Dr Siobhan Drohan
Email: [email protected]

Siobhán lectures in Java Programming, Agile Development Approaches and Android Development.
Siobhán joined academia from a commercial background where she worked as a Software Engineer (SE) for eight years. Since joining WIT, Siobhán has completed an MSc (by Research) in SE education as well as a Ph.D. (by Research) exploring the workplace learning of entry-level SE graduates. Other research areas include blended/on-line learning and the use of emerging media to support problem-based learning practicums.
Lecturer, WIT (September 2003 – to date)
Joint Course Leader (with Mairead Meagher), B.Sc. (Hons) in Applied Computing (September 2011 - August 2015)
Joint Course Leader (with Robert O'Connor), B.Sc. (Hons) in Entertainment Systems (September 2014 - August 2015)
While undertaking her MSc (by research), Siobhán studied the use of Problem-based Learning (PBL) in the software engineering classroom with a particular emphasis on maximising the effectiveness of this approach for the computing domain.
During Siobhan's PhD (by research) studies, she investigated the organisation of the workplace to support the workplace learning of entry-level SE graduates. The outcome of this research was a theoretical framework that represented the reality of the current software engineering workplace learning environment.
Other research interests include the use of emerging media to support the PBL process.
Application Programmer, CSC (July 1995 – July 1998)
Consultant, AIB (August 1998 – October 1998)
Software Engineer, QBE European Operations (November 1998 – December 1999)
Software Engineer, DreTec Software (January 2000 – November 2001)
Senior Software Developer, Honeywell (March 2002 – September 2003)
Drohan, S. (2005). The use of problem-based learning practicums to effectively teach problem solving skills in the information systems development classroom, Master’s Thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland.
Drohan, S., Stapleton, L., & Stack, A., (2006), “Problem Solving Skills in Information Systems Development Curricula”, Proceedings of All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE) Conference, Maynooth, Ireland.
Drohan, S. (2007) “Problem Solving Skills in Information Systems Development Curricula”, Proceedings of the PBL Symposium, UCD, Dublin, Ireland.
Drohan, S. (2008), “Implementing and Evaluating Problem-Based Learning in the Information Systems Development Classroom”, National Academy for Integration of Research and Teaching and Learning (NAIRTL) Annual Report 2007.
Drohan, S. & Widger, L., (2008), “Social Networking the Problem-Based Learning Process”, Proceedings of the 6th Education and Information Systems, Technologies, and Applications (EISTA) Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Widger, L & Drohan, S. (2008), “How can technology be efficiently used to support communication, collaboration and assessment associated with the PBL process?”, Proceedings of the 2nd National Academy for Integration of Research and Teaching and Learning (NAIRTL) Conference, Waterford, Ireland.
Drohan, S., Mauffette, Y. & Allard, J-L. (2010). “Employer’s perspectives on Problem-based Learning Initiatives” in New Approaches to Problem-based Learning: Revitalising Your PBL Practice in Higher Education, Barrett, T. & Moore, S. (Eds.), Routledge.
Drohan, S., Maufette, Y., Allard, J.-L. (2011) “Employers’ Perspectives on Problem-based Learning Initiatives”, Proceedings of the 1st Facilitate Conference, Problem Based Learning: Today & Tomorrow, Dublin, Ireland.
Drohan, S. (2014) A theoretical framework of workplace learning for entry-level software engineering graduates, Ph.D. Thesis, Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland.