Prof Niamh Murphy
Senior Lecturer and Researcher
Email: [email protected]

Prof Niamh Murphy is a lecturer and researcher, co-course lead for the BSc in Public Health and Health Promotion, and lead of the Centre for Health Behaviour Research. Niamh has a background in physical education, and Masters and PhD specialisms in physical activity and public health, exercise physiology, and health promotion. She has supervised over 30 Masters and PhD students and has many years of experience in teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level in SETU, and previously in UCC and QUB. She is an active researcher with a robust, current publications record. She has extensive experience in community based evaluation, partnership working, and empowerment approaches. She is a steering group member of I-PARC, contributed to development of the national physical activity guidelines and national physical activity plan, is an active member of the HEPA Europe network, particularly the working group on social disadvantage and physical activity, and has extensive experience of European project management, eg WHO Europe project on community-based physical activity promotion for mental health and wellbeing, and ERASMUS projects on physical activity for migrant youth, and on equitable environments for physical activity. Research interests and publications include population physical activity, evaluations of community-based health promotion initiatives, physical activity policy, and the role of mass events on population health. Niamh is a qualified Level 3 athletics coach, and an active sports participant.
Public health
Principles of health promotion and other practical health promotion modules on evaluation and implementation
Physical activity and health modules
Physical activity evaluation
Determinants of health module on Masters in Advanced Facilitation Skills for Health and Wellbeing
Current and recent research collaborations and awards
HRB Applied Partnership Award, I-PARC, Co-investigator
HEPA Europe physical activity and mental health project 2022-24
HEA Mobility award 2017, 2018 and 2019, 2021
The Student Activity and Sport Study Ireland (SASSI). A partnership between WIT, UUJ, DCU , UL and Student Sport Ireland
Evaluation of the GAA Healthy Club initiative. Co-investigator, Dr Aoife Lane, Athlone IT.
Developing a cycling culture in Irish towns. Co-invesigator Dr Barry Lambe.
Evaluation of the impact of Smarter Travel policy on active travel and physical activity across three Irish towns. Co-investigator Dr Barry Lambe.
CARDI Data mining award. Stay Active-the physical activity, ageing and health study. Collaboration with Mary Immaculate College, DCU, and UUJ
World Health Organisation and European Commission (DG Sanco, grant agreement 2009 52 02) project to promote networking and action for healthy and equitable environments for physical activity (PHAN).
Join In- sport for migrant youth project funded by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture, within the framework of the program for the preparatory action in the field of sport.
Irish Sports Council. An evaluation of the public health impact of the women’s mini marathon.
Sample recent publications
Murphy, J., MacDonncha, C., Murphy, M. H., Murphy, N. & Woods, C. B. (2024). How Does the University Environment Relate to Student’s Physical Activity Patterns in Ireland? Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2024, 21, 8, p. 829-836
McGrath A.,Murphy N., Matthews E., Wagemakers A., Tully M., Verkooijen K.,(2023). Measuring the mental health benefits of community-based physical activity programmes-what are the most important indicators for pragmatic evaluation?, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 33, Issue Supplement_1, September 2023, ckad133.079,
Hunter R., Nieuwenhuijsen M., Fabian C., Murphy N., O’Hara K., Rappe E., Sallis J., Lambert E., Duenas O., Sugiyama T., Kahlmeier S. Advancing urban green and blue space contributions to public health. The Lancet Public Health, Volume 8, Issue 9, e735 - e742. DOI
McVinnie, Z., Plateau C., Lane, A., Murphy, N., Stevinson, C (2023). Effects of engaging in mass participation sporting events on physical activity behaviour,: a systematic review, Health Promotion International, Volume 38, Issue 2, April 2023, daad018,
Corr C, Murphy N and Lambe B (2023) Beyond the big city: using a systems approach to cultivate a cycling culture in small cities and towns in Ireland. Front. Sports Act. Living 5:1127592. doi: 10.3389/fspor.2023.1127592
Murphy, J., Mansergh, F., O’Donoghue, G.,van Nassau, F., Cooper, J., Grady, C., Murphy, N., Bengoechea, E., Murphy MH., Cullen, B., Woods, C. (2023) Factors related to the implementation and scale-up of physical activity interventions in Ireland: a qualitative study with policy makers, funders, researchers and practitioners. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 20, 16 (2023).
Power D, Lambe B and Murphy N (2023) A critical analysis of walking policy in Ireland and its contribution to both national and international development goals. Front. Sports Act. Living 5:1125636.írez Varela, A., Hallal, P. C…..Murphy N. et al (2023). Status and Trends of Physical Activity Surveillance, Policy, and Research in 164 Countries: Findings From the Global Observatory for Physical Activity—GoPA! 2015 and 2020 Surveys, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 20(2), 112-128.
McGrath, A., Murphy, N., Egan, T., Ormond, G., & Richardson, N. (2022). An Economic Evaluation of ‘Sheds for Life’: A Community-Based Men’s Health Initiative for Men’s Sheds in Ireland. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(4), [2204].
Shannon, S., Carlin, A., Woods, C., Nevill, A. M., Murphy, N., & Murphy, M. H. (2022). Adherence to aerobic and muscle-strengthening components of the physical activity guidelines and mental health. Health promotion international, 37(5), daac083.
Power, DD, Lambe, BM, Murphy, NM. Using systems science methods to enhance the work of national and local walking partnerships: practical insights from Ireland, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 32, Issue Supplement_1, September 2022, Pages i8–i13,
McGrath, A., Murphy, N., Egan, T., & Richardson, N. (2022). Sheds for life: health and wellbeing outcomes of a tailored community-based health promotion initiative for men’s sheds in Ireland. BMC Public Health .
Wilke J, Mohr L,Yuki G, Kemlall Bhundoo A, Jiménez-Pavón D, Laiño F, Murphy N, Novak B, Nuccio S, Ortega-Gómez S, Pillay J, Richter F, Rum L, Sanchez-Ramírez C, Url D, Vogt L, Hespanhol L. (2022). Train at home, but not alone: a randomised controlled multicentre trial assessing the effects of live-streamed tele-exercise during COVID-19-related lockdowns. British Journal of Sports Medicine.
McGrath, A, Murphy, N, Egan, T, Ormond, G, Richardson, N. Understanding shedders: Which socio-demographic, health and wellbeing characteristics best inform appropriate health promotion action in men's sheds and a ‘Shed for Life’? Health Promot J Austral. 2022. 1– 13.
McGrath, A, Murphy, N, Richardson,N.(2022) ‘Sheds for Life’: delivering a gender-transformative approach to health promotion in Men’s Sheds, Health Promotion International, Volume 37, Issue 6, December 2022,
Lambe, B. , Kuczynska, A. and Murphy, N. (2022) Evaluation of a Gamified Physical Activity Intervention Targeting School-Children. Advances in Physical Education, 12, 307-319. doi: 10.4236/ape.2022.123023.
Bauman AE, Kamada M, Reis RS, Troiano RS, Ding D, Milton K, Murphy NM, Hallal P (2021). An evidence-based assessment of the impact of the Olympic Games on population levels of physical activity. The Lancet. 398,10298, p456-464, July 31, 2021.
Murphy, J. J., Mansergh, F., Murphy, M. H., Murphy, N., Cullen, B., O’Brien, S., Finn, S., O’Donoghue, G., Barry, N., O’Shea, S., Leyden, K. M., Smyth, P., Cooper, J., Bengoechea, E. G., Cavill, N., Milat, A. J., Bauman, A. E., & Woods, C. B. (2021). “Getting Ireland Active”—Application of a Systems Approach to Increase Physical Activity in Ireland Using the GAPPA Framework, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2021, 18, 1427-1436
Cooper, J., Murphy, J., Woods, C., van Nassau F, McGrath A, Callaghan D, Carroll P, Kelly P, Murphy N, Murphy M and I-PARC (2021). Barriers and facilitators to implementing community-based physical activity interventions: a qualitative systematic review. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 18, 118, 2021.
Power D, Lambe B, Murphy N (2021). Trends in recreational walking trail usage in Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for practice. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, Available online 15 December 2021, 100477.
Lane A, Murphy N, Regan C, Callaghan D (2021). Health Promoting Sports Club in Practice: A Controlled Evaluation of the GAA Healthy Club Project. Int J Environ Res Public Health: Apr 30;18(9):4786. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18094786. PMID: 33946150.
McGrath, A., Murphy, N. & Richardson, N. (2021). Study protocol: evaluation of sheds for life (SFL): a community-based men’s health initiative designed “for shedders by shedders” in Irish Men’s sheds using a hybrid effectiveness-implementation design. BMC Public Health 21, 801 (2021).
McGrath A, Richardson N, Murphy NM (2020). The Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the wellbeing of Irish Men’s Shed members. Health Promotion International: 1-13.
Lane A, Murphy N, Regan C, Donohoe, A (2020).A Healthy Sports Club Initiative in Action in Ireland. Health Education Journal, 1-13, Published online 10 February 2020
Sheehan P, Denieffe S, Murphy NM, Harrison M (2020). Exercise is more effective than health education in reducing fatigue in fatigued cancer survivors Supportive Care in Cancer Published online 4 February 2020
Murphy JJ, Woods CB, Murphy MH, Murphy N, Byrne N, MacDonncha C (2019). Student Activity and Sport Study Ireland: Protocol for a Web-Based Survey and Environmental Audit Tool for Assessing the Impact of Multiple Factors on University Students’ Physical Activity. JMIR Res Protoc 2019 (Feb 21); 8(2):e10823
Murphy, J. J., MacDonncha, C., Murphy, M. H., Murphy, N., Nevill, A. M., & Woods, C. B. (2019) What Psychosocial Factors Determine the Physical Activity Patterns of University Students?, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, April 2019, 16(5), 325-332.
Murphy JJ, MacDonncha C, Murphy MH, Murphy NM, Timperio A5, Leech RM, Woods C (2019). Identification of health-related behavioural clusters and their association with demographic characteristics in Irish university students. BMC Public Health (2019) 19:121
Murphy MH, Carlin A, Woods C, Nevill A, MacDonncha C, Ferguson K, Murphy NM (2018). Active students are healthier and happier than their inactive peers: the results of a large representative cross sectional study of university students in Ireland. JPAH, 2018, 15, 737-746
Lambe B, Murphy NM, Bauman A (2017). Smarter Travel, car restriction and reticence; understanding the process in Ireland's active travel towns. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 5,2, 208-214.
Lambe B, Murphy NM, Bauman A (2017). Active travel to primary schools in Ireland: an opportunistic evaluation of a natural experiment. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 14, 6, 448 -454
Murphy JJ, Murphy MH, MacDonncha C, Murphy NM, Nevill AM, Woods C (2017) Validity and Reliability of Three Self-Report Instruments for Assessing Attainment of Physical Activity Guidelines in University Students. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, first published online 23 March 2017
Lane A, Murphy N, Donohue A, Regan C (2016). Health promotion orientation of GAA sports clubs in Ireland. Sport in Society. First published online
Lane, A., Murphy, N., and Callaghan, D. (2018).The Health Impact of the GAA Healthy Club Project.Centre for Health Behaviour Research, WIT, Waterford, Ireland.
Murphy, MH., Murphy, N., MacDonncha, C., Woods, C., Byrne, N., Ferguson, K., and Nevill, AM (2016) Student Activity and Sports Study Ireland (SASSI). Commissioned and published by Student Sport Ireland.
Murphy N.M., Lane A., Bauman A. Leveraging mass participation events for sustainable health legacy. Leisure Studies. 2015. 05/2015; DOI: 10.1080/02614367.2015.1037787
Murtagh E.M, Murphy M.H., Murphy N.M., Woods C. Nevill A.M., Lane A. Prevalence and correlates of physical inactivity in community-dwelling older adults in Ireland. PLoS One. 2015 Feb 11;10(2)
Harrington D.M. , Belton, S., Coppinger T., Cullen M., Donnelly A., Dowd K.,Keating T., Layte R., Murphy M., Murphy N., Murtagh E., Woods C. Results From Ireland’s 2014 Report Card on Physical Activity in Children and Youth. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2014, 11(Supp 1), S63-S68
Chambers FC, Murphy N, Murphy O, Nolan YM (2014). William. In K. Armour (Ed). Pedagogical Cases in Physical Education and Youth Sport. London: Routledge.
Lane A, Murphy NM, Bauman A. (2013) An effort to ‘leverage’ the effect of participation in a mass event on physical activity. Health Promotion International. First published online: November 13, 2013.
Lane A, Harrison M, Murphy N. Screen Time Increases Risk of Overweight and Obesity in Active and Inactive 9 Year Old Irish Children: A Cross Sectional Analysis. J Phys Act Health. 2013 Jun 24. [Epub ahead of print] 11, Issue 5, June 2014.
Bauman AE, Murphy NM, Matsudo V. (2013). Is a Population-Level Physical Activity Legacy of the London 2012 Olympics Likely? Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2013, 10, 1-4
Lane A, Murphy NM, Bauman A. (2012). Active for a day: predictors of relapse among previously active mass event participants. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 9, 48-52.
Cummins NM, Jakeman PM, Sestak I, Murphy N, Carroll P. (2013) Determining the effects of behavioural risk factors and prevalence of osteoporosis in Irish pre and post-menopausal women. Irish Journal of Medical Science 182(10): 97-105.
Vuillemin A, Kahlmeier S, van Mechelen W, Racioppi F, Vasankari T and the HEPA Europe Steering Committee. HEPA Europe – The European network for the promotion of health-enhancing physical activity. Russian Journal on Preventive Medicine. November 2013, In press.
Lane A, Murphy NM, Bauman A, Chey T (2010). Randomised controlled trial to increase physical activity among insufficiently active women following their participation in a mass event. Health Education Journal, 3, 287-296.
Bauman A, Murphy N, Lane A (2009). The role of community programmes and mass events in promoting physical activity to patients. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 43, 44-46
Cummins NM, Day JCC, Wren A, Carroll P, Murphy N, Jakeman PM, Towler MR (2010). Raman spectroscopy of fingernails: A novel tool for evaluation of bone quality? Spectroscopy 24, 517–524
Murphy NM, Bauman A (2007). Mass sporting and physical activity events: are they bread and circuses or public health interventions to increase population levels of physical activity? Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 4, 193-202.
Salmon J, Booth ML, Phongsavan P, Murphy N, Timperio A (2007). Promoting physical activity participation among children and adolescents: a narrative review. Epidemiologic Reviews, June 1-15.
Murphy NM, Ni Dhuinn M, Brown P, O’Rathaile, M (2006). Physical activity for bone health in inactive teenage girls-is a supervised, teacher-led program or self-led program best? Journal of Adolescent Health,39, 4, 508-514.
Harrison M, Murphy N, Burns C, Heslin J, McGuinness M (2006). Influence of a health education intervention on physical activity and screen inactivity in Irish primary school children: Switch Off-Get Active. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 9, 5, 388-394.
Selected conference presentations
HEPA Europe conferences 2018 (Zagreb), 2017 (Belfast), 2015 (Istanbul), 2014 (Zurich), 2013 (Helsinki), 2012 (Cardiff); 2011 (Amsterdam); 2010 (Olomouc Czech Republic); International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity conferences 2015 (Edinburgh), 2012 (Ghent); 2009 (Lisbon); 2007 (Oslo)
International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health 2018 (London), 2014 (Rio de Janeiro); 2012 (Sydney); 2010 (Toronto); PEPAYS annual meetings, UL 2015; WIT June 2014; DCU June 2013; University of Limerick, June 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008; Keynote addresses at ISCA MOVE Congress 2015 (Copenhagen) and 2014 (Rome); European Cancer conference, Dublin 2013; Commonwealth seminar series, Glasgow June 2014; Nutrition and Health Foundation conference, Dublin 2012; Irish Association for the Study of Obesity conference , Dublin 2012, Irish sport science postgraduate conference 2014, University of Limerick.
Niamh is involved in physical activity and health related research and policy nationally and internationally. She is a partner in the Irish Physical Activity Research Collaboration. At EU level she is an active member of the Health Enhancing Physical Activity (HEPA) Europe network and the global ISPAH network. She is co-lead of the Working Group on social disadvantage and physical activity in the HEPA Europe network. She leads the TEACH CoLab project (Transnational Education and Community Health Collaboratory), a partnership with the University of Washington Bothell in Seattle.
She was also a partner in the EU funded "JoinIn" project on social inclusion in sport. In Ireland, as part of the national physical activity steering group, she was involved in writing and helping to implement the physical activity guidelines and physical activity plan for Ireland. Peer reviewed publications include research work on the impact of community based health promotion projects, the impact of mass events on population physical activity, social disadvantage and physical activity, the impact of the GAA healthy clubs project, active travel and student health and physical activity.
Membership of professional bodies: International Society for Physical Activity and Health, International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Association for Health Promotion Ireland; PEPAYS Ireland, Exercise and Sport Science Association of Ireland, International Union for Health Promotion and Education
Refereeing: Health Promotion International; Journal of Sport and Exercise Sciences; Journal of Adolescent Health; Journal of Physical Activity and Health; Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise; British Journal of Nutrition; Event Management; Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness
Ex-international athlete (cross country, road and track), triathlete, cyclist and youth coach.
Watershed board member (KK Council sports facility)
Kilkenny Recreation and Sports Partnership board member AAI Coaching and Development committee member 2022 and 2023
KCH Committee member and high performance committee member
Sport Ireland Women in Coaching Working Group, invited member
Mentor on Athletics Ireland Forerunners programme
Ladies Gaelic Football Association High performance WG-review of structures, and competitions for high performance development