Dr Niamh Maguire
Senior Lecturer in Law
Email: [email protected]

I am a Senior Lecturer in Law at South East Technological University. I completed my undergraduate studies in law at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and later returned to TCD to complete my PhD in 2008. I also hold an M.Sc. in Criminology and Criminal Justice from Edinburgh University and I am professionally qualified as a barrister.
I lecture across a range of legal and criminological topics ranging from criminal law to comparative criminal justice systems. My areas of research include punishment, sentencing, community sanctions, comparative criminal justice systems, gender and domestic violence.
I am currently (academic year 2022-2023) on research leave working on two commissioned pieces of research for the Judicial Council and for the Department of Justice.
I lecture across a range of modules on the LLB and the BA in Criminal Justice Studies ranging from criminal law to criminology.
I also supervise a number of research students engaged in PhD studies.
Current Funded Research Projects
A Study of District Court judges perspectives on Sentencing and Relationship Violence
An exploration of the use of short custodial sentences and community service orders as part of the review of the Criminal Justice (Community Service) (Amendment) Act 2011
Membership of Professional Bodies
Irish Criminology Research Network (http://irishcriminologyresearchnetwork.wordpress.com/)
Irish Criminal Law Forum (Co-founder with Senior Counsel Una Ni Raifeartaigh)
European Society of Criminology’s (ESC) Working Group on Sentencing and Penal Decision Making
ESC Working Group on Community Sanctions. (Co-founding member)
Recent Peer Reviewed Publications
Peer Reviewed Publications
Boone, M., and Maguire, N (eds.) (2018) The Enforcement of Offender Supervision: Understanding Breach Processes, London: Routledge
Maguire, N. and Nicola, C. (2017) Individualising Justice: Pre-sentence Reports in the Irish Criminal Justice System, Probation Service Research Report No 6, Dublin: Probation Service
Book Chapters
Maguire, N. (2019) ‘Pre-sentence reports: Constructing the subject of punishment’ in P. Ugwudike, H. Graham, F. McNeill, F.S. Taxman, and C. Trotter (eds) The Routledge Companion to Rehabilitative Work in Criminal Justice. Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge, pp.
Boone, M. and Maguire, N. (2018) ‘Introduction: comparing breach processes: Aims, concepts, methodology and figures’ in M. Boone and N. Maguire (eds) The Enforcement of Offender Supervision in Europe: Understanding Breach Processes, Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge, pp.3-18
Hucklesby, A. Maguire, N., Anagnostaki, M. and Jose Cid (2018) ‘Legitimacy, fairness and justice in breach processes: comparative perspectives’, in M. Boone and N. Maguire (eds) The Enforcement of Offender Supervision in Europe: Understanding Breach Processes, Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge, pp.77-105
Maguire, N. and Boone, M. (2018) ‘Conclusion: understanding breach processes: major themes, insights and questions for future research’ in M. Boone and N. Maguire (eds) The Enforcement of Offender Supervision in Europe: Understanding Breach Processes, Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge, pp. 106-116
Maguire, N. (2018) ‘Non-compliance and breach processes in the context of community service orders and early release: The Republic of Ireland’ in M. Boone and N. Maguire (eds) The Enforcement of Offender Supervision in Europe: Understanding Breach Processes, Abingdon, Oxford: Routledge, pp.181-197
Maguire, N. (2016) ‘Sentencing’ in (eds.) D. Healy, C., Hamilton, Y. Daly, and M. Butler, Routledge Handbook of Irish Criminology, London: Routledge
Peer Reviewed Journals
Atkins, D., Maguire, N. and Cleere, G. (forthcoming) (2021) ‘Experiences of Sentencing and the Pains of Punishment: Prisoners’ Perspectives’, in Special Issue: Subjective Experiences and Sentencing, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 65(10).
Maguire, N. (2021) ‘Book review: Sentencing: A Social Process Re-thinking Research and Policy’, Probation Journal, 68(2), pp. 284–286. doi: 10.1177/02645505211015744a.
Maguire, N. (2018) ‘Non-compliance and Breach Processes in Ireland: A Pilot Study, Irish Probation Journal, 15: 47-69
Doyle, K., O’Brien, J. and Maguire, N. (2017) ‘Precarious Work in a Precarious Place: Experiences of Door Staff working in the Night-Time Economy’, Irish Journal of Anthropology Special Issue on Labour Market (In Press)
Carr, N. and Maguire, N. (2017) ‘Pre-sentence Reports and Individualised Justice: Consistency, Temporality and Contingency’, Irish Probation Journal, 14: 52-71
Maguire, N., Beyens, K., Boone, M., Laurinavicius, A., Persson, A. (2015) ‘Using vignette methodology to research the process of breach comparatively’ European Journal of Probation (forthcoming)
O’Brien, J., Doyle, K. and Maguire, N. (2014) ‘Trends in Public Order Offences’, Irish Journal of Sociology, 22(2): 138-142
Maguire, N. (2014) ‘When is prison a last resort? Definitional problems and judicial interpretations’, 24 (3) Irish Criminal Law Journal, pp.1-21
Maguire, N. (2014) ‘Designing vignettes for comparative research on breach’. Available at: http://www.offendersupervision.eu/blog-post/designing-vignettes-for-comparative-research-on-breach
Maguire, N. (Associate Author) (2013) ‘Practising Offender Supervision’, F. McNeill and K. Beyens (eds.) Offender Supervision in Europe, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan
Maguire, N. and Carr, N. (2013) ‘Changing Shape and Shifting Boundaries-The Media Portrayal of Probation in Ireland’, European Journal of Probation, 5(3): 3-23
Maguire, N (2013) ‘Practising Offender Supervision in the Republic of Ireland: A Review of Research’, Available at: http://www.offendersupervision.eu/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Practising-OS-in-the-Republic-of-Ireland-Jan-2013.pdf
Carr, N., Healy, D., Kennefick, L. & Maguire, N. (2013) ‘A review of the research on offender supervision in the Republic of Ireland Northern Ireland’. Irish Probation Journal , vol. 10, p.50-74.
Maguire, N. (2011) ‘Repentance and the Law: The Intersection of Theological, Legal and Criminological Perspectives’, ET Studies 2(2):197-221
Maguire, N. (2010) ‘Consistency in Sentencing’ Judicial Studies Institute Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, p.14-54
Maguire, N. and O’Brien, J. (2021) Engendering Change: Feminist legal theory and the Northern/Irish Feminist Judgments Project with Mairead Enright. [Podcast] 14th January. Available from: https://anchor.fm/engendering-change
O’Brien, J. and Maguire, N. (2020) Engendering Change: Episode 2 Male Sex Work in the Digital Age with Paul Ryan. [Podcast]. 17th December. Available from: https://anchor.fm/niamh-maguire/episodes/Male-Sex-Work-in-the-Digital-Age-w-Paul-Ryan-entv44/a-a45bdgb
Maguire, N. and O’Brien, J. (2020) Engendering Change: Episode 1 Gender and The Law with Ivana Bacik [Podcast]. 10th December. Available from: https://anchor.fm/niamh-maguire/episodes/Gender-and-The-Law-w-Ivana-Bacik-enkp6t/a-a43edq1
Recent Peer Reviewed Conference Presentations
Carr, N. and Maguire, .N. (2016) “Co-producing justice? Process, Production and Perspectives”. The 10th North South Irish Criminology Conference 2016, Maynooth University, 23rd and 24th June.Maguire, N. (with A. Hucklesby, C. Jose, M. Anagnostaki) (2015) ‘Legitimacy, fairness and Justice in the Breach Process: Comparative Perspectives, ESC Annual Conference Porto, Portugal, 2nd -5th September
Maguire, N. (2016) 'Global perspectives on Irish criminal justice: The importance of "peripheral vision". The 10th North South Irish Criminology Conference 2016, Maynooth University, 23rd and 24th June.
Maguire, N. (2016) ‘Presenting and Discussing Your Research Findings”, Generic Skills Series, 2015-2016, February 24th WIT.
Maguire, N. (2014) ‘Policing Public Order in The Night-time Economy’, Economy and Society Summer School: 2014 May 12-16th, Blackwater Castle, Cork, Ireland
Maguire, N. (2015) What of the arrival of benefit sanctions? Legal and criminological perspectives, SAI Annual Conference, TCD, June 13th
Maguire, N. (with Miranda Boone) (2015) ‘Plenary Session: Decision-making, Compliance and Enforcement’ at Compliance, Enforcement and Breach: An International Conference, 17th and 18th of April 2015, Athens (COST Action IS1106 Offender Supervision in Europe)
Maguire, N. (2013) Sentencing vignettes and comparative research, COST Action Offender Supervision in Europe Bratislava Meeting, October 25th and 26th Bratislava, Slovakia
Maguire, N. (2013) Prosecutor Networks: the role of sentencing in Environmental Enforcement, at Implementation and Enforcement of EU Environmental Legislation, The Irish Centre for EU Law and the Environmental Protection Agency, November 8th 2013, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin.
Maguire, N. (2013) Sentencing Cultures, Consistency and Individualised Justice in Ireland, Symposium on Justice in the Criminal Courts in the 21st Century, Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, University of Leeds, 6th and 7th of June 2013.
Maguire, N. (2012) ‘Preventive Detention: Criminal Dangerousness and Mental Illness’ European Society of Criminology Conference, Bilbao, September 2012
Maguire, N. and Carr, N. (2012) ‘Probation and the Media in the Republic of Ireland’ European Society of Criminology Conference, Bilbao, September 2012.
Carr, N. and Maguire, N (2012) ‘Pre-sentence reports, assessment and sentencing in Ireland-an initial review’, Seminar on Pre-Sentence Reports and Assessment, CEP (The European Organisation for Probation) Oslo, Norway, 10th and 11 May 2012Maguire, N. (2011) “Mind the Gap: The Search for Forgiveness in the Midst of a Punishment-Rehabilitation Paradigm”, European Society of Catholic Theologians, Vienna, August 2011.
Maguire, N. (2011) “When is Prison a Last Resort? Judicial Qualifications and Contradictions”, European Society of Criminology Conference, Vilnius, September 2011
Maguire, N. (2011) “Sentencing Vignettes and Comparative Sentencing Research: An evaluation of a small-scale study comparing how judges from Ireland, Finland, and, England and Wales sentence burglars', European Society of Criminology Conference, Vilnius, September 2011
Maguire, N. (2011) ‘Understanding Sentencing Cultures and Consistency in Ireland’, Dublin Institute of Technology, March 31st 2011
Maguire, N. (2011) ‘Sentencing Practices in Ireland: Legal, Moral and Social Reasoning in the Sentencing Practices of District Court Judges’, Workshop, International University Week, April 4th, Waterford Institute of Technology
Maguire, N. (2010) “Hooked on Punishment? Re-evaluation Our Assumptions”, Conversations on Crime and Society: Department of Applied Arts Research and Practice Seminar Series, 4th May, 2010
Maguire, N. (2010) “Understanding Judicial Cultures: Questions for Comparative Research in Europe”, Sentencing Symposium, Leiden University, 21st May, 2010
Maguire, N. (2010) “Theorising Judicial Cultures: Re-examining the Value of Moral Judgments in Sentencing Rationales”, European Society of Criminology Conference, Liege, 8th-11th September, 2010
Maguire, N. (2010) “Sentencing Cultures and Consistency in Ireland”, European Society of Criminology Conference, Liege, 8th-11th September, 2010
Maguire, N. (2010) “ Repentance and the Law”, European Society of Catholic Theologians- Irish Section Colloquium: “From Repentance to Renewal”, Clontarf Castle, 10th December 2010
Maguire, N. (2009) “Alternatives to Prison: Re-assessing the Explanations for and the Solutions to their Relative Under-Use in Ireland” 36th Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference, WIT, May 2009
Maguire, N. (2009) “Grabbing the headlines consistently: An exploration of inconsistency in Irish sentencing practices”, 4th Annual Irish Criminology Conference, Dublin, June 2009
Maguire, N. (2009) “Proportionality Irish Style: An Analysis of the Theoretical and Practical Implications of Departing from the Strict Version of Proportionality in Sentencing” 10th Annual European Society of Criminology Conference, Ljubljana, September 2009
Maguire, N. (2009) “The Use of Prison and Alternatives to Prison in Ireland: Getting the Balance Right?” 4th Annual Policing Conference, WIT, November 2009
Maguire, N. (2008) “Petty Offenders and Cumulative Sentencing: Exploring the Myth of Punitiveness in Ireland” 3rd Annual Irish Criminology Conference, DIT, June 2008
Maguire, N, (2008) “Judicial Punitiveness, Persistence and Prison Trends: Understanding the Relationship Between Sentencing and Prison Use in Ireland” 8th Annual European Society of Criminology Conference, Edinburgh, September 2008
Maguire, N. (2007) “Gauging the Punitiveness of Sentencing Practices in Ireland: Too harsh, not harsh enough or about right?” 2nd Annual Irish Criminology Conference, UCD, September 2007.