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1994-1998       BSc (Hons 1st Class) Physics, University College Cork

1998-2002      PhD Physics, University College Cork

2002-2006      Postdoctoral Researcher, University College Cork / Tyndall National Institute  

2006-present   Lectuter in Physics, Waterford Institute of Technology

1998-2002     PhD teaching duties including tutorials and laboratory classes up to final year level

2002-2006     Occasional part time lecturing for Physics/UCC up to and including final year courses.

2006-present  Teaching Physics to final year on WIT Physics Degree / Program development, course design and approval processes, teaching Physics as a service to a range of courses including Nursing / Recreational Management / Chemical and Biological sciences / Agricultural sciences.  

See Research Profile here

Optical Society of America Journal Reviewer

External Examiner  -  Physics Department,  Cork Institute of Techniology

See Research Profile here

See Research Profile here