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University Safety Statement

In compliance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act (No. 10 of 2005), SETU has a University Safety Statement and Health & Safety Policy. SETU’s University Safety Statement is a comprehensive document that outlines the measures and practices in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all our community. It details the university’s commitment to providing a safe environment by identifying potential risks, describing safety protocols, and specifying procedures for emergencies, accidents, or incidents.

The University Safety Statement is a vital part of the university’s safety management framework, fostering a partnership between the university and the SETU community to uphold the highest standards of health and safety.

Departmental Safety Statements

Departmental Safety Statement set out the safety, health and welfare arrangements for individual Departments/Functions and are prepared in accordance with the Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act, 2005 and the General Application Regulations 2007 as well as other relevant regulations and codes of practice. 

Departmental safety statements are available from your Department/Function.

Risk Assessments

A risk assessment is a detailed examination of a particular work place or area, machine, department activity or work procedure. It seeks to ensure that every hazard is properly identified and that action is taken to either eliminate or substantially reduce risk levels associated with each hazard. The risk assessment is based on linking the likelihood of an occurrence with the severity of loss and/or injury.

Parent Safety Statement 2024/24