![John Carroll](/imager/Craft/assets/staff-profiles/staff-fallback_16d583da2e4558c2f6e9876f3f0dd6c8.jpg?width=257)
Research Interests
I have a keen interest in all aspects of farming research, demonstrated by my past and current involvements in research projects on biofuels, break crops, rotations and protein in which I have secured over €1.25 million worth of external funding. In my previous role as coordinator of the OptiBC RSF project I was co-supervisor of a PhD looking into the health benefits of rapeseed oil and this is an area of great interest to me. I have initiated contact with researchers from other institutions and hope to be involved in future studies into the use of native protein sources as a replacement for imported soya in animal feed.
I am constantly looking for opportunities to further my knowledge and experience through participation in further studies in all aspects of agriculture, specifically, rotations, break crops, sustainability and biodiversity.
I aim to develop my professional skills continuously and would be very eager to enrol in any course which may be suitable to help in the delivery of the Agricultural Science course. Specifically, I am interested in pursuing continuing professional development in blended learning; student supervision; and general trends in higher education to inform my lecturing work.
Engagement and Collaboration
With 12 years experience at Teagasc I have gained numerous contacts both within Teagasc and the greater agricultural industry. Research was conducted with the aim of delivering best possible expertise to the wider farming community, while constantly considering industry engagement and how it develops.
Some collaborative projects I was involved in include-
- 2006 – 2009: DAFM RSF project entitled Feasibility of pellet production from energy crops and agricultural residues.
- 2010 - 2013: ERANET Futurebiotec project entitled Future low emission biomass combustion systems.
- 2013 - 2014: DAFM RSF project entitled CropQuest: Broad acre break crop options for Irish farmers.
- 2015 – 2019: DAFM RSF project entitled VICCI: Virtual Irish Centre for Crop Improvements. As part of this large €3 million project I led a task with a budget of approx. €200k in association with the University of Reading looking at Bean breeding for Irish conditions.
- 2015: I was involved with an unsuccessful pan European proposal to ISIB 2 on legumes.
- 2016: I was involved in an unsuccessful submission under FP7 involving 15 European partners on protein crops.
- 2016 - 2020 I wrote and was co-ordinator on a €1 million project from the DAFM RSF 2015 call, with WIT and UCD entitled Opti-BC: optimising break crop agronomy in Irish conditions.
- 2017: I am involved in a H2020 proposal with 12 European partners on knowledge transfer in rotations and break crops.
Areas of interest as a supervisor
- Agriculture
- Agronomy
- Crop Physiology
- Food production
- Food end use
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Carroll, J.P., Forristal, D., Zahoor, F. and Thorne, F., 2017. A Review of the Agronomic, Environmental and Economic Benefits of Break Crops: An Irish Case Study. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research. Submitted.
Carroll J.P., Finnan, J.M., Biederman, F., Brunner, T. and Obernberger, I., 2015. Air staging to reduce emissions from energy crop combustion in small scale applications. Fuel, 155
Carroll J.P. and Finnan, J., 2015. The use of additives and fuel blending to reduce emissions from the combustion of agricultural fuels in small scale boilers. Biosystems Engineering 129(1), 127 – 133.
Carroll J.P. and Finnan, J., 2013. Emissions and efficiencies from the combustion of agricultural feedstock pellets using a small scale tilting grate boiler. Biosystems Engineering 115(1), 50-55.
Carroll J.P. and Finnan, J., 2012. Physical and chemical characteristics of pellets from cereal straws and energy crops. Biosystems Engineering 112(1), 151 – 159.
Carroll, J.P. and Holden, N.M., 2005. A Method to Quantify Weed Distribution for Relating to Patch Spraying Systems. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 48(1) 27 – 35
Carroll, J.P. and Holden, N.M., 2009. Modelling the Relationship Between Patch Sprayer Performance and Weed Distribution. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 52(4) 1051 - 1056.
Finnan JM, Burke, B, Carroll JP (2013) A Short Communication on the Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization of Willow on Yield, Combustion Emissions and Greenhouse Gas Balance. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 98(1), 107 – 112.
Nolan, A., McDonnell, K., Devlin, G., Carroll J. P., Finnan J; (2009) 'Economic Analysis of Manufacturing Costs of Pellet Production in the Republic of Ireland Using Non-Woody Biomass'. The Open Renewable Energy Journal, 3 :1-11.
Nolan, A., McDonnell, K., Devlin, G., Carroll J. P., Finnan J; (2010) 'Potential Non-Woody Biomass Feedstock Availability for Pellet Production within the Republic of Ireland'. The International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 3 (1):63-73.
Nolan, A., McDonnell, K., Devlin, G., Carroll J. P., Finnan J; (2009). Conservation of miscanthus in bale form. Biosystems Engineering, 104(3): 345 – 352.
Books and Book Chapters
Carroll, J.P. and Holden, N.M., 2011. The relationship between patch spraying cost and target weed distribution. Weed Control ISBN 979-953-307-318-6.
Conference Proceedings and Papers
National Tillage Conference, Lyrath Estate Kilkenny, 2016. Bean production and agronomy.
National Tillage Conference, Lyrath Estate Kilkenny, 2015. Break crop agronomy: The Teagasc/IFA grain levy break crop research programme
Technologies for Clean Biomass Combustion. Graz September 2012. Reduction of PM and NOx emissions from automated boilers: Application of fuel blending and additives.
Annual meeting of American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Las Vegas July 2003. Preliminary Development of a Methodology to Relate Sprayer Control Time with Weed Distribution Patterns to Improve the Design of Patch Spraying Equipment.
European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Berlin, June 2003. A Method to Quantify Weed Distribution for Relating to Patch Spraying Systems.