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For the academic year 2024/25, the Faculty of Lifelong Learning will operate both online and blended modes of delivery of courses.

Where the course is blended, you will see the dates of the onsite classes listed on the timetable. All other classes will then be delivered online via Blackboard Collaborate.

Where the course is online, all classes will be delivered online via Blackboard Collaborate.

Blackboard is a virtual learning environment and Blackboard Collaborate is a simple and reliable virtual classroom for online teaching. Once you activate your student card, you will have access to Blackboard. More information regarding Blackboard will be provided during induction.

The following are the 2024/25 timetables for certificates, higher certificates, diplomas, degrees, honours degrees, higher diplomas, postgraduate certificates, postgraduate diplomas and masters programmes running.

Please note that for the 2024/2025 academic year, all programmes which have an end of module assessment will take place on-site.

Faculty of Lifelong Learning Timetable 2024/2025 PDF 1.18 MB