Springboard+ and HCI Conversion Courses
Springboard+ offers Free / 90% Funded Higher Education courses – typically 1 year or less - in areas where skills are in great demand in the Irish economy. All SETU courses are parttime and are delivered in flexible modes designed to maximise access including for people who are working.
• All courses are open to Employees and Returners* as well as to Jobseekers.
• Level 6 courses are free for all, Employees pay just 10% of the normal course fee for level 7 – 9 courses.
• Returners and Jobseekers may access courses free of charge.
• All courses are open to Jobseekers except the 2-year Computing Conversion courses.
HCI Conversion Courses [sometimes called “HCI Pillar 1” courses] are very similar except that:
• Applicants can also apply as recent graduates from full-time degrees.
• The majority of courses are nominally ‘full-time’ [albeit that they are fully open to people who are working full-time] and as such, may affect payments for some social welfare recipients.
All applications for Springboard+ and HCI Conversion Courses must be made online at: www.springboardcourses.ie
Eligibility for Springboard and HCI Pillar 1 Funding
Springboard+ and HCI have very strict requirements around proof of eligibility. While a provisional offer of a place may be made – subject to academic eligibility – quite soon after your initial application you will subsequently and employment status as set out at www.springboardcourses.ie/eligibility.
All candidates, without exception, will be required to upload the required documentation to the www.springboardcourses.ie site within the specified time windows in order to gain a funded place.
Full information on eligibility is available at: www.springboardcourses.ie/eligibility

All springboard courses
SETU offers springboard courses across various campuses in a number of disciplines including built environment, business, computing, engineering, science, hospitality and media.