
- J. McGibney, D. Botvich, and S. Balasubramaniam, "A combined biologically and socially inspired approach to mitigating ad hoc network threats", Proc. 66th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Baltimore, October 2007.
- J. McGibney and D. Botvich, "Collaborative strategies for reducing attacks on ad hoc network nodes", Proc. 18th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC - CAMAD workshop), Athens, September 2007.
- J. McGibney and D. Botvich, “A trust overlay architecture and protocol for enhanced protection against spam”, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), Vienna, pp 749-756, April 2007.
- J. McGibney, N. Schmidt, A. Patel, “A service-centric model for intrusion detection”, Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol 27, Issue 5, pp 513-520, June 2005.
Workshops (recent)
- Workshop: "Teaching and Training in Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR-Train)", at 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2023), Benevento, Italy, August 2023.
- Workshop: "Investigating a Case of IP Theft in a Cyber Physical Environment", at Digitial Forensics Research Workshop Europe (DFRWS EU 2023), Bonn, Germany, March 2023.
Invited articles
- L Ladid, J McGibney, J Ronan, M Ó Foghlú, Security and Privacy with IPv6, IEC Annual Review of Communications (Vol 58), Nov. 2005
- L Ladid, J McGibney, J Ronan, “Security with IPv6”, Upgrade – The European Journal for Informatics Professionals, Vol 6, Issue 2, pp 27-30, April 2005
- also Spanish language version in: Novática, Issue 174, March-April 2005
Invited Tutorials
- “Trust and management in networks”, tutorial on Trust and Security in Pervasive Networking, Poznan, Poland, June 2005.
- “Building trust in networks through Intrusion Detection Systems and Honeypots”, SEINIT Training Workshop, ENST, Paris, April 2005.
- “Intrusion Detection Systems and Honeypots”, Internet Society INET/IGC Conference, Barcelona, May 2004.
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Spring 2015, Fall 2007, Spring 2007.
- International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (Pervasive Health), 2009.
- International Conference on Pervasive Computing, 2008.
- IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2007.
- (Irish) Information Technology & Telecommunications (IT&T) Conference, 2003-2007.
- IEEE Workshop on IP Operations and Management (IPOM), 2006.
- IFIP/IEEE Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM), 2006.
- IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations and Management (IPOM), 2006.
- IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM), 2006.
- IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), 2005.
- IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN) 2005.
Publications (since 2005)
- S. Rizvi, M. Scanlon, J. McGibney and J. Sheppard,"An Evaluation of AI-Based Network Intrusion Detection in Resource-Constrained Environments", 14th Annual IEEE Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics & Mobile Communication Conference (IEEE UEMCON), New York, October 2023.
- S. Rizvi, M. Scanlon, J. McGibney and J. Sheppard, "Application of Artificial Intelligence to Network Forensics: Survey, Challenges and Future Directions," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 110362-110384, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3214506.
- S. Rizvi, M. Scanlon, J. McGibney, J. Sheppard, "Deep Learning Based Network Intrusion Detection System for Resource-Constrained Environments", 13th EAI International Conference on Digital Forensics & Cyber Crime, Boston, November 2022. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-36574-4_21.
- H. Elshaafi, J. McGibney, D. Botvich, "Attack surface-based security metric framework for service selection and composition", International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, vol 10, issue 1, pp 88-113, Inderscience, 2017.
- H. Elshaafi, J. McGibney, D. Botvich, ""Aggregation and Optimisation of Trustworthiness of Composite Services", International Secure and Trustworthy Service Composition, pp 150-172, Springer, 2014".
- H. Elshaafi, J. McGibney, D. Botvich, "Trustworthiness monitoring and prediction of composite services" ISCC 2012: 17th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, Istanbul, July 2012.
- H. Elshaafi, J. McGibney, D. Botvich, "Profitability and Cost Management of Trustworthy Composite Services", International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business, Vienna, Sept 2012.
- H. Elshaafi, J. McGibney, D. Botvich, "Business Driven Optimisation of Service Compositions" NWESP 2011: 7th International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices, Salamanca, Oct 2011.
- H. Elshaafi, J. McGibney, D. Botvich, "Trustworthiness Monitoring of Dynamic Service Compositions", WEWST 2011: 6th Workshop on Enhanced Web Service Technologies, Lugano, September 2011.
- H. Elshaafi, J. McGibney, D. Botvich, B. Mulcahy, "Enhancement of Critical Financial Infrastructure Protection Using Trust Management", STAVE 2011: 1st International Workshop on Security & Trust for Applications in Virtualised Environments, Springer CCIS 187, pp 156-165, Crete, June 2011.
- D. Botvich, J. McGibney, G. Ostapenko, S. De Paoli, A. Kerr, and M. Keatinge, Integrating Players, Reputation and Ranking to Manage Cheating in MMOGs, FDG 2010: The 5th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, Monterey, June 2010.
- P. Malone, J. McGibney, D. Botvich, M. McLaughlin, "Implementing a Trust Overlay Framework for Digital Ecosystems", OPAALS 2010: 3rd International Conference on Digital Ecosystems, Springer LNICST, Aracuju, March 2010
- J. McGibney and D. Botvich, "A trust based system for enhanced spam filtering ", Journal of Software (JSW), vol. 3, no. 5, pp 55-64, May 2008. [extended version of paper presented at ARES, April 2007]
- J. McGibney and D. Botvich, "Distributed dynamic protection of services on ad hoc and p2p networks", Proc. 7th IEEE International Workshop on IP Operations and Management (IPOM), San Jose, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 4786, pp 95-106, Springer, November 2007.
- J. McGibney and D. Botvich, "A service-centric approach to access control and monitoring based on distributed trust", Proc. 3rd IBM CAS Software & Systems Engineering Symposium, Dublin, Oct 2007.
- J. McGibney, D. Botvich, and S. Balasubramaniam, "A combined biologically and socially inspired approach to mitigating ad hoc network threats", Proc. 66th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), Baltimore, October 2007.
- J. McGibney and D. Botvich, "Collaborative strategies for reducing attacks on ad hoc network nodes", Proc. 18th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC - CAMAD workshop), Athens, September 2007.
- J. McGibney and D. Botvich, “A trust overlay architecture and protocol for enhanced protection against spam”, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), Vienna, pp 749-756, April 2007.
- J. McGibney, N. Schmidt, A. Patel, “A service-centric model for intrusion detection”, Computer Standards and Interfaces, Vol 27, Issue 5, pp 513-520, June 2005.
Workshops (recent)
- Workshop: "Teaching and Training in Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR-Train)", at 18th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2023), Benevento, Italy, August 2023.
- Workshop: "Investigating a Case of IP Theft in a Cyber Physical Environment", at Digitial Forensics Research Workshop Europe (DFRWS EU 2023), Bonn, Germany, March 2023.
Invited articles
- L Ladid, J McGibney, J Ronan, M Ó Foghlú, Security and Privacy with IPv6, IEC Annual Review of Communications (Vol 58), Nov. 2005
- L Ladid, J McGibney, J Ronan, “Security with IPv6”, Upgrade – The European Journal for Informatics Professionals, Vol 6, Issue 2, pp 27-30, April 2005
- also Spanish language version in: Novática, Issue 174, March-April 2005
Invited Tutorials
- “Trust and management in networks”, tutorial on Trust and Security in Pervasive Networking, Poznan, Poland, June 2005.
- “Building trust in networks through Intrusion Detection Systems and Honeypots”, SEINIT Training Workshop, ENST, Paris, April 2005.
- “Intrusion Detection Systems and Honeypots”, Internet Society INET/IGC Conference, Barcelona, May 2004.