The Centre for Health Behaviour Research conducts research and policy-relevant projects with a public health focus. CHBR staff are engaged in international, EU, national and regional projects.
The key areas of expertise include:
- Community based health promotion evaluation
- Physical activity interventions at the community and population level
- Active Travel evaluation and interventions
- Promoting health and physical activity in hard to reach groups
- Men’s health
- Jockey health and wellbeing
- Drug and alcohol use and misuse
- National policy evaluation
- Physical activity and chronic conditions-Cancer, COPD
Professor Adrian Bauman from the School of Public Health at the University of Sydney is Associate Professor to the Department. For details of Prof Bauman’s extensive expertise click here
Current and recent evaluations of community based health promotion and physical activity related projects include
- The Sheds for Life project
- The GAA Healthy Clubs project
Evaluation of the impact of mass events on population physical activity levels, in collaboration with the Irish Sports Council
Evaluation of active travel behaviour in 3 Irish towns, and interventions to promote active travel
EU Preparatory Action for Sport project JoinIn- production of good practice guides and key principles for promoting social inclusion of migrant youth through sport
Dr Niamh Murphy Email: [email protected]
Carroll et al (2019). Men on the Move Evaluation Report, HSE 2019
McGrath (2020). The impact of COVID19 on Irish Men's Sheds members and their Sheds.
Final Report full version - Do mass participation sporting events have a role in making populations more active?
LEGit Booklets
LegIt Brochure 1 - Time to Get Moving is designed to target participants in the earliest stages of motivational readiness to change. It includes information on the benefits of physical activity, minimum physical activity guidelines and a step by step guide on how to increase motivation.
LegIt Brochure 2 - Keep Moving is tailored to participants who are already somewhat active. It includes more detailed information on the term ‘moderate intensity’, tips for overcoming barriers and tips for being active at home.
LegIt Brochure 3 - Is designed to assist people using a motivational aid such as a pedometer in their quest to become more active. It includes instructions on how to use a pedometer and further tips and ideas to promote walking.
Switch Off Get Active resources
Published Papers: Peer Reviewed
Lane A, Murphy N, Regan C, Callaghan D (2021). Health Promoting Sports Club in Practice: A Controlled Evaluation of the GAA Healthy Club Project. Int J Environ Res Public Health: Apr 30;18(9):4786. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18094786. PMID: 33946150.
McGrath, A., Murphy, N. & Richardson, N. (2021). Study protocol: evaluation of sheds for life (SFL): a community-based men’s health initiative designed “for shedders by shedders” in Irish Men’s sheds using a hybrid effectiveness-implementation design. BMC Public Health 21, 801 (2021).
Lane A, Murphy N, Regan C, Donohoe, A (2020).A Healthy Sports Club Initiative in Action in Ireland. Health Education Journal, 1-13, Published online 10 February 2020
Sheehan P, Denieffe S, Murphy NM, Harrison M (2020). Exercise is more effective than health education in reducing fatigue in fatigued cancer survivors Supportive Care in Cancer Published online 4 February 2020
Dombrowski S MM, van der Pol M, Grindle M, Avenell A, Carroll P, Calveley E, Elders A, Glennie N, Gray C, Harris F, Hapca A, Jones C, Kee F, McKinley M, Skinner R, Tod M, Hoddinott P. Game of Stones: Feasibility randomised controlled trial of how to engage men with obesity in text message and incentive interventions for weight loss. British Medical Journal Open. (In Press).
Dombrowski S MM, van der Pol M, Grindle M, Avenell A, Carroll P, Calveley E, Elders A, Glennie N, Gray C, Harris F, Hapca A, Jones C, Kee F, McKinley M, Skinner R, Tod M, Hoddinott P. Feasibility trial of how to engage men with obesity in SMS (short message system) and incentive interventions for weight loss. Public Health Research. (In Press).
Kelly L., Harrison M., Richardson N., Carroll P., Robertson S., Keohane A., Donohoe A. (2019). The impact of a gender-specific physical activity intervention on the fitness and fatness profile of men in Ireland. European Journal of Public Health, doi.orf/10.1093/eurpub/ckz100
Carroll P., Harrison M., Richardson N., Robertson S., Keohane A., Kelly L., Donohoe A. (2018). Evaluation of a Gender-Sensitive Physical Activity Programme for Inactive Men in Ireland: Protocol Paper for a Pragmatic Controlled Trial. Journal of Physical Activity Research, 3(1): 20-27.
Robertson S. Carroll P., Donohoe A., Richardson N., Keohane A., Kelly L., Harrison M. (2018). “The environment was Like They Were in The Pub but With no alcohol” – a Process evaluation of engagement and sustainability in men on The move an Irish community based Physical activity intervention. International Journal of Men’s Social and Community Health, DOI: 10.22374/ijmsch.v1i1.14.
Kelly L., Harrison M., Richardson N., Carroll P., Robertson S., Keohane A., Donohoe A. (2018) Reaching beyond the ‘worried well’: Pre-adoption characteristics of participants in ‘Men on the Move’, a community-based physical activity programme. Journal of Public Health
Richardson N., & Carroll P. (2018). It’s not rocket science: The case for a policy focus on men’s health. International Journal of Men’s Social and Community Health, 1(1): 23-35.
Murphy JJ, Woods CB, Murphy MH, Murphy N, Byrne N, MacDonncha C. Student Activity and Sport Study Ireland: Protocol for a Web-Based Survey and Environmental Audit Tool for Assessing the Impact of Multiple Factors on University Students’ Physical Activity. JMIR Res Protoc 2019 (Feb 21); 8(2):e10823
Murphy JJ, MacDonncha C, Murphy MH, Murphy NM, Timperio A5, Leech RM, Woods C (2019). Identification of health-related behavioural clusters and their association with demographic characteristics in Irish university students. BMC Public Health (2019) 19:121
Murphy MH, Carlin A, Woods C, Nevill A, MacDonncha C, Ferguson K, Murphy NM (2018). Active students are healthier and happier than their inactive peers: the results of a large representative cross sectional study of university students in Ireland. JPAH, 2018, 15, 737-746
Murphy, JJ., MacDonncha, C., Murphy, MH., Murphy, N., Nevill, AM., & Woods, CB. What Psychosocial Factors Determine the Physical Activity Patterns of University Students?, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, April 2019, 16(5), 325-332.
Kiely, M., Warrington, G., McGoldrick, A., Cullen, SJ. 2019. Physiological and Performance Monitoring in Competitive Sporting Environments - A Review for Elite Individual Sports. Strength & Conditioning Journal. Epub ahead of print.
Losty, C., Warrington, G., McGoldrick, Adrian., Murphy, C., Burrows, E., Cullen, SJ. Mental Health and Wellbeing of Jockeys in Ireland. 2019. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise. 14(1), 147-158.
O’Connor, S., Warrington, G., Whelan, G., McGoldrick, A., Cullen, SJ. 2018. Concussion History, Reporting Behaviors, Attitudes, and Knowledge in Jockeys. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. Epub ahead of print.
O’Connor, S., Warrington, G., McGoldrick, A., Cullen, SJ.(2018). A nine-year epidemiological study (2007-2015) on race-day jockey fall and injury incidence in Irish amateur horse racing. Journal of Athletic Training. 53(10), 950-955.
Kiely, M., Warrington, G., McGoldrick, A., O’Loughlin, G., Cullen, SJ. (2018). Physiological demands of daily riding gaits in jockeys. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 59(3), 394-398.
Mullins, K., Hanlon, M., Carton, P. (2019) Arthroscopic correction of femoroacetabular impingement improves athletic performance in male athletes. Knee surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy
Mullins, K., Hanlon, M., Carton, P. (2018) Differences in athletic performance between sportsmen with symptomatic femoroacetabular impingement and healthy controls. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, 28(4), 370-376.
Matthews, E. Cowman, M. & Denieffe. S. (2018) Calling for a change in Irish mental health care strategy for cohesive physical activity and sedentary behaviour inclusion. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine. 1-3. DOI:10.1017/ipm.2018.38
Matthews, E. Cowman, M. Brannigan, M. Sloan, D. Ward, P.B. Denieffe. S. (2018) Physical activity and the barriers to physical activity between active and inactive people with severe mental illness in Ireland. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 15, 139-144.
Rosenbaum, S. Morrell, R. Abdel-Baki, A. Ahmadpanah, M. Anilkumar, T.V. Baie, I. Bauman, A. … (Matthews, E). ... Ward, P.B. (2020) Assessing physical activity in people with mental illness: 23-country reliability and validity of the Simple Physical Activity Questionnaire (SIMPAQ). BMC Psychiatry. 20 (108).
Matthews, E. Cowman, M. & Denieffe, S. Exploring the experiences of physical activity among key stakeholders in rehabilitation and recovery mental health services. (2020 - UNDER REVIEW). Issues in Mental Health Nursing
Lambe B, Murphy NM, Bauman A (2017). Smarter Travel, car restriction and reticence; understanding the process in Ireland's active travel towns. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 5,2, 208-214.
Lambe B, Murphy NM, Bauman A (2017). Active travel to primary schools in Ireland: an opportunistic evaluation of a natural experiment. Journal of Physical Activity and Health. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 14, 6, 448 -454
Murphy JJ, Murphy MH, MacDonncha C, Murphy NM, Nevill AM, Woods C (2017) Validity and Reliability of Three Self-Report Instruments for Assessing Attainment of Physical Activity Guidelines in University Students. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, first published online 23 March 2017
Matthews, Cowman & Denieffe (2017). Using experience-based co-design for the development of physical activity provision in rehabilitation and recovery mental health care. The Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 24(7).
Grace B., Richardson N., Carroll P. (2016) “…if you’re not part of the institution you fall by the wayside”: Service providers perspectives on moving young men from disconnection and isolation to connection and belonging. American Journal of Men’s Health. DOI: 10.1177/1557988316634088
Lane A, Murphy N, Donohue A, Regan C (2016). Health promotion orientation of GAA sports clubs in Ireland. Sport in Society. First published online
Lefkowick M, Richardson N., Brennen L., Lambe B., Carroll P. (2016) A process evaluation of a Training of Trainers (TOT) model of health training in Ireland. Health Promotion International doi: 10.1093/heapro/daw056 Available at:
Murphy N.M., Lane A., Bauman A (2015). Leveraging mass participation events for sustainable health legacy. Leisure Studies.
Murtagh E.M, Murphy M.H., Murphy N.M., Woods C. Nevill A.M., Lane A (2015). Prevalence and correlates of physical inactivity in community-dwelling older adults in Ireland. PLoSONE10(2): e0118293.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0118293
Jackman, P., Van Hout, MC., Lane, A & Fitzpatrick, G (2015). Experiences of flow in jockeys during flat race conditions. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. DOI: 10.1080/1612197X.2014.956327
Van Hout, MC (2015). Nod and Wave: an Internet study of the codeine intoxication phenomenon. International Journal of Drug Policy. 26,1, 67-77.
Van Hout, MC., Hearne, E (2015). ‘Word of Mouse’: Indigenous harm reduction and online consumerism of the synthetic compound Methoxphenidine. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. 47,1, 30-41.
Van Hout, MC., & Hearne, E (2015). “Confessions of Contemporary English Opium-Eaters”: A netnographic study of consumer negotiation of over the counter morphine misuse. Journal of Substance Use. Early Online, 1-12.
Van Hout, MC., & Hearne, E (2015). “Vintage Meds”: A netnographic study of user decision-making, home preparation and consumptive patterns of Laudanum. Substance Use and Misuse. Early Online, 1-15.
Harrington D.M. , Belton, S., Coppinger T., Cullen M., Donnelly A., Dowd K.,Keating T., Layte R., Murphy M., Murphy N., Murtagh E., Woods C. (2014). Results From Ireland’s 2014 Report Card on Physical Activity in Children and Youth. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 11(Supp 1), S63-S68.
Lane A, Harrison M, Murphy N (2014). Screen Time Increases Risk of Overweight and Obesity in Active and Inactive 9 Year Old Irish Children: A Cross Sectional Analysis. Journal of Physical Activity and Health,11(5):985-91.
Carroll P., Kirwan L., Lambe B. (2014) Engaging ‘hard to reach’ men in community based health promotion. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 52(3): 120-130.
Van Hout, MC., & Bingham, T (2014). Service stakeholders’ perspectives on methadone maintenance treatment, Special Community Employment schemes and client recovery pathways. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 40, 49-58.
Brennan, R., & Van Hout, MC., (2014). Gamma -hydroxybutyrate (GHB): A review of pharmacology, toxicology, motives for use and user groups. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. 46, 3, 243-51.
Van Hout, MC (2014). Kitchen Chemistry: A scoping review of the diversionary use of pharmaceuticals for non-medicinal use and home production of drug solutions.Drug Testing and Analysis. 6, 7-8, 778-87
Van Hout, MC (2014). SMART: an Internet study of users experiences of synthetic tanning. Performance Enhancement and Health. 3,1,3-14.
Van Hout, MC (2014). An Internet study of user’s experiences of the synthetic cathinone, 4- Methylethcathinone (4-MEC).Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. 46, 4, 273–286.
Van Hout, MC (2014). Doctor Shopping and Pharmacy Hopping: Practice Innovations relating to Codeine. Drug and Alcohol Today. 14, 4, 219-234
Mullan, E. (2013). Exercise, weather, safety, and public attitudes: a qualitative exploration of leisure cyclists' views on cycling for transport. Sage Open, 3, DOI: 10.1177/2158244013497030
Lane A, Murphy NM. (2013) An effort to ‘leverage’ the effect of participation in a mass event on physical activity. Health Promotion International 2013; doi: 10.1093/heapro/dat077
Lane A, Harrison M, Murphy N.(2013). Screen Time Increases Risk of Overweight and Obesity in Active and Inactive 9 Year Old Irish Children: A Cross Sectional Analysis. J Phys Act Health. 2013 Jun 24. [Epub ahead of print]
Bauman AE, Murphy NM, Matsudo V. (2013). Is a Population-Level Physical Activity Legacy of the London 2012 Olympics Likely? Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2013, 10, 1-4
Kirwan L, Lambe B, Carroll P.(2013) An investigation into the partnership process of community based health promotion for men.International Journal of Health Promotion and Education 51(2): 108-120
Cummins NM, Jakemand PM, Sestak I, Murphy N, Carroll P.(2013) Determining the effects of behavioural risk factors and prevalence of osteoporosis in Irish pre and post-menopausal women.Irish Journal of Medical Science 182(10): 97-105.
Van Hout, MC., & Bingham, T (2013). Open Drug Scenes and Drug related Public Nuisance: A visual Rapid Assessment Research study. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. 12,2,154-178.
Van Hout, MC., & Foley, M (2013). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in adults attending addiction treatment in Ireland: Preliminary International ADHD in Substance Use Disorders Prevalence Study (IASP) Results. Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine. Available on CJO 2013 doi:10.1017/ipm.2013.8
Brennan, R., Van Hout, MC., & Wells, J (2013). Heuristics of Human Enhancement Risk: A little chemical help? International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. 51,4,317-341.
Petersen, Z., Myers, B., Pluddeman, A., Van Hout, MC., & Parry C (2013). Availability of HIV prevention and treatment services for people who inject drugs: findings from 21 countries. Harm Reduction Journal. 10, 13. DOI: 10.1186/1477-7517-10-13
Van Hout, MC., & Bingham, T (2013). ‘Silk Road’, The virtual drug marketplace: A single case study of user experiences. International Journal of Drug Policy. 24, 5, 385-91. Editors Choice and highlighted on
Foley, M., Thorley, K., & Van Hout, MC. (2013). Difficulties encountered in sickness certification: A GP focus group study. Journal of Occupational Medicine. 63, 5, 369-72.
Foley, M., Thorley, K., & Van Hout, MC.(2013). Assessing fitness for work: GP’s judgement making. European Journal of General Practice. ;19, 4, 230-6.
Van Hout, MC., & Bingham, T (2013). ‘Surfing the Silk Road’: A study of users’ experiences. International Journal of Drug Policy. 24, 6, 524-9. Nominated and shortlisted for the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) Scientific Paper Award for its contribution to understanding of the EU drugs problem in November 2014.
Van Hout, MC & Brennan, R (2013). An in-depth case examination of an exotic dancer's experience of melanotan. International Journal of Drug Policy. ;25, 3, 444-450.
Van Hout, MC., & Bingham, T (2013). Responsible Vendors, Intelligent Consumers: Silk Road the online revolution in drug trading. . International Journal of Drug Policy. 25(2):183-9.
Van Hout, MC., & Bingham, T (2013). A qualitative study of prescribing doctor experiences of methadone maintenance treatment. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 12,3, 227-242.
Van Hout, MC & Hearne, E (2013). Oral health behaviours amongst homeless people attending rehabilitation services in Ireland. Journal of the Irish Dental Association. 60,3, 144-1149.
Van Hout, MC., & Phelan, D (2013). A grounded theory of fitness training and sports participation in young adult male offenders. Journal of Sport and Social Issues. 38, 2, 124-147.
Van Hout, MC., McCormack, A., & Foley, M (2013). A Question of Shared Responsibility: results from a pilot study. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education. 57 ,1,7.
Culleton, L., Van Hout, MC., & Foley, M (2013). A Social Norms Approach to Drug Prevention in Schools in Ireland: Results from a Pre Development study. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 57, 2, 27-46.
Mullan, E. (2012). Swapping the Lycra for the suit: determinants of cycling for transport among leisure cyclists in Ireland. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 50(5), 229-237
Lane A, Murphy NM, Bauman A. (2012). Active for a day: predictors of relapse among previously active mass event participants. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 9, 48-52.
Mullan, E. (2012). Exercise, weather, safety and public attitudes: a qualitative exploration of leisure cyclists views on cycling for transport. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 50:5, 229-237
Van Hout, MC & Staniewicz, T (2012). Roma and Traveller Housing and Health Disparity – A public health concern. Critical Public Health. 22, 2, 193-207.
Van Hout, MC & Brennan, R (2012). Curiosity killed M-Cat: A post legislative study on mephedrone use in Ireland. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. 19, 2, 156-162.
Van Hout, MC & Bingham, T (2012). A Costly Turn On: Patterns of use and perceived consequences of mephedrone based head shop products amongst Irish injectors. International Journal of Drug Policy. May, 23,3, 188-197.
Van Hout, MC., & McElrath, K (2012). Service user involvement in drug treatment programs: Barriers to implementation and potential benefits for client recovery. Drugs Education, Prevention and Policy. Early Online, 1-10.
Foley, M., Van Hout, MC., & Tarrant, H (2012). Development of a user friendly Social Capital scale in Volunteering. International Journal of Volunteer Administration. May, XXIX, 1, 35-41.
Van Hout, MC., & Bingham, T (2012). Mothers’ experiences of their children’s detoxification in the home: results from a pilot study. Community Practitioner. July, 85, 7, 30-33.
Van Hout, MC., & Bingham, T (2012). Methadone Maintenance and Special Community Employment schemes: A study of Irish participants’ views. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 37, 63-73.
Brennan, R., & Van Hout, MC (2012). Miaow Miaow: A Review of the new psychoactive drug Mephedrone. Drugs and Alcohol Today, 12,4 ,241-253.
Van Hout, M.C., Foley, M., McCormack, A., & Tardif, E (2012). Teachers’ perspectives on their role in school based alcohol and cannabis prevention. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. 50,6,328-341.
Kirby M., Beatty S., Stack J., Harrison M., Greene I., McBrinn S., Carroll P., Nolan J. (2011) Changes in macular pigment optical density and serum concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin in response to weight loss. British Journal of Nutrition, 105(7): 1036-46
Van Hout, MC (2011). Travellers and Substance Use in Ireland-Recommendations for Drug and Alcohol Policy. Drugs Education, Prevention and Policy. February, 18, 1, 53-59.
Van Hout, MC (2011). Assimilation, Habitus and Drug use among Irish Travellers. Critical Public Health. June, 21, 2, 203-221.
Van Hout, MC (2011). Peer and Universal Drug Prevention in Ireland: Food for Thought. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education. August, 55, 2, 8-13.
McDonnell, A & Van Hout, MC (2011). Heroin Detoxification-Seeking, a Grounded Theory of Process and Practicalities. The Grounded Theory Review- An International Journal. 10, 1, 17-41.
Van Hout, MC & Brennan, R (2011). Plantfood for Thought: A Qualitative Study of Mephedrone Use in Ireland. Drugs Education Prevention and Policy. 18, 5, 371-381.
Van Hout, MC & Ryan, R (2011). Gateway Transitions in Rural Irish Youth: Implications for culturally appropriate and targeted drug prevention. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education. April, 55, 1, 7-14.
Van Hout, MC & Brennan, R (2011). Bump and Grind: An Exploratory Study of Mephedrone Users’ perceptions of sexuality and sexual risk. Drug and Alcohol Today, 11, 2, 93-104.
Van Hout, MC & Brennan, R (2011). Heads Held High: An exploratory study of Legal Highs in pre legislation Ireland. Journal of Ethnicity of Substance Abuse. 10, 3, 256-272.
McElrath, K & Van Hout, MC (2011). A Preference for Mephedrone: Drug Markets, Drugs of Choice and the emerging ‘legal high’ scene. Journal of Drug Issues. Fall, 41, 4, 487-507.
Van Hout, MC, Tarrant, H., & Foley, M (2011). Mé féin nó an Pobal: Social Processes and Connectivity in Irish Volunteering. Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies. 11, 1,39-55.
Cummins NM, Day JCC, Wren A, Carroll P, Murphy N, Jakeman P, Towler M (2010) Raman spectroscopy of Fingernails: A novel toll for evaluation of bone quality? Spectroscopy 24; 517-524.
Lane A, Murphy NM, Bauman A, Chey T (2010). Randomised controlled trial to increase physical activity among insufficiently active women following their participation in a mass event. Health Education Journal, 69(3), 287-296.
Van Hout, MC (2010). Travellers and Substance Use- Implications for Service Provision. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. 48, 2, 36-41.
Van Hout, MC (2010). Asperger Syndrome and Alcohol: Drinking to cope? (2008) Mathew Tinsley and Sarah Hendrickx. Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London in Critical Public Health. Volume 20, Issue 2, pp259-261.
Van Hout, MC (2010). Traveller Health and Primary Health Care- A Stakeholders Perspective. Community Practitioner. 85, 5, 25:28.
Van Hout, MC (2010). The Roma Community in Ireland. The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. 10, 1, 129-140.
Van Hout, MC (2010). The Irish Traveller Community, Social Capital and Drug Use- An Exploratory Study. Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. July, 9, 3, 186-205.
Van Hout, MC (2010). Traveller drug use and the school setting: Friend or Foe? Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education. August, 54, 2, 7-16.
Van Hout, MC (2010). Differentiated Normalisation and Drug Transitions among Rural Youth in Ireland. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. 18, 2, 142-131.
Van Hout, MC (2010). Fifteen Year Olds’ Alcohol, Cigarette and Drug use in Ireland: Results from a Pilot Study. Youth Studies Ireland. Autumn/Winter, 5, 2, 55-65.
McDonnell, A & Van Hout, MC (2010). Maze and Minefield – A Grounded Theory of Opiate Self Detoxification in Rural Ireland. Drug and Alcohol Today. June, 10, 2, 24-31.
Van Hout, M.C (2009). Perception of social context and activity following participation in a physical fitness intervention during residential adolescent addiction treatment. American Journal of Recreation Therapy. Fall, Volume 7, Number 4, 27-45.
Bauman A, Murphy N, Lane A (2009). The role of community programmes and mass events in promoting physical activity to patients. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 43, 44-46
Van Hout, M.C (2009). Drug and alcohol use among rural Irish adolescents- a Brief Exploratory Study.. Drug and Alcohol Today, Volume 9, Issue 1. 20-26.
Van Hout, M.C (2009). An exploratory study of substance use among Irish Youth- A Service Providers perspective? . Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse. Volume 8, Issue 1, 99-111.
Van Hout, M C (2009). An Illustrative Picture of Irish Youth Substance Use. Letter to the Editor. Journal of Drug and Alcohol Education. Volume 53, No 1 , April, 7-14.
Van Hout, M C (2009). Irish Travellers and Drug Use- An Exploratory Study. Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care. Volume 2, Issue 1, 42-49.
Van Hout, M C (2009). Travellers and Substance Use- Implications for Service Provision. International Journal of Health Promotion and Education. In press.
Van Hout, MC (2009). Alcohol Use and the Traveller Community in the west of Ireland. Drug and Alcohol Review. In press.
Van Hout, MC (2009). Irish parent’s perceptions of Rural Youth Alcohol and Drug Use, Journal of Rural and Remote Health. In press.
Richardson N & Carroll P.Getting Men’s Health onto a Policy Agenda – Charting the Development of a National Men’s Health Policy in Ireland.Journal of Men’s Health, 6(2): 105-13. 2009.
Bauman A, Murphy N, & Lane A. (2008) ‘The role of community programs and mass events in promoting physical activity to patients’, British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2009; 43;44-46.
Lambe, B., Connolly, C. & McEvoy, R. (2008) ‘The determinants of lifestyle counselling among practice nurses in Ireland’, International Journal of Health Promotion and Education, 2008 46 (3) 94-99.
Van Hout, MC, & Connor, S (2008). The Normalisation of Substance Abuse among Young Travellers in Ireland- Implications for Practice. Journal of Ethnicity of Substance Abuse, 7, 1, 5-23.
Van Hout, M.C, & Connor S (2008). Solvent Use among Young Irish Adolescents- A Growing Concern for Youth Workers, Teachers and Parents? Drug and Alcohol Today, March, 8, 1, 27-37.
Van Hout, MC, & Connor, S (2008). Drug Use and the Irish School Context: A Teachers Perspective? Journal of Drug and Alcohol Education. April, 52, 1, 80-92.2.
Murphy N.M. & Bauman A. (2008) ‘Mass sporting and physical activity events: are they bread and circuses or public health interventions to increase population levels of physical activity?’, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2007, 4, 193-202.
Salmon J, Booth M.L., Phongsavan, P. Murphy, N. & Timperio, A. (2007) ‘Promoting physical activity participation among children and adolescents: a narrative review’, Epidemiologic Reviews, June 2007; 1-15.
Van Hout, MC (2007). A Community Perspective of Cocaine Use in Ireland.- A Brief Exploratory Study. Contemporary Drug Problems. Spring, 34, 1, 103-111.
Van Hout, MC, & Connor, S (2007). Attitude to physical activity of adolescent substance users.. American Therapeutic Recreation Journal, Fall, 6, 4, 40-49.
Harrison M, Murphy N, Burns C, Heslin J, McGuinness M. Influence of a health education intervention on physical activity and screen inactivity in Irish primary school children: Switch Off-Get Active. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2006, 9, 5, 388-394.
Murphy NM, Ni Dhuinn M, Brown P, O’Rathaile, M. Physical activity for bone health in inactive teenage girls-is a supervised, teacher-led program or self-led program best? Journal of Adolescent Health, 2006, 39, 4, 508-514.
Stratton, G. & Mullan, E. (2005). The effect of multi-colour playground markings on children’s physical activity level during recess. Preventive Medicine, 41, 828-833.
Murphy NM, Carroll P The effect of physical activity and its interaction with nutrition on bone health. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 2003, 62, 1-10.
Mullan, E. (2003). Young people’s perceptions of local traffic and car parking and its relationship to their opinion of the safety, sociability and quality of their local area. Health and Place, 9, 351-360
Mullan, E. & Nic Gabhainn, S. (2003). Self esteem and health-risk behaviours: is there a link? Irish data from the cross-national Health Behaviour in School Children study. Irish Journal of Psychology, 23, 27-36
NicGabhainn S. & Mullan, E (2003) Self Esteem norms for Irish young people. Psychological Reports, 92, 829-830
Published Reports/Books/Book chapters/Non-refereed publications/Reports:
Carroll P, Richardson N, Harrison M, Robertson S, Keohane A, Kelly L, Donohue A. Men on the Move: a community based physical activity programme for adult men in Ireland. Evaluation Report. HSE 2019
Lambe B, Kuczynska A & Murphy N. Gamification of physical activity; an evaluation of Beat the Street Waterford. Centre for Health Behaviour Research, WIT April 2018
McGrath A, Murphy NM, Richardson N. Men's Health and Wellbeing Programme at Place4U. Evaluation Report. CHBR, WIT, 2019DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32973.18409
Lane, A., Murphy, N., and Callaghan, D. (2018). The Health Impact of the GAA Healthy Club Project. Centre for Health Behaviour Research, WIT, Waterford, Ireland.
Murphy, MH., Murphy, N., MacDonncha, C., Woods, C., Byrne, N., Ferguson, K., and Nevill, AM (2016) Student Activity and Sports Study Ireland (SASSI). Commissioned and published by Student Sport Ireland.
Lane, A., Donohoe, A., and Murphy, N (2015). An Evaluation of the GAA Healthy Club Project. Centre for Health Behaviour Research, WIT, Waterford, Ireland.
Murtagh EM, Murphy MH, Murphy N, Lane A (2014).Stay Active-the physical activity, ageing and health study. Final Report. Mary Immaculate College and CARDI.
Grace, B., Carroll, P., Richardson, N. (2016). ‘Connecting with Young Men’, Engage Unit 6, National Men’s Health Training Programme: An Evaluation. Men's Health Forum in Ireland. Available at:
Grace B., Richardson N., Carroll P. (2014). Engaging Young Men Project. A report on the Mapping Exercise conducted in Ireland during 2014 Available at:
Van Hout, MC (2012). Social Capital and the Irish Drug Scene. Saarbrucken, Germany: LAP Lambert Publishing. ISBN 978-3-8473-0188-2.
Van Hout, MC., & Hearne, E (2015). Perspectives of former ecstasy users: A qualitative study of recollections and feelings about past use. Stogner, J., Miller, B., Khey, D (Eds). Novel and Synthetic Drugs: Emerging Issues, Legal Policy, and Public Health. CRC Press.
Chambers FC, Murphy N, Murphy O, Nolan YM (2014). William. In K. Armour (Ed). Pedagogical Cases in Physical Education and Youth Sport. London: Routledge.
Murtagh EM, Murphy MH, Murphy N, Lane A (2014).Stay Active-the physical activity, ageing and health study. Final Report. Mary Immaculate College and CARDI.
McElrath, K., & Van Hout, MC (2014). A Preference for Mephedrone: Drug Markets, Drugs of Choice, and the Emerging Legal High Scene. Inciardi, J., & McElrath, K (Eds). The American Drug Scene: Readings in a Global Context. Oxford University Press.
Conference Presentations
Lambe B, Murphy N, Bauman A. The impact of Ireland’s Smarter Travel Area programme on active travel and health enhancing physical activity’ Velo-City Conference, June 2019
Lambe B. ‘Back to the future; re-engineering activity and movement back into our lives’ Safefood Obesity Conference; Dublin, November 2018
NM Murphy, MH Murphy, A Carlin, C Woods, A Nevill, C MacDonncha, K Ferguson, J Murphy. Active Students Are Healthier and Happier Than Their Inactive Peers. HEPA Europe conference Odense August 2019
Lambe B, Murphy N, Bauman A. The legacy of Ireland’s Smarter Travel Area programme for school-children in a rural town. HEPA Europe conference Odense August 2019
Murphy JJ, Mansergh F, Murphy M, Murphy NM et al. How can we successfully implement effective interventions in Ireland through cross-sectoral collaboration? HEPA Europe conference, Odense, Denmark, August 2019.
NM Murphy, Murphy MH, Carlin A, Woods C, Nevill A, MacDonncha C, Ferguson K, Murphy J. Active Students Are Healthier and Happier Than Their Inactive Peers. National Health Promotion conference, NUIG, Galway June 2019
Murphy, JJ.MacDonncha, C.1Murphy, MH, Murphy, N.Woods, CB, How does the university environment influence students’ physical activity patterns? International Society for Physical Activity and Health conference, London, 2018.
Muldoon A, Cross KS, Hickey A, Harrison M. Community based exercise rehabilitation is feasible for peripheral arterial disease. University Hospital Waterford Research Meeting January 2020.
Sheehan, P., Denieffe, S., Murphy, N. M., & Harrison, M. Exploring the experiences of cancer survivors with documented cancer related fatigue in an exercise trial.Exercise Oncology Twitter Conference 2019
Sheehan, P., Denieffe, S., Murphy, N. M., & Harrison, M.Translational formative evaluation of an exercise intervention for cancer survivors delivered in a higher education fitness centre setting.Exercise Oncology Twitter Conference 2019
Sheehan, P. Cancer related fatigue and sleep disorders. Irish Cancer Society Living Well with and Beyond Cancer Conference 2019. Limerick
Sheehan, P., Denieffe, S., Murphy, N. M., & Harrison, M. Exercise Is More Effective Than Health Education In Reducing Fatigue In Fatigued Cancer Survivors.The first ever Exercise Oncology Twitter Conference 2018
Sheehan,P. Strategies to help deal/cope with cancer related fatigue. Irish Cancer Society National Conference for Cancer Survivorship 2018. Galway
Sheehan, P., Denieffe, S., Murphy, N. M., & Harrison, M. Exercise Is More Effective Than Health Education In Reducing Fatigue In Fatigued Cancer Survivors. ACSM 65th Annual Meeting 2018 (Minneapolis)
Merrideth P., Carroll P. “You wouldn’t wear a skirt to school”. An exploration of male mid-adolescents’ interpretation and management of their wellbeing. Annual Health Promotion Conference, Building a Healthy Ireland: Promoting Health and Well Being in Education Settings, NUI Galway, June 2019.
Matthew McDonald, Stephan U Dombrowksi, Marjon Van Der Pol, Mark Grindle, Alison Avenell, Paula Carroll, Eileen Calveley, Andrew Elders, Cindy M Gray,
Fiona M Harris, Nicola Glennie, Adrian Hapca, Claire Jones, Frank Kee, Michelle Mckinley, Rebecca Skinner, Martin Tod, Pat Hoddinott. Game of Stones: a feasibility trial of a narrative Short Message System (SMS) and financial endowment incentive intervention to support weight loss in men with obesity. 26th European Congress on Obesity. Glasgow, May 2019.
Matthew McDonald, Stephan Dombrowski, Marjon van der Pol, Mark Grindle, Alison Avenell, Paula Carroll, Eileen Calveley, Andrew Elders, Cindy M Gray, Fiona M Harris, Nicola Glennie, Adrian Hapca, Claire Jones, Frank Kee, Michelle McKinley, Rebecca Skinner, Martin Tod and Pat Hoddinott. Game of Stones: a feasibility trial of a narrative Short Message System (SMS) and financial incentive intervention to support weight loss in men with obesity. Healthy People, Health Planet. International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting. Prague, June 2019.
Matthew McDonald, Stephan Dombrowski, Marjon van der Pol, Fiona M Harris, Eileen Caveley, Nicola Glennie, Cindy Gray, Rebecca Skinner, Frank Kee, Pat Hoddinott on behalf of the Game of Stones team. Game of Stones: developing and testing an endowment financial incentive intervention to support men with obesity to lose weight. International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting. Prague, June 2019.
Carroll P. The partnership approach to Men on the Move. 7th International Society for Physical Activity and Health. Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London, October, 2018.
Carroll P. Men on the Move: The story of a community based physical activity programme for men. International Men’s Day. Men’s Health Symposium, The Power of Building Resilience in Men’s Lives. NUI Galway, November 2019.
Carroll P. Implementing a physical activity initiative in Ireland – experiences from Men on the Move. 1st Irish Physical Activity Research Collaboration (I-PARC) Symposium. , Dublin, June 2019.
Carroll P. & Barry M. (2019) Cultivating resilience among staff in the educational setting: a personal development approach. Annual Health Promotion Conference, Building a Healthy Ireland: Promoting Health and Well Being in Education Settings, NUI Galway, June 2019. Available at:
King, L., Losty, C., Warrington, G., McGoldrick, A., and Cullen, SJ. (2019). Mental Health and Lifestyle Factors of Irish Jockeys. International Conference for the Health, Safety, and Welfare of Jockeys, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Dunne, A., Warrington, G., McGoldrick, A., Pugh, J., Harrison, M., O’Connor, S., O’Loughlin, G., & Cullen, SJ. (May, 2019). Estimating Percentage Body Fat of Professional Jockeys Using Skinfold Prediction Equations: A DXA Validation Study. All Ireland Postgraduate Conference, Athlone Ireland.
Dunne, A., Warrington, G., McGoldrick, A., Pugh, J., Harrison, M., O’Connor, S., O’Loughlin, G., & Cullen, SJ. (October, 2019). Bone Health Status of Professional Irish Jockeys. Irish Endocrine Society Annual General Meeting, Galway, Ireland
Dunne, A., Warrington, G., McGoldrick, A., Pugh, J., Harrison, M., O’Connor, S., O’Loughlin, G., & Cullen, SJ. (November, 2019). Bone Health and Body Composition in Irish Jockeys: A Comprehensive Update. International Conference Health, Safety & Welfare of Jockeys, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Dunne, A., Warrington, G., McGoldrick, A., Pugh, J., Harrison, M., O’Connor, S., O’Loughlin, G., & Cullen, SJ. (December, 2019). Assessing body fat percentage in professional jockeys using DXA and skinfold prediction equations. International Sport and Exercise Nutrition Conference, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
Kiely, M., Warrington, G., Mcgoldrick, A and Cullen, S. (May 2019). The physiological demands of short and long race distances in national hunt racing. All Ireland Postgraduate Conference, Athlone, Ireland.
Kiely, M., Warrington, G., Mcgoldrick, A and Cullen, S. (July 2019). The physiological demands of national hunt racing on professional jockeys. European Conference of Sports Science, Prague, Czech Republic.
Kiely, M., Warrington, G., Mcgoldrick, A., Pugh, J and Cullen, S. (November 2019). The physiological demands of racing on professional jockeys. International conference for Health Safety and welfare of jockeys, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Cullen, SJ., Warrington, G., Whelan, G., McGoldrick, A., O’Connor, S. 2018. Concussion reporting behaviours and attitudes in Irish Amateur and Professional Jockeys. European Conference of Sports Science, Dublin, Ireland.
King, L., Losty, C., Warrington, G., McGoldrick, A., Cullen, SJ. 2018. Prevalence of depressive symptoms in retired jockeys. European Conference of Sports Science, Dublin, Ireland.
Flynn, M.J., Bolger, R., Smith, P., Hanlon, M. (2019) The effects of combined maximal and reactive strength training on performance indicators in endurance runners. In: Proceedings of the 2019 European College of Sport Science Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
Barry, M., (2019) An evaluation of the Social Prescribing Service in Waterford Metropolitan Area in the South East of Ireland. 2nd International Social Prescribing Network Conference at University of Westminster: 'From system to local'. London, United Kingdom. July 2019 [Oral]
Barry, M, (2019). Panelist (evaluation) on the Panel of Experience. 2nd National Social Prescribing Conference: Advancing Social Prescribing in Ireland, North and South. Waterford Social Prescribing Service and Social Prescribing Network, Ireland. Waterford, Ireland, November 2019
Schuch, F.B. Deenik, J., Fibbins, H., Matthews, E., Ward, P.B. (2019).Implementing interventions to improve physical health in people with severe mental illness (Symposium). 19th World Congress in Psychiatry (World Psychiatric Association). Lisbon, Portugal. August 2019 (Symposium- Oral).
Matthews, E. (2019). Bringing Co-design to physical activity programmes for people with severe mental illness. 2nd Annual Exercise Professionals in Mental Health Conference. London, UK. October 2019. (Oral)
Matthews, E. (2018). Physical activity, Exercise and sedentary behaviour of people with severe mental illness in Ireland. A vision for change on physical activity event. Waterford. Ireland. June 2018. (Oral)
Matthews, E. Cowman, M. Brannigan, M. Sloan, D. Ward, P.B. Denieffe, S. (2018).The physical activity levels and the examination of barriers to physical activity between active and inactive people with severe mental illness in Ireland.University Hospital Waterford Research Meeting, Waterford. Ireland. June 2018. (Best oral presentation awarded)
Carroll P., Kirwan L., Lambe B. Engaging ‘Hard to Reach’ Men in Community Based Health Promotion. 2015 International Conference on Masculinities, American Men’s Studies Association, New York, March 2015.
Grace B., Richardson N., Carroll P. Engaging Young Men Project: The design and evaluation of a training programme targeted at frontline service providers to engage more effectively with young men.2015 International Conference on Masculinities, American Men’s Studies Association, New York, March 2015.
Richardson N., Brennan L., Lambe B., Carroll P. ‘Engage’: Ireland’s National Men’s Health Training Programme – an interactive workshop. 2015 International Conference on Masculinities, American Men’s Studies Association, New York, March 2015
Murphy NM. Big sporting events and legacy. Glasgow Commonwealth Games discussion series. Glasgow University, June 11th 2014.
Murphy NM. All-island postgraduate forum keynote, Postgraduate pathways to practice and policy. Reflections on the role of research in sport, health and physical activity. University of Limerick.January 2014.
Murphy NM, Braubach M, Schweizer C. Guidance on HEPA promotion in socially disadvantaged groups-outcomes from the WHO PHAN project. Oral presentation. HEPA Europe conference, Helsinki, 22-24 October 2013.
Murphy NM, Braubach M, Schweizer C. Promoting physical activity in socially disadvantaged groups-outcomes from the WHO PHAN project. International MOVE Congress, ISCA, Barcelona 16-19 October 2013.
Murphy NM. Reaching physical activity recommendations in the school environment. Keynote presentation. Irish Association for the Study of Obesity conference ‘Obesity through the lifecycle’. 6th September 2012, Pearse Library, Dublin.
Carroll P. Advocating for Men’s Health; A Community Development Perspective. Panel Presentation at the 7th World Congress on Men’s Health, Nice, October2010.
Carroll P. The Carlow Men’s Health Project. Health Promotion Summer School – “Multidisciplinary Approaches to Men’s Health”, NUI Galway, June 2010.
Carroll P. Engaging Vulnerable Men in Ireland. Panel Presentation at the 6th World Congress on Men’s Health, Vienna, October 2009.
Richardson N., Carroll P. Getting men’s health onto a policy agenda – challenges and opportunities. Keynote presentation at the 6th National Australian Men’s Health Conference, Melbourne, October 2005
Fitzpatrick, G. and Lane, A. (2012). ‘Team Cohesion. Success with Teenage Attitudes’. GAA National Coaching Conference. Croke Park, 14 January. Dublin: GAA.
Lane, A (2014). ‘The More Games the Better’; Player Welfare, A Camogie Players Perspective. GAA National Coaching Conference. Dublin: Ireland.
Carroll, P., Barry Murphy, B., Brennan, L., Barry, M., Trainers Programme in Experiential Based Facilitation Training for Social Personal and Health Education (SPHE), SPHE Network Conference, Dublin. Oct 2014
Doheny M., Osborne A., Richardson N., Lambe B., Brennan L., Carroll P.Engage – Ireland’s National Men’s Health Training Programme.18th Annual Health Promotion Conference.Applying the Principles of Health Promotion to Population Health Improvement.NUI Galway, June 2014.
Canavan L., Carroll P.‘Men on the Move’ activity programme:an evaluation.18th Annual Health Promotion Conference.Applying the Principles of Health Promotion to Population Health Improvement.NUI Galway, June 2014.
Carroll P., Kirwan L., Brennan L., Lambe B. Community Based Health Promotion: A Guide for Practitioners. 18th Annual Health Promotion Conference. Applying the Principles of Health Promotion to Population Health Improvement. NUI Galway, June 2014.
Mullan, E. (2014). Promoting sustainable active transport using multi-level iinterventions. Institute of Public Health Conference, Belfast, October 2014.
Mullan, E. (2014). Drivers, teenagers, danger and tolerance: views from Ireland. Cycling & Society Conference, NewCastle, UK, September, 2014.
Jones, P. & Mullan, E. (2014) The impact of cycling skills training on cycling for transport & leisure in children. All-Ireland Postgraduate Conference in Sport Sciences and Physical Education, January, 2014.
Murphy NM, Braubach M, Schweizer C. Guidance on HEPA promotion in socially disadvantaged groups-outcomes from the WHO PHAN project. HEPA Europe conference, Helsinki, 22-24 October 2013.
Murphy NM, Braubach M, Schweizer C. Promoting physical activity in socially disadvantaged groups-outcomes from the WHO PHAN project. International MOVE Congress, ISCA, Barcelona 16-19 October 2013.
Lane A, Murphy NM. Evaluation Framework for Ireland’s GAA Healthy Club Initiative. HEPA Europe conference, Helsinki, 22-24 October 2013.
Murphy MH, Woods C, Murphy N, Lane A and Murtagh E. Self-report physical activity and correlates of physical activity in older adults in Ireland. HEPA Europe conference, Helsinki, 22-24 October 2013.
Lane, A., Harrison, M. and Murphy, N. (2012). ‘Correlates and Implications of High Screen Time among High and Low Active Irish Nine-Year Olds. International Conference of Physical Activity and Public Health. Sydney Convention Centre, 31 October. Sydney: Be Active 2012.
Carroll P., Kirwin L., Lambe B. Engaging vulnerable men in community based health promotion. Health Promotion Summer School, ‘Embracing New Agendas for Health Promotion Action: Developing workforce competencies for effective practice’. NUI Galway, June 2012
Murphy NM. The Olympic effect on spontaneous physical activity. Keynote presentation. ‘Obesity. Where do we stand and where do we go from here?’. Nutrition and Health Foundation conference 19 September 2012. Gibson Hotel, Dublin
Brennan L., Kirwin L., Lambe B., Carroll P. An investigation into the partnership process of community based Health Promotion for men. Health Promotion Summer School, ‘Embracing New Agendas for Health Promotion Action: Developing workforce competencies for effective practice’. NUI Galway, June 2012
Murphy NM. ‘Sports and physical activity participation-whose job is it?’ Irish Sport Pedagogy Forum, Mardyke Pavilion, 23rd May 2012
Cowman, M & McCarthy, A (2012) An investigation of organizational context factors affecting training transfer over time. Proceedings in the 2012 AHRD International Research Conference in the Americas. Denver, Colorado
Cowman, M. & McCarthy, A. (2012) An investigation of organizational context factors affecting training transfer over time. Proceedings of the 13th UFHRD International Conference; An Investigation of Organizational Context Factors Affecting Training Transfer Over Time. The Lusiada University of Vila Nova de Famalicao, Portugal.
Carroll P., Kirwin L., Lambe B. Engaging vulnerable men in community based health promotion. Health Promotion Summer School, ‘Embracing New Agendas for Health Promotion Action: Developing workforce competencies for effective practice’. NUI Galway, June 2012
Brennan L.and Carroll P., An investigation into the partnership process of community based Health Promotion for men. Health Promotion Summer School, ‘Embracing New Agendas for Health Promotion Action: Developing workforce competencies for effective practice’. NUI Galway, June 2012
Murphy NM. Impact of social disadvantage on physical activity levels in Europe-a review of the evidence and recommendations for action. HEPA Europe conference, September 2011. Amsterdam: Netherlands.
Lane, A, Murphy, N, Bauman A . Sedentary behaviour of Irish females participating in a mass event. . HEPA Europe conference, September 2011. Amsterdam: Netherlands
Kirwin L., Carroll P., Lambe B. (2010) Community based health screening targeting vulnerable men.Health Promotion Summer School – “Multidisciplinary Approaches to Men’s Health”, NUI Galway, June 2010.
Lane, A, Murphy, N, Bauman, A (2010). ‘Making the Best of What you Have’; Using Existing Resources in the Community to Promote Physical Activity. HEPA Europe Conference. Olomouc: Czech Republic.
Van Hout, M C (2009). Irish Travellers and Alcohol. Oral Presentation and Discousant. Kettil Bruun Society for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol. Epidemiology section of the International Council on Alcohol and Addictions (ICAA). Copenhagen, Denmark. June 1-5 2009.
Van Hout, M C (2009). Travellers and Drug Use in Ireland. National Institute on Drug Abuse International Conference (NIDA). Nevada, USA. Poster Presentation. Published as Abstract Proceedings. June 2009. Recipient Early Career Research grant.
Van Hout, M C (2009). Irish Travellers and Substance Use- A Service Providers Dilemma. College on Drugs and Drug Dependence International Conference (CPDD). Nevada, USA. Poster Presentation. Published as Abstract Proceedings. June 2009.
Lodge, J & Mullan, E. (2009). Active Transportation to School: "You'd look like a right idiot showing up on a bike". NUI Galway, Health Promotion Conference: Closing the Gap in Child and Adolescent Health: the Settings Approach , June, 2009.
Lane, A, Murphy, N, Bauman, A (2009). Active for a Day: Predictors of Relapse among Previously Active Mass Event Participants. International Conference of Physical Activity and Public Health. Toronto: Canada.
Muldoon, A., Mullan, E. (2008). Workplace Physical Activity Promotion - A critical evaluation. 2nd International Congress of Physical Activity and Public Health, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April, 2008.
Cummins NM, Towler MR, Wren A, Rushe N, Saunders J, Jakeman PM, Carroll P. and Murphy, N. (2007) Raman Spectroscopy of Keratin: A Comparison with other Methods of Evaluating Bone Health. Conference proceedings, Oral Presentation, European Society of Biomaterials, Brighton, UK, Sept.
Cummins NM, Carroll P and Jakeman PM. The validity of using an uncoupling index as a tool in the assessment of bone health. Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland (RAMI) Biomedical Sciences Meeting, Limerick, Ireland, June 2006.
Carroll P., Jakeman P.M., Barrett E, Murphy N., Donnelly R., Loughnane M., Murphy M. Biological Day-to-Day Variability and Critical Differences in the Serial Measurement of Two Biochemical Markers of Bone Turnover in the Sera of Healthy Young Adult Males. 28th Annual Scientific Conference of the Association of Clinical Biochemists in Ireland, Limerick, October 2005
Carroll P., Hunter A., Barry D., Barrett E., Loughnane M., Donnelly R., Murphy N., Jakeman P.M. The components of variance and the critical difference in specific markers of bone turnover in healthy adult males and postmenopausal women. 28th Annual Scientific Conference of the Association of Clinical Biochemists in Ireland, Limerick, October 2005
Carroll P., Murphy N., Donnelly R., Barry D., Barrett E., Jakeman P.M. Loughnane M. Acute effects of anaerobic exercise on bone turnover in healthy postmenopausal women. 28th Annual Scientific Conference of the Association of Clinical Biochemists in Ireland, Limerick, October 2005
Murphy NM, Ni Lionain G. Exercise provision for older adults in care settings. Health Promotion Department, South Eastern Health Board, 2003.
Loughnane M., Murphy N., Donnelly R., Barrett E., Barry D., Jakeman P.M., Carroll P. Acute effects of anaerobic and aerobic exercise on bone turnover in healthy postmenopausal women. 9th Meeting of the National Osteoporosis Society, Bath, June 2003
The Centre has graduated students at PhD and Masters level.
Current research students (PhD)
Aisling McGrath: Shedding light on men’s health: Evaluating the scalability of a community-based men’s health promotion programme “Sheds for Life” through the application of implementation science
Caitriona Corr: An ecological approach to informing the culture of cycling in Irish towns
Dylan Power: Getting Ireland Walking – an implementation science evaluation of a cross sectoral innovation
Recently graduated research students
Evan Matthews (PhD): Physical activity provision for rehabilitation and recovery mental health services in Ireland.
Patricia Sheehan (PhD): MedEx@WIT. Translational formative evaluation of exercise intervention for cancer survivors delivered in a higher education fitness centre setting
David Callaghan (Masters). An evaluation of Phase 2 of the GAA Healthy Club project
Michael Kavanagh (Masters): The impact of a behavioural change programme on modal shift to sustainable travel in Waterford City
Aneta Kuczynska (Masters): Measuring the impact of a Smarter Travel programme targeting school-children in Waterford City
Previous students:
Margie Kadango: Physical activity in ethnic minority groups in Ireland
Rebecca Power: Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in PAD patients
Karen Mullins: Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI): Prevalence and Performance Outcomes following Arthroscopic Surgery
Niamh Spratt: O Shea-Validation and Measurement of Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour and
Active Travel in Second Level Students using Self report and Accelerometry
Peter Jones: Cycle skills training in improving cycling confidence and increasing numbers cycling to school
Paul Smith: Effectiveness of Functional Movement Screening in Predicting Injury Rates in Soccer Players
Seamus Nugent: Enabling sustainable physical activity change in older adults
Lisa Harold [MA]: Facilitation Skills for Health Living - Youth Workers Programme
Billy Grace [MA]: Engaging Young Men Project [registered at IT Carlow, Centre for Men's Heatlh Research and co-supervised at WIT]
Rebekah Brennan: IDUHED: An Ethno Pharmacological Study of the injecting use of Human Enhancement Drugs
The Development of Quality Assured, Multi-level, Accredited Training and CPD Packages for Physical Activity Professionals to Work with Individuals with Chronic Conditions
Dr. Bróna Kehoe, Dr. Clare Lodge, Prof. Michael Harrison
South East Technological University
Researchers at SETU have recently been commissioned to undertake a project on behalf of the PACC initiative. The PACC (Physical Activity for Chronic Conditions) initiative is a multi-stakeholder collaboration initiated in 2021 with representation from Local Sports Partnerships, the HSE through its Healthy Eating and Active Living programme and third level institutions. The initiative is funded by the Dormant Accounts Innovation Fund via Sport Ireland. The PACC initiative evolved from a recognition of the benefits of physical activity for people with chronic conditions and the notable obstacles to regular and appropriate physical activity opportunities for people with chronic conditions in Ireland.
One in two Irish people over the age of 50 are living with at least one chronic condition and the prevalence is expected to continue to rise by 40% in next decade 1. It threatens to overwhelm the healthcare system and necessitates the expansion of evidence-based therapies delivered in alternative settings 2. Physical activity has proven benefits in the treatment and management of a wide range of chronic conditions 3. It is often said that if there a pill that conferred all the proven health benefits of physical activity, it would be the most widely prescribed drug in the world! Yet it is an underutilised adjunct therapy.
PACC aims to address systemic barriers to the participation of people living with chronic conditions in physical activity through the creation of a replicable, multisectoral, evidence-informed, collaborative initiatives that generate learning and build on evidenced practice. The majority of individuals with chronic conditions can exercise safely in community settings 4. Appropriate training and certification of fitness and physical activity professionals has the potential to increase confidence of both referring healthcare professionals and participants in physical activity programmes for chronic conditions. It is also likely to improve the experience of participants and evidence indicates there is greater compliance to exercise regimens with supervision from suitably qualified professionals 5.
One of the aims of PACC is to further the development of a workforce of exercise and physical activity professionals to work with people living with chronic conditions via the development of education, qualifications and continuous professional development packages, with multi-level opportunities. Related to this, PACC will consider how best to establish and sustain a national framework for the management and quality assurance of such education and training. The development process will involve a 5-phase approach: 1. Establishing the Project, 2. Engaging Stakeholders, 3. Drafting the Framework, 4. Stakeholder Symposium, 5. Finalising the Framework.
Stakeholder engagement is at the core of the development process. The team will seek to consult with relevant stakeholders from the health sector, clinical exercise service providers, Local Sports Partnerships and wider sports/fitness sector, patient advocacy and representative groups and education providers. Stakeholders are encouraged to engage with the consultation process to ensure that the national framework developed is representative of their diverse perspectives, needs and interests. Keep an eye out for the PACC and SETU team coming your way!
The research team at SETU will undertake the work in behalf of PACC, supported by an advisory panel from diverse areas of expertise. This project is commissioned by Carlow Sports Partnership on behalf of PACC and is co-funded by the HSE. The project will progress with oversight from a Steering Committee on behalf of PACC, chaired by Sarah O’Brien (Health Eating and Active Living, HSE). The project will be undertaken over the course of 12 months commencing in September 2023.
1. Department of the Taoiseach. National Risk Assessment - Overview of Strategic Risks 2018. (2018).
2. Directorate General for Health and Food Saftey. Healthier Together. EU Non-communicable disease (NCDs) initiative: Guidance document. (2022).
3. Pedersen, B. K. & Saltin, B. Exercise as medicine - evidence for prescribing exercise as therapy in 26 different chronic diseases. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports 25, 1–72 (2015).
4. Woods, C. et al. The National Exercise Referral Framework. (2016).
5. Stubbs, B. et al. Dropout from exercise randomized controlled trials among people with depression: A meta-analysis and meta regression. J. Affect. Disord. 190, 457–466 (2016).