Dr Susan Flynn
Head of Department of Arts
Email: [email protected]

I am Head of Department of Arts at SETU. I also lecture on our structured PhD programme in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion for Transformative Research, and supervise a number of postgraduate students in the areas of social justice, arts and cultural studies.
I am chair of the Analysing Social Change Research Group, and I also chair a number of forums in SETU including the Race Equality Forum, and the Engagement & Internationalisation committee.
I am the SETU representative on the EU Conexus Social, Cultural & Human Sciences Institute (SCHSI) and a board member of the Irish Humanities Alliance. I am a director of Waterford's Gallery of Modern Art.
I have a PhD in Equality Studies and am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy UK, and Research Associate of the Equality Studies Centre in UCD. From 2019-2021 I was Director of eduCORE Research Centre at Institute of Technology Carlow. Previously, I lectured at University of the Arts London, Hong Kong University and University College Dublin.
I research inequality in a range of contexts including education, digital technologies, space and place. I am also interested in popular media and its influence on education, ideologies and behaviours. I am passionate about the arts and the role they play in inclusion. I have supervised a wide range of postgradute theses and projects in these areas, and welcome new research proposals from graduate students.
Current EU Research Projects:
EU COST Action, 'Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe' management committee member.
EU Conexus 'Community Engagement through Arts and Culture', work package member.
EU CITO project member.
Flynn, S. & Hayes, R., eds. (2023) Urban Planning for the City of the Future: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Bradford: Emerald.
Flynn, S. ed. (2022) Equality in the City: Imaginaries of the Smart Future. Bristol: Intellect.
Flynn, S. & Marotta, M., eds. (2022) Critical Pedagogy, Race and Media: Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education Teaching. London: Routledge.
Flynn, S. & Mackay, A., eds. (2021) Screening American Nostalgia. New York: McFarland.
Flynn, S. ed. (2020) The Body Onscreen in the Digital Age: Essays on Voyeurism, Violence and Power. New York: McFarland.
Flynn, S. & Mackay, A., eds. (2019) Northern Lights Film and Media Studies Yearbook. Bristol: Intellect.
Flynn, S. & Mackay, A., eds. (2019) Surveillance, Architecture and Control: Discourses on Spatial Culture. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Flynn, S. & Mackay, A., eds. (2018) Surveillance, Race, Culture. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Flynn, S. & Mackay, A., eds. (2017) Spaces of Surveillance: States and Selves. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Book chapters
'Heritage, Libraries, and Inclusion: a case study of Waterford Central City Library' in Flynn, S. & Hayes, R., eds. (2023) Urban Planning for the City of the Future: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Bradford: Emerald.
‘Screening Performance: Bauman’s Practices of Selfhood in Liquid Modern Times’ in Timonfuga, T. ed. (2022) Screening the Art World. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
‘Multicultural Education in the films of Gurinder Chadha’ in Bhat, S.D. ed. (2022) Diaspora and Cultural Negotiations: The Films of Gurinder Chadha. Maryland USA: Lexington Books.
‘Race, Cells and the Oprah Effect: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks’ in Flynn, S. & Mackay, A, eds. (2018) Surveillance, Race, Culture. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
‘Secret Selves and the Graph Diaspora’ in Flynn, S. & Mackay, A. eds. (2017) Spaces of Surveillance: States and Selves. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
‘Get Your Legs Back: Avatar and the Re-Booting of American Individualism’ in Fraser, B. ed. (2016) Cultures of Representation: Disability in World Cinema Contexts. New York: Columbia University Press.
Peer reviewed articles
Flynn, S. (2023) 'Academia in Liquid Modernity; digital overload, cultivation, and authenticity in teaching work' Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies. Vol 44 (1).
Flynn, S., Cullinane, E., Murphy, H. & Wylie, N. (2023) 'Micro-learning, Digital Badges and Micro-credentials. Definitions, Affordances and Design Considerations for application in Higher Education Institutions' All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Vol 14 (1).
Flynn, S., Collins, J. & Malone, L. (2022) 'Part-time Learners Perceptions of Success during ERT' The Adult Learner: The Irish Journal of Adult and Community Education. Vol 2022.
Abbott, K. & Flynn, S. (2022) 'Outdoor education, interaction and reflection: a study of Irish outdoor ECEC' Irish Educational Studies. DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2022.2088591
Bates-Evoy, S., Dooly, Z., Flynn, S., Hearne, L. & Murphy, H. (2022) CITO Policy Impact Evaluation Report. Available at: 3.2-CITO-Policy-Evaluation-Report-February-2022-WIT.pdf (citoproject.eu)
Flynn, S., Collins, J. & Malone, L. (2022) 'Pandemic Pedagogies: The impact of ERT on part-time learners in Ireland' International Journal of Lifelong Education. Vol 41 (2).
Flynn, S. & Nolan, S. (2021) ‘Researching Inclusion in HE: A Narrative of Initial Enquiry’ All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Vol 13 (3).
Flynn, S. (2021) ‘Education, Digital Natives and Inequality’ Irish Journal of Sociology Vol. 29 (2) 248–253.
Flynn S. & Noonan, G. (2020) ‘Mind the Gap: Academic Staff Experiences of Remote Teaching During the COVID-19 Emergency’ All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Vol 12 (3) 1-18.
Flynn, S. (2019) ‘Mar Adentro: Haunting Ability, Masculinity, and Human Rights’ International Journal of Communication Enquiry. Vol 7 (1) 98-109.
Flynn, S. (2019) 'The Future is Fixable: Convention and Ableism in Science Fiction'. Journal of Science Fiction. Vol 3 (2) 76-92.
Flynn, S. & Wright, J. (2017) Editorial: ‘Troubled Identity and the Continuing Relevance of Cultural Studies’. The Apollonian: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. Vol 9, 7-10.
Flynn, S. (2017) ‘Ex Machina: Possessing and Repossessing the Body.’ Ethos: A Digital Review of Arts, Humanities and Public Ethics. Vol 3, 32-46.
Flynn, S. (2016) Editorial: ‘Migration, Transnationalism and the Cultural Logic of Global Identity’. American, British and Canadian Studies Journal. Vol 27, 5-14.
Flynn, S. (2016) ‘The Creative Debut: privileging student voice.’ Spark UAL Creative Teaching and Learning Journal. Vol 1 (2), 95-97.
Flynn, S. (2016) ‘Ambiguous Bodies, Biopower and the Ideologies of Science Fiction.’ A/R/T Analyses, Rereadings, Theories. Vol 6, 25-33.
Flynn, S. (2015) ‘New Poetics of the Film Body: Docility, Molecular Fundamentalism and Twenty First Century Destiny.’ American, British and Canadian Studies Journal, Vol 24, 5-23.
Flynn, S. (2015) ‘Considerations on the Film Industry; Equality, Culture and Representation.’ Considering Disability Journal. Vol 1.
Flynn, S. (2015) ‘Review: “Practices of Selfhood.” American British Canadian Studies Journal. Vol 25, 191-193.
Conference proceedings
Urban Transitions: Integrating Transport, Environment and Health for Healthier Urban Living, Sitges, Spain. 5th-7th Nov 2024. Title: Imagining Future Waterford; exploring the space of social justice in city planning.
EU Conexus Eenviro Research Conference. Bucharest, Romania, 29th-31st October 2024. Title: Urban Living Labs Addressing Environmental Concerns: Smart SE and the case of Waterford Citizen Participation.
Global Challenges, Regional Collaboration and the Role of Places; Regional Studies Association International Conference, Florence, Italy 11th-14th June 2024. Title: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Urban Future: A case study of Waterford, from theory to reality.
Illuminating Legacies; Sociological Association of Ireland Conference, University College Dublin. 8th-9th June 2023. Title: Heritage, Libraries, and Inclusion: A Case Study.
Equitas EDI in Higher Education Conference, South East Technological University. 25th-26th May 2023. Title: Room for Inclusion: Diversity in the University Space.
International Network for the Study of Spirituality Conference, South East Technological University. 16th-18th May 2023. Title: Freire and Inclusion: A Dialogue.
Recreating the World: Critique, Control and Crisis in New Social Realities: Research Symposium, South East Technological University. 24th-25th March 2023. Title: Community Building and Inclusion: A Case Study.
EuroSoTL Learning and Teaching Festival, Manchester Metropolitan University. 15th-18th June 2021. Title: Learning with our Learners: Current Research on Remote Teaching and Learning in an Irish Higher Education Institution.
Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference, Ireland. 7th-8th May, 2021. Title: Liminal Spaces: Institutes of Technology in the Age of the TU.
Digitally Enhanced Learning Conference, York University, Toronto. 20th-22nd Sept 2018. Title: The Other Voices Project: Digital Narratives in Conversation.
MeCCSA Annual Conference. London South Bank University, UK. 10th-12th Jan 2018. Title: Surveillance, Race, Culture.
BAAS International Conference, Queens University Belfast. 7th-9th April 2016. Title: Spaces of Surveillance, States and Selves.
Other Voices Inaugural Conference, University of the Arts London. 6th-10th June 2016. Title: Critical Multiculturalism, Ableism and HE.
IASS International Conference, Trinity College Dublin, 10th-12th May 2015. Title: Foucault and the Future.
International Disability Studies Conference, Lancaster University, UK. 9th-11th Sept 2014. Title: Digital Futures: Biotechnology and Cure in Contemporary Film.
Sociological Association of Ireland Annual Conference, DIT, Dublin. 10th-15th Aril 2014. Title: Up Close and Personal: Touch, Sentience and Digital Selves.
Disability Studies International Conference, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. 28-30th Oct 2013. Title: Avatars and Normalization; Popular Culture, Digitisation, Contemporary Life.
World Film Conference, University of Vienna, 2nd-5th May 3013. Title: Avatar's Dream: Digitisation and Contemporary Ability.
Universitas 21 International Forum, Humanities Institute, UCD. 4th-6th Sept 2013. Title: Diversity, Digitisation, Selfhood.
Visualising Ireland Conference, Humanities Institute, UCD. 4th-6th July 2008. Title: Visualising Disability in Irish Society.