Dr Lorna Doyle
Lecturer and Researcher in Nutrition and Sports Nutrition
Email: lorna.doyle@setu.ie

Dr. Lorna Doyle is a lecturer in Nutrition in the Dept. of Health Sport and Exercise Science at Waterford Institute of Technology. Dr. Doyle completed her BSc Ed at University of Limerick and continued to further her education by completing her MSc and PhD in the area of Clinical Nutrition at UCC. She is a registered nutritionist with nutrition specialism in Sport and Exercise. She has been a lecturer at WIT for over 11 years and supervised several research students investigating aspects relating to: protein supplementation and bone health, low carbohydrate diets and its effect on weight loss, bone health and cardiovascular effects. She is also investigating the effect of low carbohydrate diets on health and sports performance with athletes. Dr. Doyle is interested in any type of research which affects the health of individuals and/or their performance in sport.
Subjects taught
General Nutrition
Clinical Nutrition
Sport and Exercise Nutrition
Research Methods
Advanced Research Methods & Statistics
Biomolecules and Cells
Introduction to Exercise Science
Supervised ~ 20 MA Sport Psychology Dissertations
4th Year Health Promotion/Exercise and Health Dissertation Supervision (4-8/year)
Scientific Skills:
Dietary analysis
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA)
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Flame Spectroscopy
Conducting human and animal research trials
Blood pressure measurement on rats
Dr. Doyle is currently investigating the effects of a low carbohydrate versus high carbohydrate diet on endurance athlete performance and health. Aspects measured in this research include time trial performance, power output, fuel utilization, bone density, lean body mass, bone formation and resorption, blood cholesterol and inflammatory markers. Her postgraduate student is currently on an internship at Ohio State University under the supervision of the esteemed Prof. Jeff Volek and his research team. Dr. Doyle is also involved in supervising research examining energy balance in athletes.
Dr. Doyle has been internal examiner for several PhD viva's. She is a member of the Nutrition Research Center at WIT. She is also a member of the Nutrition Society.
Wekesa A, Doyle L, Fitzmaurice D, O’Donovan O, Phelan J, Ross M, Cross K & Harrison M (2016) Influence of a low carbohydrate diet on endothelial macrovesicles in overweight women. Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism 41, 522-527.
Mullen A, Nugent AP, Doyle L, Cashman KD & Roche HM (2007) Conjugated linoleic acid supplementation reduces interleukin-2 expression in healthy middle-aged men. Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry 18, 658-666.
Doyle L, Cashman K, Jewell C, Mullens A & Roche H (2005) The effect of dietary supplementation with conjugated linoleic acid on bone metabolism in healthy human male subjects. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 59, 432-440.
Doyle L & Cashman K (2004) Consumption of the DASH diet in combination with reduced Na intake appears to reduce bone turnover and promote Ca retention. Nutrition Research Reviews 62, 215-220.
Doyle L & Cashman K (2003) The effect of nutrient profiles of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diets on blood pressure and bone metabolism and composition in normotensive and hypertensive rats. British Journal of Nutrition 89, 713-724.
Doyle L, Flynn A & Cashman K (1999) The effect of magnesium supplementation on biochemical markers of bone metabolism or blood pressure in healthy young adult females. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 53, 255-261.
Barry-Ryan C, Doyle L & O’Beirne D (1995) Ascorbic acid retention in minimally processed lettuce. Irish Journal of Food Science and Technology 34, 225.
Harrison M, Wekesa A, Fitzmaurice D, Phelan, J, Ross M & Doyle L (2013) Influence of a 24-week low carbohydrate diet on endothelial and inflammatory biomarkers in overweight women. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. Vol 45.
Doyle L & Warner R (2011) Protein and essential amino acid intakes in males who do and do not consume protein supplements. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 70, E396.
Fitzmaurice D & Doyle L (2011) The effect of a low-carbohydrate diet on biomarkers of bone health in pre- and post-menopausal females: a randomized control crossover trial. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 70, E355.
Warner R & Doyle L (2010) Differences in bone health and bone biomarkers between exercising male protein supplement users and non-users. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 69, E351.
Bennett C & Doyle L (2008) Big Wave Surfing: Sensation seeking or rational assessment? BASES Annual Conference. Poster presentation.
Bolger M & Doyle L (2008) Effect of increased omega 3 fatty acid intake over 8 weeks on anxiety in athletes. BASES Annual Conference. Poster presentation.