Dr. Sweta Rani is currently working in Waterford Institute of Technology as Lecturer and is actively involved in Teaching and Research. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are gaining popularity as a front-line therapeutics towards regenerative therapy. The regenerative potential of MSCs is partially paracrine mediated via EVs. Her interest lies in using EVs isolated from stem cells and study its therapeutic potential on accidental burn, dry eyes syndrome caused by multiple conditions and other ocular disease. She is also exploring the use of EVs as a biomarker for early diagnosis for potential life threatening conditions.
Her teaching expertise includes Microbial Biotechnology & Molecular Genetics, Applied Immunology, Molecular Biology, Cell Factories and Mammalian Cell Culturing, DNA Technology & Bioinformatics. She is an ardent instructor and an experienced researcher and has contributed to publications in High Impact Journals, Patents and Books. She has been granted number of awards for her research contribution including Early Career Award.
Teaching experience
First Year
Introductory Biology – Lab and Tutorials
Cell biology and Biochemistry – Lab and Tutorials
Second year
Microbial Biotechnology & Molecular Genetics – Lectures and Lab
Pharmaceutical Sciences – Lab
Biopharmaceutical Sciences – Lab
Third Year
Applied Immunology – Lectures and Lab
Molecular Biology – Lectures
Fourth Year
Cell Factories and Mammalian Cell Culturing – Lectures and Lab
DNA Technology & Bioinformatics – Lectures and Lab
1. Investigating the role of glatiramer in modulating immune effector cells in a model of choroidal neovascularization (CNV)
WIT Co-Fund (Funded by Experimentuca Ltd, The vision Clinic and WIT) – €74,000
1. Assistant Lecturer (Dec 2015 – Present) – Biology and Biopharmaceutical Sciences- Waterford Institute of Technology, Department of Science, Waterford, Ireland. Nature of work: lectures (Applied Immunology, Microbial Biotechnology and Molecular Genetics), developing modules.
2. Research Fellow (Jan 2014 – Nov 2015)- Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI), National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland. Nature of work: Exosomes, miRNA, Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Corneal infection, Exosome-topical application, diabetes ulcer, teaching (structured PhD), supervise PhD postgrad & undergrad students.
3. Research Fellow (Oct 2009 – Sept 2013)- School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Nature of work: Exosomes, Biomarkers, Molecular Biology, miRNA, Cancer drug resistance. supervise PhD, postgrad & undergrad students
4. Post-doctoral researcher (Jan 2009 – Sept 2009)- National Institute for Cellular Biotechnology, Dublin City University, Ireland. Nature of work: Islet isolation from pancreata, Biomarkers in lung cancer.
Patents :(*contributing to patents)
- O’Driscoll L, Rani S. Marker and target for responsiveness and resistance to cancer agents (WO/2013/057323), US Patent 20,140,328,840.
- *O’Driscoll L, O’Brien K. Global analysis of serum microRNAs as potential biomarkers for lung adenocarcinoma (US20130059753 A1).
- Rani S and Ritter T: Exosome - a naturally secreted nanoparticle and its application in wound healing: advanced material: Adv Mater. 2015 Dec 17. doi: 10.1002/adma.201504009.
- Rani S, Ryan AE, Griffin MD and Ritter T: Mesenchymal stem cell derived extracellular vesicles: Towards cell-free therapeutic applications: Mol Ther. 2015 Mar 19. doi: 10.1038/mt.2015.44.
- Rani S, Corcoran C*, Shiels L*, Germano S, Breslin S, Madden S, McDermott MS, Browne BC, O’Donovan N, Crown J, Gogarty M, Byrne AT, O’Driscoll L: Neuromedin U: a candidate biomarker and therapeutic target to predict and overcome resistance to HER kinase inhibitors: cancer research: Cancer Res. 2014 Jul 15;74(14):3821-33.
- Rani S, Gately K, Crown J, O’Byrne K, O’Driscoll L: Global Analysis of serum microRNAs as potential biomarkers for lung adenocarcinoma: Cancer Biol Ther. 2013 Dec;14(12):1104-12
- Rani S, Mehta JP, Barron N, Doolan P, Jeppesen PB, Clynes M, O’Driscoll L: Decreasing Txnip mRNA and protein levels in pancreatic MIN6 cells reduces reactive oxygen species and restores glucose regulated insulin secretion: Cell Physiol Biochem. 2010;25(6):667-74.
- Rani S, O’Daly B, Hill A, O’Driscoll L: Circulating microRNA-141 identified as a potential biomarkers for the early diagnosis of Breast Cancer: TCDJPPS. 2010 Jan; 1(1):16-17.
- Rani S, Clynes M, O’Driscoll L: Detection of Amplifiable mRNA Extracellular to Insulin-Producing Cells: Potential for Predicting Beta Cell Mass and Function: Clin Chem. 2007; 53(11): 1936-44.
- León L, Rani S, Fernández M, Larico M and Calligaris S: Subclinical detection of diabetic cardiomyopathy with microRNAs: Journal of Diabetes Research, vol. 2016, Article ID 6143129, 12 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/6143129
- Corcoran C, Rani S, O'Driscoll L: miR-34a is an Intracellular and Exosomal Predictive Biomarker for Response to Docetaxel with Clinical Relevance to Prostate Cancer Progression: Prostate. 2014 Sep;74(13):1320-34.
- Corcoran C, Rani S, Breslin S, Gogarty M, Ghobrial IM, Crown J, O'Driscoll L: miR-630 targets IGF1R to regulate response to HER-targeting drugs and overall cancer cell progression in HER2 over-expressing breast cancer: Mol Cancer. 2014 Mar 24;13(1):71.
- Jella KK, Rani S, O'Driscoll L, McClean B, Byrne HJ, Lyng FM: Exosomes Are Involved in Mediating Radiation Induced Bystander Signaling in Human Keratinocyte Cells: Radiat Res. 2014 Feb;181(2):138-45.
- O’Brien K, Rani S, Corcoran C, McDonnell S, Hughes L, Friel AM, Crown J, Radomski MW, O’Driscoll L: Triple-negative breast cancer exosomes can transfer phenotypic traits representing their cells of origin: Eur J Cancer. 2013 May;49(8):1845-59.
- O'Brien K, Lowry MC, Corcoran C, Martinez VG, Daly M, Rani S, Gallagher WM, Radomski MW, MacLeod RA, O'Driscoll L: miR-134 in extracellular vesicles reduces triple-negative breast cancer aggression and increases drug sensitivity: Oncotarget. 2015 Sep 24.
- Pierce A, McGowan PM, Cotter M, Mullooly M, O’Donovan N, Rani S, O’Driscoll L, Crown J and Duffy MJ: Comparative antiproliferative effects of iniparib and olaparib on a panel of triple-negative and non-triple-negative breast cancer cell lines: Cancer Biol Ther. 2013 Jun;14(6):537-45.
- Corcoran C, Rani S, O'Brien K, O'Neill A, Prencipe M, Sheikh R, Webb G, McDermott R, Watson W, Crown J, O'Driscoll L: Docetaxel-Resistance in Prostate Cancer: Evaluating Associated Phenotypic Changes and Potential for Resistance Transfer via Exosomes: PLoS One. 2012; 7(12):e50999.
- O'Connell K, Prencipe M, O'Neill A, Corcoran C, Rani S, Henry M, Dowling P, Meleady P, O'Driscoll L, Watson W, O'Connor R: The use of LC-MS to identify differentially expressed proteins in docetaxel-resistant prostate cancer cell lines: Proteomics. 2012 Jul;12(13):2115-26.
- Germano S, Kennedy S, Rani S, Gleeson G, Clynes M, Doolan P, McDonnell S, Hughes L, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: MAGE-D4B is a Novel Marker of Poor Prognosis and Potential Therapeutic Target involved in Breast Cancer Tumorigenesis: Int J Cancer. 2012 May 1;130(9):1991-2002.
- O'Neill AJ, Prencipe M, Dowling C, Fan Y, Mulrane L, Gallagher WM, O'Connor D, O'Connor R, Devery A, Corcoran C, Rani S, O'Driscoll L, Fitzpatrick JM, Watson RW: Characterisation and Manipulation of Docetaxel Resistant Prostate Cancer Cell Lines: Mol Cancer. 2011 Oct 7; 10(1):126.
- Dowling P, Shields W, Rani S, Meleady P, Henry M, Jeppesen P, O'Driscoll L, Clynes M: Proteomic analysis of conditioned media from glucose responsive and glucose non-responsive phenotypes reveals a panel of secreted proteins associated with beta cell dysfunction: Electrophoresis. 2008 Nov; 29(20):4141-9.
- Kennedy S, Clynes M, Doolan P, Mehta JP, Rani S, Crown J and O’Driscoll L: SNIP/p140Cap mRNA expression is an unfavourable prognostic factor in breast cancer and is not expressed in normal breast tissue: Br J Cancer. 2008 May 20; 98(10): 1641-5.
- O'Driscoll L, Gammell P, McKiernan E, Ryan E, Jeppesen PB, Rani S, Clynes M: Phenotypic and global gene expression profile changes between low passage and high passage MIN-6 cells: J Endocrinol. 2006; 191: 665-676.
Manuscript in preparation-
- Rani S, Lal C, Treacy O, Lohan P, Naughton M, O’ Malley GA, Naicker S, Subhash HM, Elbadawy H, Ferrari S, Ryan AE, Leahy MJ, Griffin MD and Ritter T: Human mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles reduce inflammation and neovascularisation in a corneal alkali burn rat model. In preparation
- Rani S, O’Brien K, Breslin S, O’Driscoll L: Extracellular vesicles and their role in conferring HER-targeted drug resistance. In preparation.
Sweta Rani, Lorraine O’Driscoll: Function of beta cell and extracellular RNAs as potential biomarker: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing; ISBN 978-3-8383-4144-6; (17 Feb 2010)
Book chapters:
- Rani S, O'Driscoll L: Analysis of RTKs phosphorylation state: antibody arrays: Receptor Tyrosine Kinases: Methods Mol Biol. 2015;1233:15-23. PubMed
- Rani S: microRNA profiling of exosomes isolated from biofluids and conditioned media: Structural and functional RNA mapping: Methods Mol Biol. 2014; 1182:131-44.PubMed
- Rani S, O'Brien K, Kelleher FC, Corcoran C, Germano S, Radomski MW, Crown J, O'Driscoll L: Isolation of exosomes for subsequent mRNA, microRNA and protein profiling: Gene Expression Profiling: Methods Mol Biol. 2011;784:181-95; 978-1-61779-288-5. PubMed
- Rani S, O'Driscoll L: Reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction to detect extracellular mRNA to insulin producing cells: Gene Expression Profiling: Methods Mol Biol. 2011;784:15-25; 978-1-61779-288-5. PubMed
- Mehta JP, Rani S: Software and tools for microarray data analysis: Gene Expression Profiling: Methods Mol Biol. 2011;784:41-53; 978-1-61779-288-5. PubMed
Oral Presentation in International Conference (§invited talk; *awards):
- Ritter T, Lal C, Treacy O, O’ Malley GA, Naicker S, Elbadawy H, Ryan AE, Fahy G, , Leahy MJ, Griffin MD and Rani S:Extracellular vesicles derived from human mesenchymal stem cells promote corneal wound repair by increasing epithelial cell proliferation and reducing neovascularisation in a rat corneal alkali burn model: ARVO2016, May 1-5, 2016 Seattle, Washington.
- Ritter T, Lal C, Treacy O, Lohan P, Naughton M, O’ Malley GA, Naicker S, Subhash HM, Elbadawy H, Ferrari S, Ryan AE, Leahy MJ, Griffin MD and Rani S: Human mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles ameliorate eye disease by reducing inflammation and neovascularisation in a corneal alkali burn rat model after topical administration: International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV2016), Rotterdam, Netherlands, 4-7 May 2016.
- §Rani S, O’ Malley GA, Lohan P, Murphy CC, Ryan A, Griffin MD and Ritter T: Topical application of extracellular vesicles: a novel approach to prevent inflammatory skin and eye diseases: From Cells to Tissues: Stems Cells, Tissue Repair and Tissue Engineering for Diabetes, Eye Disease and Neurodengerative Diseases: 17th-18th September 2014, The HELIX, Dublin City University
- Rani S, Germano S, Kennedy S, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Clinical significance and functional relevance of melanoma-associated antigen family protein–D4 (MAGED-4) in breast cancer: Discover Research Night: Dublin, Ireland, Friday, 27th September 2013.
- Rani S, O’Brien K, O’Donovan N, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Role of exosome in acquired resistance to HER-targeted therapies in breast cancer: Microvesicles and Exosomes in Health and Disease: Dublin, Ireland, Friday 17th May 2013.
- Rani S, O’Brien K, O’Donovan N, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Exosome-mediated response to her-targeted therapies in breast cancer: IACR, Dublin, Ireland: 27 Feb-1 March 2013.
- Rani S, O’Driscoll L: Neuromedin U: a novel target to overcome resistance to HER-targeted therapies and a potential predictive biomarker: TBSI Research Day, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, 18 Sept 2012.
- *1Rani S, Germano S, Kennedy S, Gleeson G, Clynes M, Doolan P, McDonnell S, Hughes L, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Investigating clinical and functional relevance of MAGE-D4B in Breast cancer: RAMI Biomedical Sciences Annual Meeting, Ireland, 22 June, 2011.
- Rani S, Germano S, Kennedy S, Clynes M, Crown J, O'Driscoll L: MAGE-D4B in Breast Cancer: assessment of Intracellular & Extracellular relevance: MTCI Breast Cancer Symposium: Dublin: Nov 2010.
- Rani S, Mehta JP, Doolan P, Barron N, Jeppesen PB, Clynes M, O’Driscoll L: Txnip-identified as a regulator of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and reactive oxygen species in MIN6 cells: “Translational Research”: Applying molecular insights from laboratory discovery to clinical care, Ireland, June 23-24, 2010: published in IJMS.
International Conference Presentations >38 (*awards):
- Rani S, O’ Malley GA, Lohan P, Ryan AE, Griffin MD and Ritter T: Extracellular vesicles derived from mesenchymal stem cell promote wound heal and angiogenesis: Microcirculation & Angiogenesis Symposium, NUI Galway, 12 June 2015.
- Ritter T, O’ Malley GA, Lohan P, Murphy CC, Ryan AE, Griffin MD and Rani S: Mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles promote corneal wound repair: ARVO Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, May 3-7, 2015.
- Rani S, O’ Malley GA, Lohan P, Murphy CC, Ryan AE, Griffin MD and Ritter T: Mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles accelerates healing of wound: Stem Cell Galway, Galway, Ireland, 29th to 30th October 2014.
- Rani S, Germano S, Madden S, Corcoran C, Breslin S, O’Brien N, McDermott M, Browne B, O’Donovan N, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Neuromedin U: a potential predictive biomarker for HER2-targeted drugs: ASCO Annual Meeting 2012 (June 1-5, 2012) Chicago, Illinois: J Clin Oncol 30, 2012.
- Rani S, Germano S, Madden S, Corcoran C, Breslin S, O’Donovan N, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Neuromedin U expression is associated with resistance to HER2-targeted therapies and poor prognosis in breast cancer patients: Irish Association for Cancer Research Annual meeting (Incorporating Prostate Cancer Symposium) Culloden Hotel, Belfast (February 29, March 1-2, 2012).
- Rani S, O’Brien K, McDonnell S, Hughes L, Friel AM, Radomski MW, Crown J, L O’Driscoll: Triple-negative breast cancer cells can transfer phenotypic characteristics via exosomes: The European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress: Stockholm, 23-27 September 2011: European Journal of Cancer 47, S143
- Rani S, Gately K, O’Byrne K, O’Driscoll L: Circulating miRNA as minimally-invasive biomarkers for Adenocarcinoma of the Lung: 14th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3-7 July 2011: JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY 6 (6), S1036-S1036
- Rani S, Germano S, Kennedy S, Gleeson G, Clynes M, Doolan P, McDonnell S, Hughes L, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Investigating clinical and functional relevance of MAGE-D4B in breast cancer: Royal Academy Of Medicine in Ireland and Biomedical Sciences, June 2011
- Rani S, Gately K, O’Byrne K, O’Driscoll L: The relevance of circulating miRNAs as minimally-invasive biomarkers for non-small cell lung cancer: Pharmacy Conference, Dublin 2011
- Rani S, Germano S, Kennedy S, Gleeson G, Clynes M, Doolan P, McDonnell S, Hughes L, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Investigating MAGE-D4B function in tumorigenesis and its Potential as Therapeutic Target in Breast cancer: Pharmacy Conference, Dublin: 18-19 April 2011: J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci 14(3) 205s-218s, 2011
- *2 Rani S, O’Brien K, Friel A, Kelleher F.C, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Investigating the potential of circulating exosomes and their miRNA contents as minimally-invasive biomarkers for triple negative breast cancer: Irish Association for Cancer Research, Cork, 2 March 2011.
- Rani S, O’Brien K, Friel A, O’Driscoll L: Exosomal miRNA as circulating biomarker in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Breakthrough Triple Negative Breast Cancer, London, 9-11 March 2011.
- Rani S, Mehta J.P, Doolan P, Clynes M, O’Driscoll L. Oxidative stresses a possible cause of loss of function in Pancreatic MIN6 B1 cell-line: "Oxidative DNA Damage". Research and Engineering Centre, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, March 2008.
- Rani S, Clynes M, O’Driscoll L. Gene expression profiling of MIN6 B1 cells for loss of GSIS: Beta Cell Therapy Training Course: Transdifferentiation to Beta Cells, University of Bath, Bath, England, 26-28 June 2007.
- Rani S, Kenny E, Clynes M, O’Driscoll L. Amplification of mRNAs from medium Conditioned by Insulin-producing cultured cells: Global mRNA and Protein Expression Analysis Research applications in cancer and other diseases and in biopharmaceutical production: The Helix, Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 7-8, 2006. Published in Cytotechnology. 2007 Apr;53(1-3):127-30.
- O’Malley G, Rani S, Lohan P, Lynch K, Shaw G, Ritter T, Egan LJ, Ryan AE: The effect of NF-кB on tumour-stromal interactions in colorectal cancer: Irish Association for Cancer Research Annual meeting; Limerick; 26-27 February, 2015
- Martinez VG, Rani, S, Corcoran C, and O’Driscoll L: Neuromedin U enhances breast cancer cell resistance to HER2-targeted drugs through changes in immune mediators: Irish Association for Cancer Research Annual meeting; Limerick; 26-27 February, 2015
- *6 Breslin S, Rani S, Corcoran C, O'Brien K, L. O'Driscoll: Effects of acquired neratinib-resistance in breast cancer cell line variants: IACR, Dublin, Ireland: 27 Feb-1 March 2013.
- *4Corcoran C, Rani S, Browne B, Crown J, O’Donovan N, O’Driscoll L: The Pursuit of miRNAs as Minimally-invasive Biomarkers Predictive of Response to Anticancer Treatment for HER2 Positive Breast Cancer: J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci 14(3) 205s-218s, 2011
- *5Barry S, Rani S, O’Driscoll L: Investigating acquired resistance to targeted anti-cancer agents in breast cancer: 2nd Year Medicine Research Poster Symposium, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Trinity College Dublin, 2011
Book Editor –
microRNA profiling - Methods in Molecular Biology, published by Springer
Grant Reviewer –
Grant for Diabetes UK
Dutch Arthritis Foundation (DAF, Reumafonds)
Journal Reviewer –
Molecular Therapy,
Journal of Endocrinology,
OncoTargets and Therapy
Chronic Wound Care Management and Research
Patents :(*contributing to patents)
- O’Driscoll L, Rani S. Marker and target for responsiveness and resistance to cancer agents (WO/2013/057323), US Patent 20,140,328,840.
- *O’Driscoll L, O’Brien K. Global analysis of serum microRNAs as potential biomarkers for lung adenocarcinoma (US20130059753 A1).
- Rani S and Ritter T: Exosome - a naturally secreted nanoparticle and its application in wound healing: advanced material: Adv Mater. 2015 Dec 17. doi: 10.1002/adma.201504009.
- Rani S, Ryan AE, Griffin MD and Ritter T: Mesenchymal stem cell derived extracellular vesicles: Towards cell-free therapeutic applications: Mol Ther. 2015 Mar 19. doi: 10.1038/mt.2015.44.
- Rani S, Corcoran C*, Shiels L*, Germano S, Breslin S, Madden S, McDermott MS, Browne BC, O’Donovan N, Crown J, Gogarty M, Byrne AT, O’Driscoll L: Neuromedin U: a candidate biomarker and therapeutic target to predict and overcome resistance to HER kinase inhibitors: cancer research: Cancer Res. 2014 Jul 15;74(14):3821-33.
- Rani S, Gately K, Crown J, O’Byrne K, O’Driscoll L: Global Analysis of serum microRNAs as potential biomarkers for lung adenocarcinoma: Cancer Biol Ther. 2013 Dec;14(12):1104-12
- Rani S, Mehta JP, Barron N, Doolan P, Jeppesen PB, Clynes M, O’Driscoll L: Decreasing Txnip mRNA and protein levels in pancreatic MIN6 cells reduces reactive oxygen species and restores glucose regulated insulin secretion: Cell Physiol Biochem. 2010;25(6):667-74.
- Rani S, O’Daly B, Hill A, O’Driscoll L: Circulating microRNA-141 identified as a potential biomarkers for the early diagnosis of Breast Cancer: TCDJPPS. 2010 Jan; 1(1):16-17.
- Rani S, Clynes M, O’Driscoll L: Detection of Amplifiable mRNA Extracellular to Insulin-Producing Cells: Potential for Predicting Beta Cell Mass and Function: Clin Chem. 2007; 53(11): 1936-44.
- León L, Rani S, Fernández M, Larico M and Calligaris S: Subclinical detection of diabetic cardiomyopathy with microRNAs: Journal of Diabetes Research, vol. 2016, Article ID 6143129, 12 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/6143129
- Corcoran C, Rani S, O'Driscoll L: miR-34a is an Intracellular and Exosomal Predictive Biomarker for Response to Docetaxel with Clinical Relevance to Prostate Cancer Progression: Prostate. 2014 Sep;74(13):1320-34.
- Corcoran C, Rani S, Breslin S, Gogarty M, Ghobrial IM, Crown J, O'Driscoll L: miR-630 targets IGF1R to regulate response to HER-targeting drugs and overall cancer cell progression in HER2 over-expressing breast cancer: Mol Cancer. 2014 Mar 24;13(1):71.
- Jella KK, Rani S, O'Driscoll L, McClean B, Byrne HJ, Lyng FM: Exosomes Are Involved in Mediating Radiation Induced Bystander Signaling in Human Keratinocyte Cells: Radiat Res. 2014 Feb;181(2):138-45.
- O’Brien K, Rani S, Corcoran C, McDonnell S, Hughes L, Friel AM, Crown J, Radomski MW, O’Driscoll L: Triple-negative breast cancer exosomes can transfer phenotypic traits representing their cells of origin: Eur J Cancer. 2013 May;49(8):1845-59.
- O'Brien K, Lowry MC, Corcoran C, Martinez VG, Daly M, Rani S, Gallagher WM, Radomski MW, MacLeod RA, O'Driscoll L: miR-134 in extracellular vesicles reduces triple-negative breast cancer aggression and increases drug sensitivity: Oncotarget. 2015 Sep 24.
- Pierce A, McGowan PM, Cotter M, Mullooly M, O’Donovan N, Rani S, O’Driscoll L, Crown J and Duffy MJ: Comparative antiproliferative effects of iniparib and olaparib on a panel of triple-negative and non-triple-negative breast cancer cell lines: Cancer Biol Ther. 2013 Jun;14(6):537-45.
- Corcoran C, Rani S, O'Brien K, O'Neill A, Prencipe M, Sheikh R, Webb G, McDermott R, Watson W, Crown J, O'Driscoll L: Docetaxel-Resistance in Prostate Cancer: Evaluating Associated Phenotypic Changes and Potential for Resistance Transfer via Exosomes: PLoS One. 2012; 7(12):e50999.
- O'Connell K, Prencipe M, O'Neill A, Corcoran C, Rani S, Henry M, Dowling P, Meleady P, O'Driscoll L, Watson W, O'Connor R: The use of LC-MS to identify differentially expressed proteins in docetaxel-resistant prostate cancer cell lines: Proteomics. 2012 Jul;12(13):2115-26.
- Germano S, Kennedy S, Rani S, Gleeson G, Clynes M, Doolan P, McDonnell S, Hughes L, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: MAGE-D4B is a Novel Marker of Poor Prognosis and Potential Therapeutic Target involved in Breast Cancer Tumorigenesis: Int J Cancer. 2012 May 1;130(9):1991-2002.
- O'Neill AJ, Prencipe M, Dowling C, Fan Y, Mulrane L, Gallagher WM, O'Connor D, O'Connor R, Devery A, Corcoran C, Rani S, O'Driscoll L, Fitzpatrick JM, Watson RW: Characterisation and Manipulation of Docetaxel Resistant Prostate Cancer Cell Lines: Mol Cancer. 2011 Oct 7; 10(1):126.
- Dowling P, Shields W, Rani S, Meleady P, Henry M, Jeppesen P, O'Driscoll L, Clynes M: Proteomic analysis of conditioned media from glucose responsive and glucose non-responsive phenotypes reveals a panel of secreted proteins associated with beta cell dysfunction: Electrophoresis. 2008 Nov; 29(20):4141-9.
- Kennedy S, Clynes M, Doolan P, Mehta JP, Rani S, Crown J and O’Driscoll L: SNIP/p140Cap mRNA expression is an unfavourable prognostic factor in breast cancer and is not expressed in normal breast tissue: Br J Cancer. 2008 May 20; 98(10): 1641-5.
- O'Driscoll L, Gammell P, McKiernan E, Ryan E, Jeppesen PB, Rani S, Clynes M: Phenotypic and global gene expression profile changes between low passage and high passage MIN-6 cells: J Endocrinol. 2006; 191: 665-676.
Manuscript in preparation-
- Rani S, Lal C, Treacy O, Lohan P, Naughton M, O’ Malley GA, Naicker S, Subhash HM, Elbadawy H, Ferrari S, Ryan AE, Leahy MJ, Griffin MD and Ritter T: Human mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles reduce inflammation and neovascularisation in a corneal alkali burn rat model. In preparation
- Rani S, O’Brien K, Breslin S, O’Driscoll L: Extracellular vesicles and their role in conferring HER-targeted drug resistance. In preparation.
Sweta Rani, Lorraine O’Driscoll: Function of beta cell and extracellular RNAs as potential biomarker: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing; ISBN 978-3-8383-4144-6; (17 Feb 2010)
Book chapters:
- Rani S, O'Driscoll L: Analysis of RTKs phosphorylation state: antibody arrays: Receptor Tyrosine Kinases: Methods Mol Biol. 2015;1233:15-23. PubMed
- Rani S: microRNA profiling of exosomes isolated from biofluids and conditioned media: Structural and functional RNA mapping: Methods Mol Biol. 2014; 1182:131-44.PubMed
- Rani S, O'Brien K, Kelleher FC, Corcoran C, Germano S, Radomski MW, Crown J, O'Driscoll L: Isolation of exosomes for subsequent mRNA, microRNA and protein profiling: Gene Expression Profiling: Methods Mol Biol. 2011;784:181-95; 978-1-61779-288-5. PubMed
- Rani S, O'Driscoll L: Reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction to detect extracellular mRNA to insulin producing cells: Gene Expression Profiling: Methods Mol Biol. 2011;784:15-25; 978-1-61779-288-5. PubMed
- Mehta JP, Rani S: Software and tools for microarray data analysis: Gene Expression Profiling: Methods Mol Biol. 2011;784:41-53; 978-1-61779-288-5. PubMed
Oral Presentation in International Conference (§invited talk; *awards):
- Ritter T, Lal C, Treacy O, O’ Malley GA, Naicker S, Elbadawy H, Ryan AE, Fahy G, , Leahy MJ, Griffin MD and Rani S:Extracellular vesicles derived from human mesenchymal stem cells promote corneal wound repair by increasing epithelial cell proliferation and reducing neovascularisation in a rat corneal alkali burn model: ARVO2016, May 1-5, 2016 Seattle, Washington.
- Ritter T, Lal C, Treacy O, Lohan P, Naughton M, O’ Malley GA, Naicker S, Subhash HM, Elbadawy H, Ferrari S, Ryan AE, Leahy MJ, Griffin MD and Rani S: Human mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles ameliorate eye disease by reducing inflammation and neovascularisation in a corneal alkali burn rat model after topical administration: International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV2016), Rotterdam, Netherlands, 4-7 May 2016.
- §Rani S, O’ Malley GA, Lohan P, Murphy CC, Ryan A, Griffin MD and Ritter T: Topical application of extracellular vesicles: a novel approach to prevent inflammatory skin and eye diseases: From Cells to Tissues: Stems Cells, Tissue Repair and Tissue Engineering for Diabetes, Eye Disease and Neurodengerative Diseases: 17th-18th September 2014, The HELIX, Dublin City University
- Rani S, Germano S, Kennedy S, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Clinical significance and functional relevance of melanoma-associated antigen family protein–D4 (MAGED-4) in breast cancer: Discover Research Night: Dublin, Ireland, Friday, 27th September 2013.
- Rani S, O’Brien K, O’Donovan N, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Role of exosome in acquired resistance to HER-targeted therapies in breast cancer: Microvesicles and Exosomes in Health and Disease: Dublin, Ireland, Friday 17th May 2013.
- Rani S, O’Brien K, O’Donovan N, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Exosome-mediated response to her-targeted therapies in breast cancer: IACR, Dublin, Ireland: 27 Feb-1 March 2013.
- Rani S, O’Driscoll L: Neuromedin U: a novel target to overcome resistance to HER-targeted therapies and a potential predictive biomarker: TBSI Research Day, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, 18 Sept 2012.
- *1Rani S, Germano S, Kennedy S, Gleeson G, Clynes M, Doolan P, McDonnell S, Hughes L, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Investigating clinical and functional relevance of MAGE-D4B in Breast cancer: RAMI Biomedical Sciences Annual Meeting, Ireland, 22 June, 2011.
- Rani S, Germano S, Kennedy S, Clynes M, Crown J, O'Driscoll L: MAGE-D4B in Breast Cancer: assessment of Intracellular & Extracellular relevance: MTCI Breast Cancer Symposium: Dublin: Nov 2010.
- Rani S, Mehta JP, Doolan P, Barron N, Jeppesen PB, Clynes M, O’Driscoll L: Txnip-identified as a regulator of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion and reactive oxygen species in MIN6 cells: “Translational Research”: Applying molecular insights from laboratory discovery to clinical care, Ireland, June 23-24, 2010: published in IJMS.
International Conference Presentations >38 (*awards):
- Rani S, O’ Malley GA, Lohan P, Ryan AE, Griffin MD and Ritter T: Extracellular vesicles derived from mesenchymal stem cell promote wound heal and angiogenesis: Microcirculation & Angiogenesis Symposium, NUI Galway, 12 June 2015.
- Ritter T, O’ Malley GA, Lohan P, Murphy CC, Ryan AE, Griffin MD and Rani S: Mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles promote corneal wound repair: ARVO Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, May 3-7, 2015.
- Rani S, O’ Malley GA, Lohan P, Murphy CC, Ryan AE, Griffin MD and Ritter T: Mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles accelerates healing of wound: Stem Cell Galway, Galway, Ireland, 29th to 30th October 2014.
- Rani S, Germano S, Madden S, Corcoran C, Breslin S, O’Brien N, McDermott M, Browne B, O’Donovan N, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Neuromedin U: a potential predictive biomarker for HER2-targeted drugs: ASCO Annual Meeting 2012 (June 1-5, 2012) Chicago, Illinois: J Clin Oncol 30, 2012.
- Rani S, Germano S, Madden S, Corcoran C, Breslin S, O’Donovan N, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Neuromedin U expression is associated with resistance to HER2-targeted therapies and poor prognosis in breast cancer patients: Irish Association for Cancer Research Annual meeting (Incorporating Prostate Cancer Symposium) Culloden Hotel, Belfast (February 29, March 1-2, 2012).
- Rani S, O’Brien K, McDonnell S, Hughes L, Friel AM, Radomski MW, Crown J, L O’Driscoll: Triple-negative breast cancer cells can transfer phenotypic characteristics via exosomes: The European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress: Stockholm, 23-27 September 2011: European Journal of Cancer 47, S143
- Rani S, Gately K, O’Byrne K, O’Driscoll L: Circulating miRNA as minimally-invasive biomarkers for Adenocarcinoma of the Lung: 14th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3-7 July 2011: JOURNAL OF THORACIC ONCOLOGY 6 (6), S1036-S1036
- Rani S, Germano S, Kennedy S, Gleeson G, Clynes M, Doolan P, McDonnell S, Hughes L, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Investigating clinical and functional relevance of MAGE-D4B in breast cancer: Royal Academy Of Medicine in Ireland and Biomedical Sciences, June 2011
- Rani S, Gately K, O’Byrne K, O’Driscoll L: The relevance of circulating miRNAs as minimally-invasive biomarkers for non-small cell lung cancer: Pharmacy Conference, Dublin 2011
- Rani S, Germano S, Kennedy S, Gleeson G, Clynes M, Doolan P, McDonnell S, Hughes L, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Investigating MAGE-D4B function in tumorigenesis and its Potential as Therapeutic Target in Breast cancer: Pharmacy Conference, Dublin: 18-19 April 2011: J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci 14(3) 205s-218s, 2011
- *2 Rani S, O’Brien K, Friel A, Kelleher F.C, Crown J, O’Driscoll L: Investigating the potential of circulating exosomes and their miRNA contents as minimally-invasive biomarkers for triple negative breast cancer: Irish Association for Cancer Research, Cork, 2 March 2011.
- Rani S, O’Brien K, Friel A, O’Driscoll L: Exosomal miRNA as circulating biomarker in Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Breakthrough Triple Negative Breast Cancer, London, 9-11 March 2011.
- Rani S, Mehta J.P, Doolan P, Clynes M, O’Driscoll L. Oxidative stresses a possible cause of loss of function in Pancreatic MIN6 B1 cell-line: "Oxidative DNA Damage". Research and Engineering Centre, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, March 2008.
- Rani S, Clynes M, O’Driscoll L. Gene expression profiling of MIN6 B1 cells for loss of GSIS: Beta Cell Therapy Training Course: Transdifferentiation to Beta Cells, University of Bath, Bath, England, 26-28 June 2007.
- Rani S, Kenny E, Clynes M, O’Driscoll L. Amplification of mRNAs from medium Conditioned by Insulin-producing cultured cells: Global mRNA and Protein Expression Analysis Research applications in cancer and other diseases and in biopharmaceutical production: The Helix, Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 7-8, 2006. Published in Cytotechnology. 2007 Apr;53(1-3):127-30.
- O’Malley G, Rani S, Lohan P, Lynch K, Shaw G, Ritter T, Egan LJ, Ryan AE: The effect of NF-кB on tumour-stromal interactions in colorectal cancer: Irish Association for Cancer Research Annual meeting; Limerick; 26-27 February, 2015
- Martinez VG, Rani, S, Corcoran C, and O’Driscoll L: Neuromedin U enhances breast cancer cell resistance to HER2-targeted drugs through changes in immune mediators: Irish Association for Cancer Research Annual meeting; Limerick; 26-27 February, 2015
- *6 Breslin S, Rani S, Corcoran C, O'Brien K, L. O'Driscoll: Effects of acquired neratinib-resistance in breast cancer cell line variants: IACR, Dublin, Ireland: 27 Feb-1 March 2013.
- *4Corcoran C, Rani S, Browne B, Crown J, O’Donovan N, O’Driscoll L: The Pursuit of miRNAs as Minimally-invasive Biomarkers Predictive of Response to Anticancer Treatment for HER2 Positive Breast Cancer: J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci 14(3) 205s-218s, 2011
- *5Barry S, Rani S, O’Driscoll L: Investigating acquired resistance to targeted anti-cancer agents in breast cancer: 2nd Year Medicine Research Poster Symposium, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Trinity College Dublin, 2011