Dr Sharon Kinsella
Programme Director BSc in Sports Rehabilitation & Athletic Therapy
Email: [email protected]

Research Interests
Dr. Kinsella is a chartered physiotherapist and completed her undergraduate degree in Trinity College Dublin in 1995. She undertook an MSc by research in the area of chronic ankle instability in the University of Limerick and graduated in 1998. Her PhD was in the area of the biomechanical effects of ankle foot orthosis on gait pattern in patients with drop foot and graduated in 2006 from Dublin City University. She also completed a two year research fellowship in the University of Limerick in the area of neuromuscular electrical therapy.
Dr. Kinsella research aims to examine different interventions to improve the quality of life for autistic children and adults. She is the lead supervisor for the Autism Research Group at SETU Carlow. Dr. Kinsella’s most recent work has been examining the physical fitness levels of autistic children and the effects of school-based exercise interventions. Her research has also examined the effectiveness of manual therapy and electrotherapy as treatment methods and especially their effects on performance.
Engagement and Collaboration
Dr. Kinsella has collaborated on research projects with other international researchers in the areas of autism and paediatric strength and conditioning.
Current Research Students
- Craig Coffey – PhD - The effects of an exercise programme on children with Autism spectrum disorder
- Katie White – MSc – The cardiovascular health of children with Autism spectrum disorder
Past Research Students
Paul Byrne – PhD – The design, acute and short-term effects of a composite training protocol in hurling players - 2019
Marie Carey – MSc – Topic Autism, exercise, and anxiety - 2020
Richie Walsh – MSc – Topic Dry needling, shockwave therapy, myofascial trigger points - 2017
Louise Barry – MSc – Topic Myofascial trigger points and running performance - 2015
Frank Devereux – MSc – Topic Myofascial trigger points, strength, and force – 2015
Martin Hynes – MSc – Topic Myofascial Trigger points – 2011
Brian O’Rourke – MSc - Topic Myofascial Trigger points - 2010
Emily Fletcher – MSc – Topic dynamic warm up - 2008
Paul Byrne – MSc – Topic Jumping - 2008
Areas of interest as a supervisor include
- Exploring the health of autistic individuals
- Interventions to improve the quality of life for autistic individuals
- Treatment of myofascial pain
- Electrotherapy
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
Coffey, C, Carey, M, Kinsella, S, Byrne, P. J, Sheehan, D & Lloyd, R. S. (2020). Exercise programming for children with autism spectrum disorder: Recommendations for strength and conditioning specialists. Strength and Conditioning Journal. [Epub ahead of print].
Byrne, P.J, Moody, J.A, Cooper, S-M, Farrell, E. and Kinsella, S. (2020). Short-term effects of ‘composite training’ on strength, jump and sprint performance in hurling players. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. [Epub ahead of print].
Kinsella, S., Sheehan, D., Carey, M., Knott, F. 2020. Does age influence the effects of exercise on anxiety levels of children with ASD? Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Vol. 52, 7S, p460.
Byrne, PJ, Moody, JA, Cooper, S-M, Callanan, D & Kinsella, S. (2020). Potentiating Response to Drop-Jump Protocols on Sprint Acceleration: Drop-Jump Volume and Intrarepetition Recovery Duration. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 34, 717-727. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002720.
Byrne, PJ, Moody, JA, Cooper, S-M & Kinsella, S. (2019). Acute effects of "Composite" training on neuromuscular and fast stretch-shortening cycle drop jump performance in hurling players. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. Jul 29. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003327. [Epub ahead of print].
Kinsella, S., Coffey, C., Sheehan, D., Faigenbaum, A. 2019. Does the severity of autistic symptoms influence the effects of an exercise intervention program? Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 51, 6, 358-359.
Coffey, C., Kinsella, S., Sheehan, D., Faigenbaum, A. 2019. The fitness effects of a school-based exercise program on children with autism. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 51, 6, 361.
Walsh, R., Kinsella, S., McEvoy, J. (2019). The effects of dry needling and radial extracorporeal shockwave therapy on latent trigger point sensitivity in the quadriceps: A randomised control pilot study. Journal of bodywork and movement therapies, 23, 1, 82-88.
Devereux, F, O'Rourke, B, Byrne, PJ, Byrne, D & Kinsella, S. (2019). Effects of myofascial trigger point release on power and force production in the lower limb kinetic chain. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 33, 2453-2463.
Byrne, PJ, Moody, J, Cooper, S-M. & Kinsella, S. (2018). Neuromuscular and bounce drop-jump responses to different inter-repetition rest intervals during a composite training session in hurling players. International Journal of Physical Education, Fitness & Sports, 7, 1-12.
Byrne, PJ, Moody, JA, Cooper, S-M, Callanan, D & Kinsella, S. (2018). Potentiating Response to Drop-Jump Protocols on Sprint Acceleration: Drop-Jump Volume and Intrarepetition Recovery Duration. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. Jul 2. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002720. [Epub ahead of print].
Byrne PJ, Moody, JA, Cooper S-M, Lawlor M & Kinsella S. (2018). Effects of attentional focus during short-term drop-jump training on strength, jump and sprint performances in hurling players. Journal of Physical Fitness, Treatment & Sports, 4, 555642. DOI: 10.19080/JPFMTS.2018.04.555642.
Byrne, P. J., Moody, J. A., Cooper, S-M. and Kinsella, S. (2017). Reliability of sprint acceleration performance and three repetition maximum back squat strength in hurling players. ARC Journal of Research in Sports Medicine, 2(2): 9-15.
Byrne, P. J., Moody, J. A., Cooper, S-M. and Kinsella, S. (2017). The reliability of countermovement jump performance and the reactive strength index in identifying drop-jump drop height in hurling players. Open Access Journal of Exercise & Sports Medicine, 1(1): 004.
Lelental, B., Jordan, S., O’Rourke, B., Kinsella, S. (2017). The Effects of Mobilizations with Movement (MWMs) on the Shoulder Range of Motion and Strength. Journal of Athletic Training: September 2017, Vol. 52, No. 9, pp. 863-87.
Walsh, R., Kinsella, S. and McEvoy, J. (2017). The intra-rater reliability of locating and measuring the severity of latent trigger points in the quadriceps. Journal Bodywork and Movement Therapy, 21 (4), pp926-932.
Walsh, R. and Kinsella, S. (2016). The effects of caudal mobilisation with movement (MWM) and caudal self-mobilisation with movement (SMWM) in relation to restricted internal rotation in the hip: A randomised control pilot study. Manual Therapy, 22 (1), pp. 9-15.
Conference Orals
Coffey, C., Sheehan, D., Kinsella, S., Healy, S., Llyod, R. and Faigenbaum A., 2020. Exercise as Medicine: Reducing the Severity of Autism Spectrum Disorder Symptoms in Children. ECSS Annual Congress 2020 28th October 2020, Sevilla, Spain.
Coffey, C., Sheehan, D., Kinsella, S. and Faigenbaum A., 2019. The Effects of Exercise Within Autism Units in Irish Primary Schools. Autistica Annual Conference, University of Reading, United Kingdom, June 28th 2019.
Coffey, C., Sheehan, D., Kinsella, S. and Faigenbaum A., 2018. “The Effects of an Exercise Programme on Children with Autism” – It’s Impact on Fitness. 5th World Autism Organization International Congress, 12-15th of November, Houston Texas, USA.
Coffey, C., Sheehan, D., Kinsella, S., 2018. The use of an iPad with a storyboard to aid exercise participation in children with autism. 5th EdTech Conference, 31st -1st of June, I.T Carlow, Carlow.
Coffey, C., Sheehan, D., Faigenbaum, A., Kinsella, S. (2018). The effects of exercise in children with autism. FSEM Spring Study Day, Friday 23rd March, University of Limerick.
Walsh, R., Kinsella, S. and McEvoy, J. (2017). The interrater reliability and agreement of the countermovement jump and depth Jump (oral presentation). 4th All-Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences, Physical Activity and Physical Education (29th April 2017). Institute of Technology Carlow, Carlow.
Lelental, B., Jordan, S., O’Rourke, B., Kinsella, S. The Effect of Mobilisations with Movement on Shoulder Strength and Range of Motion. VIII Congress of the World Federation of Athletic Therapy and Training, Madrid, Spain, September 2017.
Walsh, R., Kinsella, S. and McEvoy, J. (2017). The effects of radial extracorporeal shockwave therapy and dry needling on countermovement jump and depth jump performance (oral presentation). 8th Congress of the World Federation of Athletic Trainer and Therapy (29th September to 1st October). Universidad Camilo José Cala, Madrid, Spain.
Walsh, R., Kinsella, S. and McEvoy, J. (2017). Difference between gender in relation to the pressure pain threshold of trigger points within the quadriceps (oral presentation). 8th Congress of the World Federation of Athletic Trainer and Therapy (29th September to 1st October). Universidad Camilo José Cala, Madrid, Spain.
Walsh, R., Kinsella, S. and McEvoy, J. (2016). Gender difference of the pressure pain threshold of trigger points within the quadriceps (oral presentation). Faculty of Sports Medicine Annual Scientific Conference (15-17th September 2016). Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, Dublin.
Conference Posters
Carey, M., Sheehan, D., Kinsella, S., Knott, F., 2020. The Effects of a School-Based Physical Activity Programme on the Fitness Levels of Children with Moderate to Severe Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder. European College of Sports Science Congress, October 2020, Seville, Spain.
Carey, M., Sheehan, D., Kinsella, S., Knott, F., 2020. The Effect of Exercise on the Anxiety Levels of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. International Society for Autism Research Annual Meeting, May 2020, Seattle, USA.
Carey, M., Sheehan, D., Kinsella, S., Knott, F., 2020. Does Age Influence the Effects of Exercise on Anxiety Levels of Children with ASD? American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, May 2020, San Francisco, USA.
Carey, M., Sheehan, D., Kinsella, S., Knott, F., 2019. The effects of exercise on anxiety levels in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. DOCTRID Conference, 19-20th September, NUIG, Ireland.
Coffey, C., Sheehan, D., Kinsella, S., Faigenbaum, A, Healy S., Lloyd, R. (2019). Is the Fitness Levels of Irish Children with Autism Different to Neurotypical Children? FSEM Annual Scientific Conference, September 21st, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland .
Carey, M., Sheehan, D., Kinsella, S., Knott, F., 2019. The effects of an exercise programme on the fitness levels of children with severe symptoms of autism spectrum disorder? FSEM Annual Scientific Conference, September 21st, Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin, Ireland.
Kinsella, S., Coffey, C., Sheehan, D., Faigenbaum, A. 2019. Does the severity of autistic symptoms influence the effects of an exercise intervention program? ACSM, Orlando, Florida, USA, 28th May- 1st June.
Coffey, C., Kinsella, S., Sheehan, D., Faigenbaum, A. 2019. The fitness effects of a school-based exercise program on children with autism. ACSM, Orlando, Florida, USA, 28th May- 1st June.
Coffey, C., Sheehan, D., Kinsella, S., Faigenbaum, A, 2019. Structured 8-Week Physical Activity Programme in Autism Spectrum Disorder Classes. All Ireland PostGrad Conference, Athlone IT., 10th May 2019.
Carey, M., Sheehan, D., Kinsella, S., Knott, F., 2019. Physical Activity Levels of Children in Autism Units in Ireland. Autistica Conference, University of Reading, UK, 22nd June 2019
Coffey, C., Sheehan, D., Kinsella, S. and Faigenbaum, A., 2018. “The Effects of an Exercise Programme on Children with Autism” – It’s Impact on Behavior. 5th World Autism Organization International Congress, 12-15th of November, Houston Texas, USA.
Lelental, B., Jordan, S., O’Rourke, B., Kinsella, S., 2018. The Effect of Mobilisations with Movement on the Hip Power and Range of Motion. 14th Scandinavian Congress of Medicine & Science in Sport, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Byrne, PJ, Farrell, E, Moody, JA, Cooper, S-M & Kinsella, S. (2018). Short-term composite training enhances neuromuscular and fast stretch-shortening cycle performance in hurling players. Unpublished poster presentation at: International Conference on Strength Training, November 30th-3rd December, Perth, Australia.
Byrne, PJ, Moody, JA, Cooper, S-M & Kinsella, S. (2018). Rate of force development and reactive strength responses to a composite training session. Unpublished poster presentation at: NSCA national conference, July, Indianapolis, USA.
Barry, L., O’Rourke, B., Byrne, P.J. and Kinsella, S., 2017. Does dry needling effect my ability to run? Canadian Athletic Therapy Conference, June 1-3rd, Niagara Falls, Canada.
Byrne, P.J., Moody, J.A., Cooper, S.M. and Kinsella, S., 2017. The inter-day reliability of sprint performance and three repetition maximum back squat strength in male hurling players. All-Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences, Physical Activity and Physical Education, April 21, 2017, Institute of Technology Carlow, Carlow, Ireland.
Walsh, R., Kinsella, S. and McEvoy, J., 2016. The intra-class reliability of locating latent trigger points in the vastus lateralis muscle. 2016 Faculty of Sports Medicine Annual Scientific Conference (15-17th September 2016). Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, Dublin.
Walsh, R., Kinsella, S. and McEvoy, J., 2016. The intra-class reliability of locating latent trigger points in the vastus medialis muscle. All-Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences, Physical Activity and Physical Education. Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford.
Devereux, F., O’Rourke, B., Byrne, P.J., Byrne, DJ and Kinsella, S., 2016. The effects of myofascial trigger point release on the force and power production in the lower limb kinetic chain. European College of Sport Science Annual Conference, Vienna.
Devereux, F., O’Rourke, B., Byrne, P.J., Byrne, DJ and Kinsella, S., 2016. The effects of myofascial trigger point release on the force and power production in the lower limb kinetic chain. All-Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences, Physical Activity and Physical Education, WIT, Waterford.
Barry, L., O’Rourke, B., Byrne, P.J. and Kinsella, S., 2016. What is the minimum time-frame between dry needling and optimal performance in endurance athletes? Singapore Physiotherapy Congress, Singapore Expo Centre, Singapore.
Walsh, R. and Kinsella, S. 2015. The effects of caudal mobilisation with movement (MWM) and caudal self-mobilisation with movement (SMWM) in relation to restricted internal rotation in the hip. Faculty of Exercise and Sports Medicine Annual Scientific Conference Abstract Book, Dublin, Ireland.